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New Greece government stands up for Russia against the EU

To be frank.... before you talked about the Chardonnay,i didn't even know what is it. :lol:
I feel like a dumb :lol:
Sorry for the off topic :D

Your not missing anything like cockroaches chardonnay is every where get a nice Pinot Noir.
Greece owe EU heaps, unless Russia can offer Greece Magic bean to pay off the debt, they are either risking default or actually invasion from Turkey (They have a beef on Cyprus and that's the reason why Greece joined NATO and EU in the first place)
Turkey and Greece joined NATO at the same time in 1952, Cyprus invasion happened in 1974, Turkey and Greece had no disputes over Cyprus till Greece tried to annex them while massacring Turkish minority on the Island.
After that Turkey used it right as one of the three Guarantor Powers (Turkey, Greece, UK) of the Island and invaded Turkish populated north.

Turkey doesnt have plans to invade Greece, the only thing is protecting our interests on Aegean dispute, Greece wants Turkey to accep international 12 miles rule which would literraly cut Turkeys Marmara and Black sea from Medditerranian, while Turkey wants a 6 mile rule which would be a more fair share of international waters under these cicumstances.

As you can see below Greece can literally cut off Turkeys connection from Marmara to Mediterranian with 12 miles which is ofcourse unacceptable for us.

6 miles


12 miles
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