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New Gwadar Airport - Future PAF usage...

A natural paradise being slowly converted into a second hellhole. Think Karachi in the early years of independence.
Under competent people there is nothing that can stop Gwadar from being next Dubai.
Under Pakistanis there is nothing that can stop Gwadar from being a lost cause.
Massive airport, middle of nowhere, huge resource requirement.


it looks like in the middle of nowhere, when it will be contributing to PAF and PN tightening the noose, assisting PN to kick ***, someone screaming at the top of the voice will be heard and enjoyed all over the region.
Its not what you say but how you say it. Being crudely anti-Pakistan without any justification is completely unacceptable.

Look at all the likes my comment got... Seems to be the patriotic sentiment these days.

Under competent people there is nothing that can stop Gwadar from being next Dubai.
Under Pakistanis there is nothing that can stop Gwadar from being a lost cause.

This is my stance as well
Look at all the likes my comment got... Seems to be the patriotic sentiment these days.

This is my stance as well
You just got a gang of Hindjews playing your game. Been keeping an eye on you for a decade lol.
Under competent people there is nothing that can stop Gwadar from being next Dubai.
Under Pakistanis there is nothing that can stop Gwadar from being a lost cause.
It’s not going to be no Dubai, at most the next Karachi to sustain our population growth
You just got a gang of Hindjews playing your game. Been keeping an eye on you for a decade lol.

Sure you have.... I dare you to go back to the point of awakening pre-April 2022 and give one quote of mine that indicates disappointment in Pakistan... Dare you. If you are a man and not a Bilawal. Besides I've been on this forum longer than most here.
Pretty sure no one’s really worried about a “Dubai in Gwadar”. But to humour you anyway, even if that were the case, this is an ‘*** first’ way of climbing a mountain. Build up the infrastructure, encourage businesses to set up and give a reason for the masses to pick everything up and settle all the way out there. Then build an airport that fits the needs of the people. In summary, build smaller airports and then work your way up.

This project looks like another white elephant and yet another debt trap. You’re not building it with your money and it’s never going to be profitable for a veeeeerrryy long time. Repayment will be due before the generations it might take for this place to make any real money. This is not me being facetious — it’s just math.
@FuturePAF this is for you too.
Gwadar new airport construction on grant of 230 million US$ given by the chinese government. So Pakistan is getting largest airport of the country at a zero cost. I hope it will satisfy your worries about Pakistan's financial situation. Now please take your agenda somewhere else. link is given below. Thanks.
It’s not going to be no Dubai, at most the next Karachi to sustain our population growth
If CPEC is successful and attains it's full potential, then Gwadar port will rival Dubai port. Dubai is the largest port West of Singapore and any port in vicinity would certainly affect the revenue of Dubai port. Gwadar may attract many Dubai bond ships and it would become attractive destination of Central Asian countries. An Economic SEZ would undermine the importance of Dubai as trading hub.
If CPEC is successful and attains it's full potential, then Gwadar port will rival Dubai port. Dubai is the largest port West of Singapore and any port in vicinity would certainly affect the revenue of Dubai port. Gwadar may attract many Dubai bond ships and it would become attractive destination of Central Asian countries. An Economic SEZ would undermine the importance of Dubai as trading hub.
Arabs won't allow it to prosper then it seems, and they have much more leverage to prevent it from prospering

This doesn't matter though because the leadership us incompetent anyway and is almost certainly going to mess it up
Arabs won't allow it to prosper then it seems, and they have much more leverage to prevent it from prospering

This doesn't matter though because the leadership us incompetent anyway and is almost certainly going to mess it up
China will have to integrate Gwadar into projects with Gulf nations to incentivize them to not undermine it. Perhaps as part of the Gulf Railways. A route that goes from China to Gwadar, sails under a day to Oman, can then go on to Africa or up the Gulf to Europe via Iraq and Turkey, cutting out the Iranians.

But your right, the greatest competitors against Gwadar are the gulf ports.
Under competent people there is nothing that can stop Gwadar from being next Dubai.
Under Pakistanis there is nothing that can stop Gwadar from being a lost cause.
It's funny how I saw a British documentry from the 70-80 talking about Pakistan developing gawadar
Fast forward 40 years
It's still in ruins
Speaks about our incompetence
It's funny how I saw a British documentry from the 70-80 talking about Pakistan developing gawadar
Fast forward 40 years
It's still in ruins
Speaks about our incompetence
No serious construction started in Gwadar till CPEC I think
It's funny how I saw a British documentry from the 70-80 talking about Pakistan developing gawadar
Fast forward 40 years
It's still in ruins
Speaks about our incompetence

It is not funny but ironic for pakistan---.

It shows how important is Gwadar port for pakistan and how concerned the foreign forces are from the buildup of gwadar port
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