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New Han Great Walls found outside China

Exactly and Asia do not belong to Chinese, But majority of the people in Asia do have Mongoloid features.

Chinese means Mongoloids as the latter includes the former within its fold. Just like how Indo Europeans/Aryans/Caucasoids mean Cro Magnons as the latter includes the former within its fold.

During the Han Dynasty, the Mongoloid Hans didn't refer to themselves as Chinese (which is a modern Western term originated from Qin).

The name "China" means 'dishes, plates made from porcelain'. The English used to trade and import these from Qing dynasty in the 18th century. Probably, that's origin of the country's name.

The word China is etymologically of foreign origin. We don't know how the Mongoloid Hans of the past were called by other races. In Mahabharata, Bhima addressed a Chinese king of the Gangetic valley by the name of Dhautamulaka in Sanskrit. But Dhautamulaka might not have been his real name in his own language.

Arabs could not pronounce S and used H for S. Thus they called the Sindhu as Hindu.

However, there are three races of mankind: Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid.

This is what Joseph Arthur Comte de Gobineau observed.


I will discuss why and how the original Finnish of Finland (most of them were cleansed ethnically during the World Wars and so very few of them still remain) were actually Chinese in origin afterwards.
Chinese and their history :lol:, These wall were built inside Mongolia as an outposts, at that time Mongolia is a nomadic place.

How do you know this? Can you provide any evidence? Refer to any book, any website whatever you have.
How do you know this? Can you provide any evidence? Refer to any book, any website whatever you have.

At first, Lindesay thought the section was built around 120 B.C. during the Han dynasty. However, carbon testing placed the remnants in the 11th or 12th centuries. “Overall, the Wall of Genghis Khan in Ömnögovi appears to be a missing piece of the Han Dynasty Great Wall which was routed through the heart of the Gobi around 115BC,” Lindesay told the Irish Times. Lindesay theorizes that Ghenghis Khan’s third son, Ogedei Khan, built the wall to put a stop to gazelle migration from China.

Read more: New Section of Great Wall Discovered in Mongolia | TIME.com

This found wall dates to 12th or 11th century mongol rule of China built only to stop migration of Gazalles. This do not signify that China controlled Mongolia but the reverse happened at that time.
This found wall dates to 12th or 11th century mongol rule of China built only to stop migration of Gazalles. This do not signify that China controlled Mongolia but the reverse happened at that time.

Lindsay himself said:


Carbon testing on the samples that the team brought back, however, dated the wall to the 11th or 12th centuries. Mr Lindesay believes the wall may have been rebuilt either by Genghis Khan’s third son, Ogedei Khan, to stop gazelles migrating into China, or by the Western Xia dynasty, which was obliterated by Genghis Khan’s armies.

“We definitely need more research,” he said. “We are already planning another trip.”

Briton discovers new section of Great Wall of China - Telegraph

Its weird that one could build such walls just to stop gazelles migrating into China. Its more weird to see a Mongol Ogedei Khan building a wall like Chinese.

Lets wait for new discoveries.
Chinese means Mongoloids as the latter includes the former within its fold. Just like how Indo Europeans/Aryans/Caucasoids mean Cro Magnons as the latter includes the former within its fold.

During the Han Dynasty, the Mongoloid Hans didn't refer to themselves as Chinese (which is a modern Western term originated from Qin).

The name "China" means 'dishes, plates made from porcelain'. The English used to trade and import these from Qing dynasty in the 18th century. Probably, that's origin of the country's name.

The word China is etymologically of foreign origin. We don't know how the Mongoloid Hans of the past were called by other races. In Mahabharata, Bhima addressed a Chinese king of the Gangetic valley by the name of Dhautamulaka in Sanskrit. But Dhautamulaka might not have been his real name in his own language.

Arabs could not pronounce S and used H for S. Thus they called the Sindhu as Hindu.

However, there are three races of mankind: Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid.

This is what Joseph Arthur Comte de Gobineau observed.

I will discuss why and how the original Finnish of Finland (most of them were cleansed ethnically during the World Wars and so very few of them still remain) were actually Chinese in origin afterwards.

Mongoloid and Caucasoid are phenotypic classifications which hold NO merit in the scientific community when assessing racial and genetic differences between populations.

Instead of Mongoloid, you have Amerindians, East Asians, Southeast Asians, and Pacific Islanders.

Instead of Caucasoid, you have European, North African, West Asian, and South Asian.

The terms Mongoloid and Caucasoid hold little meaning when assessing genetic distances or racial differences, other than it's use in measuring differences in physical appearance.
However, there are three races of mankind: Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid.

In fact, the reason such phenotypic classifications were used to separate groups, solely on physical appearance, was due to scientific ignorance in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Now we can actually look at genetic distances, principal component analysis plots, FsT distances, and cluster analysis techniques, all through looking at the building blocks of life themselves, rather than outdated skull measurements.

In terms of races/groups, there are many. "Negroid, Mongoloid, and Caucasoid" simply don't cut it. Australian Aborigines are Negroids, yet they are more genetically distant to sub-Saharan Africans than any other population on the planet Earth.

This 19th century classification does not stand up to the scientific scrutiny.

Modern day races include sub-Saharan Africans; Europeans, Western Asians, Central Asians, Southern Asians and Northern Africans; Eastern Asians, Southeast Asians, Polynesians and Native Americans; and other inhabitants of Oceania (Melanesians, Micronesians & Australian Aborigines). (Risch et al. 2002)
Modern day races include sub-Saharan Africans; Europeans, Western Asians, Central Asians, Southern Asians and Northern Africans; Eastern Asians, Southeast Asians, Polynesians and Native Americans; and other inhabitants of Oceania (Melanesians, Micronesians & Australian Aborigines). (Risch et al. 2002)

Today anyone needs to compromise his theory with that of the current world order. This compromise is what I call political correctness.

We always have to be politically correct, so when the seat of the global empire says, there are no Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid races, we are all the same as we all came from Africa -- we have to accept it as the universal truth. If you challenge it, then you are politically incorrect and may be a racist.

People who want to be politically correct may say that both of them are all the same and share common ancestry. See photos below


If anyone thinks they have common ancestors from Africa but now they are just phenotypically different but actually all the same, then I better log off and go home, I am wasting my time.

And for your regional identification of races such as Asian, South Asian, East Asian, North Asian, West Asian etc.. I would like to remind you of numerous wars apart from the two World Wars, invasions, mass migration, displacement, genocide, bastardization by mass rape -- all these in the past centuries actually significantly changed the original distribution of races in the continents and also demography.

In the Americas there had been no single Negroid prior to the slave trade started by the Spanish conquistadors. There had been no Caucasoid in the Siberia prior to the invasion of the Russians and the large scale deportation of criminals and political prisoners by Stalin. But now, may be after, 100 years, there won't be any Mongoloid left in Siberia. They will be exterminated the same way Red Indians and other native tribes of the Americas have already been exterminated.

You talked about Amerindians. Who are they? They are just a recent creation, bastardized children fathered by whites and blacks and mothered by native Indian women.

If you say that racial classification is only of 19th century, then I might ask you to have a look at the researches done in this very century particularly those of Satoshi Horai, Masatoshi Nei, Bamshad etc.

Mongoloid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yen Dynasty? Never heard that...

my bad..it was Han...but I surely read something about some previous dynasty which conquered Korea,Wiman(Part of Han) lead them..actually he was from Yan state..so,the author maybe mistakenly mentioned it as Yan Dynasty..anyway,never mind...
my bad..it was Han...but I surely read something about some previous dynasty which conquered Korea,Wiman(Part of Han) lead them..actually he was from Yan state..so,the author maybe mistakenly mentioned it as Yan Dynasty..anyway,never mind...

Maybe you mean Yan (BC 11st century~BC 222). Indeed, it's just near Korea.
Today anyone needs to compromise his theory with that of the current world order. This compromise is what I call political correctness.

We always have to be politically correct, so when the seat of the global empire says, there are no Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid races, we are all the same as we all came from Africa -- we have to accept it as the universal truth. If you challenge it, then you are politically incorrect and may be a racist.

People who want to be politically correct may say that both of them are all the same and share common ancestry. See photos below

If anyone thinks they have common ancestors from Africa but now they are just phenotypically different but actually all the same, then I better log off and go home, I am wasting my time.

And for your regional identification of races such as Asian, South Asian, East Asian, North Asian, West Asian etc.. I would like to remind you of numerous wars apart from the two World Wars, invasions, mass migration, displacement, genocide, bastardization by mass rape -- all these in the past centuries actually significantly changed the original distribution of races in the continents and also demography.

In the Americas there had been no single Negroid prior to the slave trade started by the Spanish conquistadors. There had been no Caucasoid in the Siberia prior to the invasion of the Russians and the large scale deportation of criminals and political prisoners by Stalin. But now, may be after, 100 years, there won't be any Mongoloid left in Siberia. They will be exterminated the same way Red Indians and other native tribes of the Americas have already been exterminated.

You talked about Amerindians. Who are they? They are just a recent creation, bastardized children fathered by whites and blacks and mothered by native Indian women.

If you say that racial classification is only of 19th century, then I might ask you to have a look at the researches done in this very century particularly those of Satoshi Horai, Masatoshi Nei, Bamshad etc.

Mongoloid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What? I said races DO exist, but you and I, for example, do not belong to the same race.

You are positing that the races are "Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid" which is bullshit. I study this; I know what I refer to when I say the races are further separate than just phenotypically.

Amerindians are NOT "bastardized children fathered by whites and blacks and mothered by native Indian women."

Those are mulattoes, mixed-race White-Black, while mestizos are mixed-race White-Amerindian.

Amerindians are the people that are genetically 100% native to the Americas, who share a common ancestry with each other going back 15,000-25,000 years, when their initial tribes crossed the Beringia strait into modern-day Alaska.

You are right, sub-Saharan Africans and Europeans are more or less entirely different species. Our Fixation distance is approx. 0.153 across the autosomes, which is a larger difference compared to the differences between some species!

As are Indian subcontinent natives and Europeans. We are not of the same people. We are DIFFERENT. You are the one implying that all Caucasoids belong to the same race, not me.

I am of European ancestry; I belong to the European race; I do not share the same race with North Africans, South Asians, or any other Caucasoids. The races are much further separate than just physical appearance.

Are you telling me that these two people are racially indistinguishable from each other? They are not. People native to the Indian subcontinent belong to a separate race than people native to the European continent.

What? I said races DO exist, but you and I, for example, do not belong to the same race.

You are positing that the races are "Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid" which is bullshit. I study this; I know what I refer to when I say the races are further separate than just phenotypically.

They are just the broad classifications. There are sub races from each main race.

Amerindians are NOT "bastardized children fathered by whites and blacks and mothered by native Indian women."

Those are mulattoes, mixed-race White-Black, while mestizos are mixed-race White-Amerindian.

Amerindians are the people that are genetically 100% native to the Americas, who share a common ancestry with each other going back 15,000-25,000 years, when their initial tribes crossed the Beringia strait into modern-day Alaska.

I would be glad to know if there is any pure blood native family left in North America. I can imagine how the European colonizers could have behaved during the manifest destiny days. They were the guys who must not have spared a single native girl.

You are right, sub-Saharan Africans and Europeans are more or less entirely different species. Our Fixation distance is approx. 0.153 across the autosomes, which is a larger difference compared to the differences between some species!

As are Indian subcontinent natives and Europeans. We are not of the same people. We are DIFFERENT. You are the one implying that all Caucasoids belong to the same race, not me.

I am of European ancestry; I belong to the European race; I do not share the same race with North Africans, South Asians, or any other Caucasoids. The races are much further separate than just physical appearance.

Are you telling me that these two people are racially indistinguishable from each other? They are not. People native to the Indian subcontinent belong to a separate race than people native to the European continent.


What is European race? Indo European or Aryan?

In India, Aryans could not maintain the purity of blood as they married native women. If you read Alfred Rosenberg and see how the Aryans in South Asia became impure, you will know what I am saying is a fact.

If you are white Caucasoid, you are perhaps the pure blood Aryan.

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