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New Generation of Pakistani and Bangladeshi

A Caliphate in Today's world is impossible, it can't exist and won't function, there are many reasons for this.

1). We should keep in mind why Bangladesh seceded from Pakistan in 1971, among the major reasons was cultural and ethnic/racial differences. While the Punjabi, Baluchi, Pashtun, Sindhi, Kashmiri, Seraiki, and various other West Pakistani Ethnic groups made a few compromises with regards to Urdu as National language as well as other matters, the Bangali had problems with these compromises in order to conform to National Unity. Although the resistance at first was not strong, it gained momentum and finally in 1971, there was bloodshed of fellow countrymen.

2). How can a single Muslim body (Caliphate) function while composed of so many different people with different ideologies, different beliefs, different races and ethnicities as well as different languages and cultures? Who will be the Caliph? Will he be a Shiite or a Sunni? Or a Sufi? Or a Salafi/Wahabi? Will he be a Persian, or an Arab, or an Afghan(Pashtun), or a Turk? Will the Shariah law be Sunni Shariah law or a Shiite version? Will the Secular minded Central Asian Muslims and Turks accept Shariah law? Will the Sufis be considered as "Bidatis" and therefore executed? Etc
bengalis were majority in Pakistan. Not beluchis. So they though Bangla should be the state language. Anyway you don't need to be a single nation for Caliphate i guess... A eu like union and nato like military may serve the purpose....
I dont think that,i observed that.It is implicit in the lifestyle,their conversations and where i work there is a clear pecking order.

In terms of salary with same work profile/qualifcations

Goras > Turk+Arab+Persian > Subcontinent> Africans.
It is an unwritten rule.

Dude i agree with you that some Arabs sheikh has this mentality to consider themselves superior but i mean if you meet educated arabic, turkish peopels you will find out that their attitude is not same. Its not right to paint everyone with same brush. I know just like zardari is not my representative , there are also many Arabic peopels who dont like the policies of their leaders.
.Common sense tells me to do one thing over another,should i listen to it or natural justice?
I did not get it :D

I wont support it blindly for whatever it does but then if something is wrong with India,i ll sort it out and change it to make India better.I would never say India did something against my beliefs and disown it,that way India is pretty much above everything.

Its nice to know that you will realize the suffering of Kashmiri in hands of indian army the way i realized the suffering of Bangladeshi and spoke against them.

how you disown india. how india can do wrong..i mean India is not some individual..its a country..just like every other country with land, rivers, history etc. India without its peoples is very much same like Pakistan without any paksitani. why you dont love Pakistan ? :D

I was talking about ability to disown those who run country in wrong way. If leader do wrong thing for national interest of India. will you support them or oppose them? :)
you will not understand it. They vilify pakistan in poem, story on text book. I am not against it. A nation should take pride on it's history. But in Bangladesh its too much, beyond control. For example: have you seen world cup inauguration ceremony in dhaka which had a part reflecting on 71. Have you seen any other country doing it??


You still not able to justify your big mouth argument

not with such type of childish comments " education and media stop brainwashing young kids "
bengalis were majority in Pakistan. Not beluchis. So they though Bangla should be the state language.

The fact is that neither Bangali, nor Baluchi, Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, Seraiki, or Kashmiri were the state Language. Urdu has been the language of the Subcontinents Muslims for a long time which is why it was chosen, but maybe due to Bangladesh not being a part of the Mughal Empire i can see why they would not accept Urdu since Urdu was introduced by the Mughals and various other invading Muslims who settled in present day Pakistan and Northern india.
The fact is that neither Bangali, nor Baluchi, Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, Seraiki, or Kashmiri were the state Language. Urdu has been the language of the Subcontinents Muslims for a long time which is why it was chosen, but maybe due to Bangladesh not being a part of the Mughal Empire i can see why they would not accept Urdu since Urdu was introduced by the Mughals and various other invading Muslims who settled in present day Pakistan and Northern india.

Urdu is not my mother tongue... yet i speak it... i dnt know why bengalis couldnt? and raised a stupid issue!
Dude i agree with you that some Arabs sheikh has this mentality to consider themselves superior but i mean if you meet educated arabic, turkish peopels you will find out that their attitude is not same. Its not right to paint everyone with same brush. I know just like zardari is not my representative , there are also many Arabic peopels who dont like the policies of their leaders.

I did not get it :D

Its nice to know that you will realize the suffering of Kashmiri in hands of indian army the way i realized the suffering of Bangladeshi and spoke against them.

how you disown india. how india can do wrong..i mean India is not some individual..its a country..just like every other country with land, rivers, history etc. India without its peoples is very much same like Pakistan without any paksitani. why you dont love Pakistan ? :D

I was talking about ability to disown those who run country in wrong way. If leader do wrong thing for national interest of India. will you support them or oppose them? :)

That oh yeah,there are too many guys i dont like,i have no need to support them blindly just because they are my countrymen,it is a complex complicated country almost like the EU itself.

There are people who disown India,like there are NRI kids born in the US/UK and they feel they have nothing to do with India and funnyily there are many Indians living in India leading a westernised,anglicized life who believe they are god's gift to India,well nonetheless.

Kashmir is a different issue altogether,i have much more sympathies for the North_East which suprisingly for many people is actually much better integrated with the rest of country and i feel we could have done things more smoothly without using much violence.

Regarding the Arabs,the Arabs from Palestine/Jordan/Lebanon and The Turks are chilled out,they are almost like Europeans in every sense.No **** there.

But i am not talking about the people here,i am talking about the politics that govern these countries.

And i am cool with Pakistan,i feel you guys are our cousins and there is a saying which says you want the cousin's heart and blood much more than enemy's.so it is something like that.

And i would never like any leader(s) who go against the national interest.
Urdu is not my mother tongue... yet i speak it... i dnt know why bengalis couldnt? and raised a stupid issue!

From what i see,Urdu despite being different from Punjabi/Pashto is not too different from them and being an elitist muslim language,it is positively corrleated in the muslim psyche something like English now.

Everyone learns English not only because it is global lingua franca but also because it is cool and gives u status.

Urdu was seen as something like that and not too different from any of the north west subcontinent languages,even Tamil muslims proudly speak Urdu and many consider it their mother tongue.
aint my mother tongue either, we speak Pashto at home.....doesnt mean we cant read or understand it. It is very instrumental during my trips to Lahore and elsewhere in the country.

the whole point of language is for people to understand eachother.....so it is important for all Pakistanis to understand the national language
From what i see,Urdu despite being different from Punjabi/Pashto is not too different from them and being an elitist muslim language,it is positively corrleated in the muslim psyche something like English now.

Urdu is a regional language, though it is considered a Islamic language due to the fact that is uses Persian/Arabic Alphabet and uses a lot of Persian, Turkish, and Arabic words but i have yet to meet an Arab who speaks Urdu.

Everyone learns English not only because it is global lingua franca but also because it is cool and gives u status.
English is international language.

,even Tamil muslims proudly speak Urdu and many consider it their mother tongue.

Back in the US I used to work in a corner grocery shop owned by Pakistanis, but a Tamil Muslims also worked there, when i first met him i spoke to him in Urdu and he looked at me with a puzzled look on his face, but he spoke English.
aint my mother tongue either, we speak Pashto at home.....doesnt mean we cant read or understand it. It is very instrumental during my trips to Lahore and elsewhere in the country.

the whole point of language is for people to understand eachother.....so it is important for all Pakistanis to understand the national language

The reason why you and Pakistani Nationalist (as well as all Pakistanis) can understand Urdu is due to the reason that Pashto, Baluchi, and even Punjabi use Persian Alphabet, so its not hard to understand and speak/write Urdu, not to mention all Pakistani Ethnic language have many words in common.

But that's not the case with Bangali, Bangali uses Devanagari script and due to Bangladesh's cultural similarities as well as ethnic similarities with india, Bangaldesh has more in common with india.
Urdu is a regional language, though it is considered a Islamic language due to the fact that is uses Persian/Arabic Alphabet and uses a lot of Persian, Turkish, and Arabic words but i have yet to meet an Arab who speaks Urdu.

i know an Egyptian who speaks almost better Urdu than I do...even his pronounciation was good.

in the Persian Gulf countries there are some local employers who are able to speak broken Urdu....that's due to the sizeable Pakistani expat community in those countries.

Back in the US I used to work in a corner grocery shop owned by Pakistanis, but a Tamil Muslims also worked there, when i first met him i spoke to him in Urdu and he looked at me with a puzzled look on his face, but he spoke English.

I know an Afghan Kabuli who speaks Urdu --helps run a popular Kebab joint out in Virginia. In fact he lived in Pakistan longer than most Pakistanis on this forum.
Urdu is a regional language, though it is considered a Islamic language due to the fact that is uses Persian/Arabic Alphabet and uses a lot of Persian, Turkish, and Arabic words but i have yet to meet an Arab who speaks Urdu.

English is international language.

Back in the US I used to work in a corner grocery shop owned by Pakistanis, but a Tamil Muslims also worked there, when i first met him i spoke to him in Urdu and he looked at me with a puzzled look on his face, but he spoke English.

i forgot to mention one thing,TN has 2 kinds of Muslims.One bunch speaks Urdu as mother tongue and they are descendants of Arab/Turk sailors/traders who intermarried into tamil folks.

Other group is u can say recently converted as in in the last 200 years or so and they speak tamil at home.You would have met someone like that.

English is not just an international language,is also an aspirational language,just like urdu used to be in India.

Arabs wont speak Urdu,Urdu is a mish mash or all those central asian languages developed purely in the and for the subcontinent.

Today in India,Hindi and Urdu have mixed happily and no-one but some elite muslims have a clue as to what language is he speaking.
The reason why you and Pakistani Nationalist (as well as all Pakistanis) can understand Urdu is due to the reason that Pashto, Baluchi, and even Punjabi use Persian Alphabet, so its not hard to understand and speak/write Urdu, not to mention all Pakistani Ethnic language have many words in common.

But that's not the case with Bangali, Bangali uses Devanagari script and due to Bangladesh's cultural similarities as well as ethnic similarities with india, Bangaldesh has more in common with india.

also because of television and entertainment, most of the mainstream is in Urdu.....these different ethnic groups have had contact over long periods of time so naturally culture or other things become spread out and shared

even with regards to Pashto or Punjabi, there is no single dialect. Within each language there are different dialects. In Kurram, we will know which village or agency another Pashtun is from based on his accent. In Peshawar, sometimes people add Urdu words to the spoken Pashto --as Peshawar is where many non Pashtuns come for business/trade or other purposes.

go to Zhob in Baluchistan and probably you would see Baluch and Pashto being mixed together
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