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New Han Great Walls found outside China

If Chinese ,Japanese and Koreans are yellow,Europeans are white,Africans are black,what do you term Indian people?


Anyway, no one uses such classifications anymore. They are completely outdated and worthless. Sometimes I literally laugh out loud when reading studies and books from 19th century scientists, with their outdated "Malay" and "Yellow" and "Red" races. It's hilarious!
What did you say? You said, I quote, "Cro-Magnons were only located in Europe; the non-European Caucasoids were distinct from the Cro-Magnon. Mongoloids and Caucasoids were one group of people."

Did you mean only European Caucasoids descended from Cro Magnons while non European Caucasoids didn't? Does that mean, Caucasoids came from different hominids?

Then you said Mongoloids and Caucasoids were same kind of hominids before they diverged from each other in Central Asia. How come the Caucasoids (who according to you were of non Cro Magnon origin) after getting separated from Mongoloids developed same kind of cranial features like those of the European Caucasoids descended from the Cro Magnons?

I think all the Caucasoids (European, no European, Asian whatever) came from Cro Magnons originated in the Caucasus region. I also believe Mongoloids originated in the Ural region. Mongoloids and Caucasoids were different from the very start.

That is a pure BS.

Genetic Structure of a 2,500-Year-Old Human Population in China and Its Spatiotemporal Changes
Genetic Structure of a 2,500-Year-Old Human Population in China and Its Spatiotemporal Changes

The Linzi(Zibo) population of 500 B.C genetically match up to present-day European populations.

The Current Day population in Zibo are genetically closest to the Mongols, Japanese, and Koreans.

Shandong Province, Linzi was in Central Shandong.
some theories suggest that the second dynasty in China,Zhou was founded by white people,cause at time in today's China the Caucacians and Mongolians were half and half,and many history books depict Zhou people with clear Caucacian features,but of course that's none sense,but it's very true and clearly recorded in Chinese hisory books that ancient China was a racially very diverse place and later on Mongolian people became dominant through fightings and wars.

This is your mistake right here; Cro-Magnon belong to Homo Sapiens Sapiens. They are not a distinct Hominid.

Yes, they were interbreeding freely.

Because they diverged from each other at much later periods, and therefore had much less isolated evolution amongst them.

OK. I got it. I need to do more research on the Upper Paleolithic revolution and the emergence of Cro Magnons.
Genetic Structure of a 2,500-Year-Old Human Population in China and Its Spatiotemporal Changes
Genetic Structure of a 2,500-Year-Old Human Population in China and Its Spatiotemporal Changes

The Linzi(Zibo) population of 500 B.C genetically match up to present-day European populations.

The Current Day population in Zibo are genetically closest to the Mongols, Japanese, and Koreans.

Shandong Province, Linzi was in Central Shandong.

Hmm, interesting. I hope this is not another political propaganda. But I will certainly look into it.
苏轼在观赏唐人韩干的画时赋诗,其中一句是:“赤髯碧眼老鲜卑” in Chinese old history books depcit Xianbei people to be Caucacians,with red hair and green eye,Xianbei use to be a very firece warlike people in Chinese history.

some scholars suggest that ethnic Xibo people are direct descendants from Xianbei,but a thousand years passed,now Xibo people totally look Chinese.

China,since time immemorial was the battle field between the Caucacians and Mongolians,and clearly in the end,Mongolian won,Caucacians either moved or were forced to merge.that's why in 1980s then British prime minister Thatcher claimed that China and Britain are neighbors even brothers ,cause there was a theory that an ancient Chinese tribe Yuezhi 月氏,after being defeatd by Huns,were forced to migrate westwards and eventually settled down in Britain and became the wales.
China,since time immemorial was the battle field between the Caucacians and Mongolians,and clearly in the end,Mongolian won,Caucacians either moved or were forced to merge.that's why in 1980s then British prime minister Thatcher claimed that China and Britain are neighbors even brothers ,cause there was a theory that an ancient Chinese tribe Yuezhi 月氏,after being defeatd by Huns,were forced to migrate westwards and eventually settled down in Britain and became the wales.

Yuezhi moved into India and formed the Kushan Empire.


became the wales.

Welsh are Celtic people.
there are many theories about where they went..but that's the hard fact in the history,you are defeated,you move and make room for stronger people.
China,since time immemorial was the battle field between the Caucacians and Mongolians,and clearly in the end,Mongolian won,Caucacians either moved or were forced to merge.that's why in 1980s then British prime minister Thatcher claimed that China and Britain are neighbors even brothers ,cause there was a theory that an ancient Chinese tribe Yuezhi 月氏,after being defeatd by Huns,were forced to migrate westwards and eventually settled down in Britain and became the wales.

Yuezhi men formed the Kushan empire in northern India.

The Kushan emperor sent presents to the Chinese court and requested to marry a Han princess. But were denied. Insulted, they launched a campaign with a force of 70,000 men. But they were defeated by a smaller Chinese force. Since then they continued paying tributes to the Chinese empire during the reign of the Chinese emperor Han He (89-106).

Got this from Wiki.

I also believe that was politicans BS...Yuezhi can not be Welsh

Careful, Britain may say since they came from China, they have every right to return to China as its their original fatherland. :lol:
no one can say for sure where we are from and whose blood may flow in our veins,people move great distance,so do their genes.
there are many theories about where they went..but that's the hard fact in the history,you are defeated,you move and make room for stronger people.

First of all, there is no concrete evidence for your theories on Europeans descending into the heartland of China.

Secondly, in recorded Human history, Europeans have virtually never lost to Chinese in a single battle.

In fact, we conquered most of the world, so referring to us as weaker people (which is implied by stating that your people are "stronger") is disingenuous and laughable.

Tiny little Britain was really giving you a good beating every time you refused to open your ports, and every time you resisted she just defeated you again and again.

China's modern history is a repeated a$$-kicking by European powers, so spare us your implication of superiority.

European Empires:

First of all, there is no concrete evidence for your theories on Europeans descending into the heartland of China.

Secondly, in recorded Human history, Europeans have virtually never lost to Chinese in a single battle.

In fact, we conquered most of the world, so referring to us as weaker people (which is implied by stating that your people are "stronger") is disingenuous and laughable.

Tiny little Britain was really giving you a good beating every time you refused to open your ports, and every time you resisted she just defeated you again and again.

China's modern history is a repeated a$$-kicking by European powers, so spare us your implication of superiority.

European Empires:


Indeed Europeans have always been invincible, everywhere. Wherever they went, they came out victorious! You are the true martial race!

You see this is why I don't believe all races are equally powerful. In the Rig Veda, warlord Indra was referred to as an European with golden hair and white skin! The blue eyed Indian king Gautama buddha, who the Chinese worship as their god, was also an European if you read about his physical characteristics!


But why were you always victorious against the Chinese? Is this because of your superior muscular body built and mental stamina that the Chinese lacked?

What is the secret? Why are you so incredibly invincible?
Indeed Europeans have always been invincible, everywhere. Wherever they went, they came out victorious! You are the true martial race!

You see this is why I don't believe all races are equally powerful. In the Rig Veda, warlord Indra was referred to as an European with golden hair and white skin! The blue eyed Indian king Gautama buddha, who the Chinese worship as their god, was also an European if you read about his physical characteristics!

Physical characteristics of the Buddha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But why were you always victorious against the Chinese? Is this because of your superior muscular body built and mental stamina that the Chinese lacked?

What is the secret? Why are you so incredibly invincible?

No one said we are invincible, but we have been barely defeated in the course of Human history.

Why? Due to intellect mostly. Though East Asians tend to have higher average IQ's, Europeans have invented almost everything you see around you. Everything from the internet to spacecraft to the periodic table to electrification to the atom bomb to the jet fighter to.... you get the point!

I would say that, easily, 95% of our modern conveniences have come from the European people.
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