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New Delhi shows positive attitude, frontline Indian troops may remain over winter: expert

Feng Leng

Aug 3, 2017
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The defense ministers of China and India met on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) meeting in Moscow, Russia on Friday, with Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe expressing China's firm determination to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Leading Chinese experts said on Saturday that the unshakable will and military advantages of China might force India to return to reason and avoid a direct confrontation in the border region.

India bears full responsibility for the current China-India border tensions and China's military is fully determined, capable and confident to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and not an inch of Chinese territory can be lost, Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe said during his meeting with his Indian counterpart Rajnath Singh Friday in Moscow.

Singh said India hopes that the two sides will adopt a responsible attitude, fully disengage front-line forces as soon as possible, avoid taking measures that may escalate or complicate the situation, and avoid turning divergence into confrontations so as to bring bilateral military relations back to the right track as soon as possible.

Hu Zhiyong, a research fellow at the Institute of International Relations of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Saturday that the meeting was a positive sign as both sides are seeking to deescalate serious tensions.

India has also expressed a willingness to resolve the problem peacefully, and the reasonable and positive attitude shown by the Indian defense minister could mean that New Delhi has realized that aggressive moves by Indian troops in the border region won't win any compromise from China, said Hu.

"By the end of September, winter will have arrived in the Ladakh region where temperatures could fall to minus 25 degrees, and India has deployed about 40,000 troops in the region. This is far beyond its logistics capability, and if the tension remained unresolved, the Indian military could see non-combat casualties," Hu noted.

India's aggressive moves earlier this year have forced the People's Liberation Army (PLA) to comprehensively strengthen its logistic capability in the face of a potential long-term stand-off, said a Chinese military expert familiar with the matter who asked not to be identified. Chinese troops in the region have built infrastructures that allow China to station more troops on the front line than India, the expert said.

China has deployed more forces with more advanced weapons to the region including anti-air troops, artillery troops and air force with more advanced fighter jets, and if India dares to further escalate the tensions, the PLA can seize air-domination and cause immediate and significant damage to Indian troops, and India's decision-makers appear to have learned these facts, which is why Indian senior officials released pragmatic signals recently, the expert said.

India can choose to step back and peacefully deescalate the tensions, or venturesomely challenge China's determination and risk the lives of Indian soldiers to maintain or escalate tensions, and China's stance will remain unchanged and the advantages are unshakable, Hu noted.

China should still remain cautious and prepare for the worst-case scenario, as India could still order its border troops to remain in the region during the hard winter even if that were to cause non-combat casualties, because New Delhi worries that ending the crisis in a peaceful way with China could be regarded as a failure that would disappoint domestic nationalists, Lin warned.

So China has made public our response if the Indians decide to open fire: PLAAF will wipe Indian Army from the map in Ladakh.
To chinese in PDF who parrot CPC propaganda, how does it feel to come down and staying on ground reality?
When the Indian Army is done with open defecation, they can try show China their shupa powa :lol:
Yesterday they were worried about the Indian soldiers during winters .....
These posters are 50..cents army. They just post what ever script they get on that day. This is today's script.
So basically Wei Fenghe requested the meeting just to throw cold water on the Indians? Not a bad strategy to use spite :rofl:
These posters are 50..cents army. They just post what ever script they get on that day. This is today's script.
Well a 50 cent army is still better than Indian bots ... whoever programmed you all should have done a better job because you guys are not nearly as effective as the 50 cent army :enjoy:
At least we use our real flags and you seems to be ashamed of your real flag ..........

Well a 50 cent army is still better than Indian bots ... whoever programmed you all should have done a better job because you guys are not nearly as effective as the 50 cent army :enjoy:
Normally, at the end of the SCO Summit every time, it's normally all about releasing some anti-Pakistan joint statement. But this time, it would appear India has been put in its place.
To chinese in PDF who parrot CPC propaganda, how does it feel to come down and staying on ground reality?

How will india army solve its poop /toliet problem in the cold?...
When the Indian Army is done with open defecation, they can try show China their shupa powa :lol:
Heard you guys almost eat everything, good symbiosis at the border between the two forces don’t you think?
Logistics is the key. China has technological advantage but India has a bulk point of the operational head quarters very close to the point of conflict, the only critical success factor would be who gets man and material quicker over the mountains. China’s advantage would be having to deploy from a plateau in contrast to India having to push supplies from the plains
To chinese in PDF who parrot CPC propaganda, how does it feel to come down and staying on ground reality?
You do know ur soldiers probably only violated a few meters on the LAC right? The ridge is the border, we are occupying 1000 sqkm mate. Lol
You do know ur soldiers probably only violated a few meters on the LAC right? The ridge is the border, we are occupying 1000 sqkm mate. Lol
They are occupying the peaks at Rechin La, which sits right on the CCL.

They are also on a small plateau close to Black top and Helmet top on the southern shore of Pangong Lake. They tried to take the peaks but failed (PLA counterattack successful). Now they put up some makeshift infrastructure on the plateau. The plateau is within the CCL.
Lol poor China please have mercy on yourself..... you don't have guts to challenge India for full blown war......

unshakable will and military advantages of China might force India to return to reason and avoid a direct confrontation in the border region.

Why don't you use your UNSHAKABLE military might to capture entire ladakh and Arunachal for once and all rather than wasting time in buffer Zone????? You don't have guts to challenge India and yet you bluff about challenging UNITED STATES OF AMERICA......:lol::lol::lol:

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