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But Caucasoids came from Cro Magnons while Mongoloids might have come from a different hominid, some say, Peking Man, some say, Homo Florensiensis while others may refer to Homo Erectus.

Cro-Magnon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


No, Cro-Magnons were only located in Europe; the non-European Caucasoids were distinct from the Cro-Magnon. Mongoloids and Caucasoids were one group of people. The Caucasoid-Mongoloid split happened something like 35,000-50,000 years ago. Before that, there were no Mongoloids or Caucasoids.

The Mongoloids moved from Central Asia into North Asia, while the Caucasoids moved into Europe from the Anatolian peninsula and Central Asia. The Europeans evolved into Cro-Magnons, before mating with the Neanderthals.

There may be some Denisovan admixture in Mongoloid populations, in the same way that there is Neanderthal admixture in most non-Africans.



Enemy,since you are so obssessed with the race stuff and posted some photos to explain,how about posting your photo here and let PDF users judge what race do you belong to.?

if the world only has 3 racial groups,how do millions of people from Chinese Xinjiang belong to?

Uyghurs are a hybrid population with a nearly even mixture of caucasoid and mongoloid. The Uyghurs are descended from Mongoloid Turkic Karluks mixing with indo european tocharians. Many have both caucasian and mongoloid features.

Uyghurs are hybrids - Gene Expression | DiscoverMagazine.com

The Pamiris are like 99% caucasoid and they are only a minority.

But why are you showing ethnic minorities and Xinjiang?

There are Han people in Gansu like in Liqian village who are mixed caucasoid and mongoloid. They are likely descended from Indo European Tocharians mixing with Han people. The Roman descent theory is most likely BS. One of my family friends on Taiwan was one of those white Han people from Gansu.
It means ancient China was bigger than we once thought.

Ancient China was much smaller than the modern China, it expanded during Yuan Dynasty, shrunk during Ming Empire and took the current form during Qing Dynasty.
There are Han people in Gansu like in Liqian village who are mixed caucasoid and mongoloid. They are likely descended from Indo European Tocharians mixing with Han people. The Roman descent theory is most likely BS. One of my family friends on Taiwan was one of those white Han people from Gansu.

Those people?yes they are Han Chinese,but they do look a bit odd..

Green-eyed Chinese
hundreds if not thousands once famous peoples vanished forever into the long river of Chinese history,we are all way too familiar with their names,but they are no longer here now,people from numerous ethnic groups once roamed today's China.now they are all gone and we are all called Chinese now,but their genes are still in us.
No, Cro-Magnons were only located in Europe; the non-European Caucasoids were distinct from the Cro-Magnon. Mongoloids and Caucasoids were one group of people. The Caucasoid-Mongoloid split happened something like 35,000-50,000 years ago. Before that, there were no Mongoloids or Caucasoids.

The Mongoloids moved from Central Asia into North Asia, while the Caucasoids moved into Europe from the Anatolian peninsula and Central Asia. The Europeans evolved into Cro-Magnons, before mating with the Neanderthals.

There may be some Denisovan admixture in Mongoloid populations, in the same way that there is Neanderthal admixture in most non-Africans.



Genetic evidence for archaic admixture in Africa

There was no mention of Cro Magnons.

I am sure Cro Magnons are the ancestors of modern Caucasoids. Why I say so is because only and only Cro Magnon skull resembles today's Caucasoid skull, same jawbone, same forehead, same nasal index, same cheek bone, you name it.


Cro Magnon skull.


Caucasoid skull


Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid skulls


How and why is it that the Cro Magnon skull only resembles the Caucasoid one?
There was no mention of Cro Magnons.

I am sure Cro Magnons are the ancestors of modern Caucasoids. Why I say so is because only and only Cro Magnon skull resembles today's Caucasoid skull, same jawbone, same forehead, same nasal index, same cheek bone, you name it.

Read my comment first before responding. I said that the Cro-Magnons are our ancestors.
East Asia use to have two major racial groups,Caucasoid and Mongoloid.later on Mongoloid became predominant and Caucacians were merged into this main stream.
Caucasian Mummies in China 1,000 years Before Asians
While international media is abuzz over the discovery of the world’s oldest stash of marijuana, a glaringly-obvious fact was inconspicuously left in the article: the pot stash was part of the tomb of a blond-haired, blue-eyed man who lived in China some 2,700 years ago.

Chinese legend is full of blond-haired, blue-eyed people who brought Buddhism to China and organized society there. Fully-preserved mummies showing clear Nordic facial structure, including red, and blond hair, were first discovered in the graveyards of the Tocharians in the Chinese Takla Makan desert back in the s. In January of this year, archaeologists using genetic testing have proven that Caucasians roamed China’s Tarim Basin 1,000 years before East Asian people arrived. In fact, this new discovery of marijuana at a Caucasian grave site in China is not the first. That distinction goes to a 2,800 mummy who was discovered back in 2003. Archeologists at the time discovered a sack of marijuana leaves alongside the mummy. Archeologists believe both mummies were likely shamen from the Aryan culture and used the herb as part of their religious practice.
Read my comment first before responding. I said that the Cro-Magnons are our ancestors.

What did you say? You said, I quote, "Cro-Magnons were only located in Europe; the non-European Caucasoids were distinct from the Cro-Magnon. Mongoloids and Caucasoids were one group of people."

Did you mean only European Caucasoids descended from Cro Magnons while non European Caucasoids didn't? Does that mean, Caucasoids came from different hominids?

Then you said Mongoloids and Caucasoids were same kind of hominids before they diverged from each other in Central Asia. How come the Caucasoids (who according to you were of non Cro Magnon origin) after getting separated from Mongoloids developed same kind of cranial features like those of the European Caucasoids descended from the Cro Magnons?

I think all the Caucasoids (European, no European, Asian whatever) came from Cro Magnons originated in the Caucasus region. I also believe Mongoloids originated in the Ural region. Mongoloids and Caucasoids were different from the very start.

East Asia use to have two major racial groups,Caucasoid and Mongoloid.later on Mongoloid became predominant and Caucacians were merged into this main stream.

That is a pure BS.
If Chinese ,Japanese and Koreans are yellow,Europeans are white,Africans are black,what do you term Indian people?
Did you mean only European Caucasoids descended from Cro Magnons while non European Caucasoids didn't?


Does that mean, Caucasoids came from different hominids

This is your mistake right here; Cro-Magnon belong to Homo Sapiens Sapiens. They are not a distinct Hominid.

Then you said Mongoloids and Caucasoids were same kind of hominids before they diverged from each other in Central Asia

Yes, they were interbreeding freely.

How come the Caucasoids (who according to you were of non Cro Magnon origin) after getting separated from Mongoloids developed same kind of cranial features like those of the European Caucasoids descended from the Cro Magnons?

Because they diverged from each other at much later periods, and therefore had much less isolated evolution amongst them.
what's so funny..I say there are many racial groups living on this planet,not just three
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