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New Gwadar Airport - Future PAF usage...

comparing Gwadar to Dubai as a rival is as hard to achieve as easy to say. billions and trillions of dollar investment is required.

i don't see it even in future so far seen, may be even those who are young now won't be alive to see that happened.

yes i wish it become an economic hub but the challenges are so huge that one can imagine.
one way or the other Gawadar will develop & prosper
now it’s not the matter of Pakistan, China is not naive to
supply and do arrangements with KSA & later with UAE
by the way where goes KSA Emiratis too they both will be
in loop to use the route for trading from inward & outward
from China through Pakistan
to some extent for Iran Chinese will use Russian influence not to interfere & can be accommodated accordingly by one of them either russIan or china
We all should remember on thing china been circled by QUAD alliance so SCS will be too busy and congested this
will be better route for China to ru it’s life saving oil line etc
thank you
gawadar have future its slowly but steady developing and one day it will be major paksitani city .
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