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New Introductions

1) Tell your interests
graphic designing, computer building
2) What do you do.
nothing more then be awesome
3) How did you find us
questions regarding army entry tests, still unanswered.
4) What interests you here?
Pakistan's military
5) What is your profession?
nothing atm
6) Future plans?
join the forces
1) Tell your interests
Geo-Politics, Economic Terrorism, Pakistan Defence
2) What do you do?
Student and Government Employee
3) How did you find us
On social media
4) What interests you here?
Defending Pak and getting knowledge about Pak Defence system
5) What is your profession?
Software Engineer
6) Future plans?
To serve my abilities in the defence of Pakistan
1) Tell your interests
2) What do you do.
3) How did you find us
4) What interests you here?
5) What is your profession?
6) Future plans?[/QUOTE]
defence blogging.
awara hoon
google zindabad
Time pass..
engineer by profession
It's been quiet a while since I wrote an introductory reply! *fingers crossed*

* Interest:

The ever growing field of technology and its cons.

* What do I do:
Certified Web and Android Designer/Developer

* How did I find this website:
I have always been visiting this, just made my mind to hop in now.

* What Interests me here:
I look forward to gain more knowledge about our defence strategies, tactics and everything I can grab to serve the country as I eagerly look forward to join the Armed forces.

* My Profession:
A student, currently enrolled in 7th semester doing Bachelors in Computer Sciences.

* Future Plans:
To serve my country in a much more productive way, Inn sha Allah.

-Best Regards.
* Interest:
Medical Science and new research, Military and Politics

* What do I do:
Medical Doctor (General Physician) M.D

* How did I find this website:
Searching Military Pictures on google.

* What Interests me here:
Politics and Military subjects.

* My Profession:
I already stated above (Medical Doctor)

* Future Plans:
Wants to build free hospital with state of the art facilities at my home town in Punjab Pakistan.
I am Jahanzaib Irshad.I am student of bachelor of Commerce.

1) Tell your interests
Info Tech, Politics, Military

2) What do you do.
Policies maker

3) How did you find us
Friend :)

4) What interests you here?
Matters related to Pakistan, Armed forces of Pakistan, Politics, Intelligence Operation,

5) What is your profession?
Bank & Finance,

6) Future plans?
Will join IB sooon Inshaa Allah
Military , Sports and Political Affairs

What do I do:

Educated Masters , Unemployed

How did I find this website:
Always Knew About this website never joined dou

What Interests me here:
Military and Politics subjects.

My Profession:
Like many youth unemployed

Future Plans:
What God has written for me
1) Tell your interests
All about Military

2) What do you do.
I work for Secret Service =)

3) How did you find us
I can find anything anywhere in the world. Its just on web.

4) What interests you here?
To watch people .

5) What is your profession?

6) Future plans?

I Dont make future plans. I just live in present.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/new-introductions.333336/#ixzz4Ko2Dg1rA
Tell your interests

2) What do you do.

3) How did you find us
Pakistan defence page facebook.

4) What interests you here?
Awareness about politics and international affairs of pakistan with world .

5) What is your profession?

6) Future plans?
Make Pakistan super Rich
So the last introductions were getting pretty useless. So here are some guidelines for proper introductions.

1) Tell your interests
2) What do you do.
3) How did you find us
4) What interests you here?
5) What is your profession?
6) Future plans?

I was viewing i troductions as I am a new member myself i saw this link I have copied WHICH I FIND AN EXTREMELY SERIOUS ATTACK ON MY RELIGION "ISLAM" its posted by one of your members i think from india in 2015. Please arrange to remove this post and ban the user.
1) Tell your interests
Cricket, Showbiz and Books.

2) What do you do
Recent Business and Marketing graduate.

3) How did you find us
My brother told me about this website.

4) What interests you here?
I want to learn more about issues related to Pakistan.

5) What is your profession?
Recent graduate

6) Future plans?
Become a successful business owner.
1) Tell your interests
Web surfing
2) What do you do.
Job in a supermarete
3) How did you find us
4) What interests you here?
5) What is your profession?
Sale an purchase
6) Future plans
No future plns
2) What do you do.
Mechanical engineer with interest in aeronautics.
Axel engineering for turbofan heavylifter engines.
3) How did you find us
4) What interests you here?
5) What is your profession?
Engineer in a military establishment 2005.
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1) Tell your interests

Unmanned systems (see question 5), the militaries of Europe, space exploration and militarization, my homeland Norway, naturally, learning new things about places I'm not well educated in (both geographic and academic) and engaging people in meaningful dialog and having fun.

2) What do you do.

Formerly - SAR in the 330 rescue squadron.

Currently - See question 5.

I also became a parent recently, so I guess you can add raising a child to this list too:wacko:. It's harder then I thought it would be. Military service was a cake walk by comparison. Less barf too.

3) How did you find us

Friends on another forum who are members here as well.

4) What interests you here?

Sharing my vast photo collection with the people of PDF (many of them were taken by me, not just collected and shared). Here's a sample of what I'm offering:








More pics can be found in these two threads, among others I'm contributing to.



And of course having fruitful and beneficial discussions with fellow members is a major interest of mine during my stay on the forum.

5) What is your profession?

I'm a defense contractor writing AIs and control codes for military robots. Mostly AUVs.

I have worked on projects including this Hugin model.


6) Future plans?

Raise my two month old daughter (born in July). Retire.

No other plans at the moment.
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1) Tell your interests
Pakistan, Military, Defence
2) What do you do.

3) How did you find us

4) What interests you here?
5) What is your profession?
BI Consultant

6) Future plans?
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