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They are just the broad classifications. There are sub races from each main race.

No, these are genuine genetic differences that lead to different classifications. Like I've said a few times, the terms you are using are denoting phenotypic differences. We can now actually look at the genome instead of just facial features.

The Mongoloids of Native America are more genetically distant to the Mongoloids of Central Asia than the North African "Caucasoids" are to the sub-Saharan African "Negroids". See? It's easily refuted.

I already posted the study; it's pretty clear that the genetic differences go much further than these simple phenotypic characterizations like "Caucasoid" and "Mongoloid".

I would be glad to know if there is any pure blood native family left in North America. I can imagine how the European colonizers could have behaved during the manifest destiny days. They were the guys who must not have spared a single native girl.

Yes, there are quite a few. Notice though, that the nations founded by Portugal and Spain were those in which race-mixing occurred. In Northern European countries, nations like the USA, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, race mixing was not only considered to be socially taboo, it was codified into law.

The Southern Europeans made a mistake, and they paid the price for it. They regarded religion and culture as more important than race, while the Nordic Europeans did not. Now, the USA is a superpower, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia are wealthy, prosperous European countries, and Latin America is a 3rd world crime-ridden Hell, devoid of imagination or innovation.

What is European race? Indo European or Aryan?

Indo-European is just a language group. Anyone who is native to the continent of Europe is a European. The Indo-Aryans that migrated into Northern India, Pakistan, Iran, and as far as Syria and maybe the Levant, were Europeans from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe located in modern-day Ukraine. They mixed with the Dravidian's and other natives in South Asia, and the other Caucasoids in the Middle East, and no longer exist.

In India, Aryans could not maintain the purity of blood as they married native women

Yep, that's true, and it happened all over the Middle East where these European peoples set up kingdoms and empires.

you are perhaps the pure blood Aryan

The term Aryan is meaningless. You are referring to the Indo-Aryans, a group of people who migrated into Northern India from Central Asia circa 2500 BC. They conquered the area, destroyed most of the Indus Valley Civilization, and set up their own kingdoms. As you said, they took many native women as wives, and miscegenated with them. By 500 AD, they no longer existed in pure form.

The "Indo-Aryans" no longer exist. They diverged from my ancestors that went on to conquer the European continent, where some of my other ancestors already resided during the Neolithic migrations, while they went on to conquer Central Asia and South Asia.


I read somewhere that the Cro Magnons had sex with Neanderthalensis women who were on the verge of extinction and were living in caves. I think Cro Magnons exterminated the surviving Neanderthalensis in Europe.

That's true. Most Europeans have some Neanderthal ancestry.

BTW, there are native people in northern Europe.

The Sami people are no more native than other Europeans. They made their way to Scandinavia around 3,000 BC, but were living in Russian Europe before-hand. They are Europeans, no different from the other Europeans.
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No, these are genuine genetic differences that lead to different classifications. Like I've said a few times, the terms you are using are denoting phenotypic differences. We can now actually look at the genome instead of just facial features.

Indeed you know so many stuff. I am glad to know you are a knowledgeable person.

Just one question: Doesn't gene contribute to the formation of a particular phenotype?
Indeed you know so many stuff. I am glad to know you are a knowledgeable person.

Just one question: Doesn't gene contribute to the formation of a particular phenotype?

Yes, but phenotype does not contribute to the genotype. The genotype influences the phenotype, so really, studying the phenotype while ignoring the bigger picture (genotype) will give you a much less accurate definition of genetic differences.

Remember that the 19th century racial classifications were not based off of the genotype, seeing as how these scientists didn't even know much about genes in the first place.

They only studied skin tones, cranial profile, and facial appearance (and blood groups in the early 20th century). Any basic biologist can tell you that this is certainly not enough to go on to group anyone into distinct biological classifications.

Besides, all one has to do is look at the differences in civilization. Among Mongoloids, the Amerindians have a mean IQ of around 85, Southeast Asians 87, Pacific Islanders 85-90 (with the 90 belonging to the Maori of New Zealand), and East Asians a mean IQ of 106. And the differences in education, innovation, GDP per capita, economic and military power, health, etc. all prove this to be true. Grouping Mongoloids into one group, either for reasons of sociology or biology, is wholly inaccurate, as is grouping Caucasoid's into one group.

The differences are similar between Europeans, North Africans, West Asians, and South Asians.
Enemy,since you are so obssessed with the race stuff and posted some photos to explain,how about posting your photo here and let PDF users judge what race do you belong to.?

if the world only has 3 racial groups,how do millions of people from Chinese Xinjiang belong to?
Besides, all one has to do is look at the differences in civilization. Among Mongoloids, the Amerindians have a mean IQ of around 85, Southeast Asians 87, Pacific Islanders 85-90 (with the 90 belonging to the Maori of New Zealand), and East Asians a mean IQ of 106. And the differences in education, innovation, GDP per capita, economic and military power, health, etc. all prove this to be true. Grouping Mongoloids into one group, either for reasons of sociology or biology, is wholly inaccurate, as is grouping Caucasoid's into one group.

The differences are similar between Europeans, North Africans, West Asians, and South Asians.

and when you say "Chinese",those people are indeginous Chinese ,what race do they belong to?




Did Neanderthals ever live in East Asia?

Valid question.
@Audio, you may like to respond?

Even Neanderthal ancestry is found among some Siberians as is Denisovans, I mean, Madam X.

But Neanderthals didn't live in Asia as we don't have evidence. How come Asians have that Neanderthal ancestry?
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Did Neanderthals ever live in East Asia?

I know they went as far as Central Asia, though all non-Africans do share admixture with Homo sapiens neanderthalensis.

How did this happen? The admixture probably happened before Mongoloids and Caucasoids diverged in Central Asia.
But all this time I thought the whole point of great wall was to protect Chinese from nomadic Mongols, isn't that right?

My whole childhood is ruined.
I know they went as far as Central Asia, though all non-Africans do share admixture with Homo sapiens neanderthalensis.

How did this happen? The admixture probably happened before Mongoloids and Caucasoids diverged in Central Asia.

But Caucasoids came from Cro Magnons while Mongoloids might have come from a different hominid, some say, Peking Man, some say, Homo Florensiensis while others may refer to Homo Erectus.

Cro-Magnon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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