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New cheif minister to be hamza shahbaz

JKT was in board with opposition since last year. Always knew it.
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Chief minister wannabe like his father both on bails want to take Premier positions of this unfortunate country.

Bhaaga hua bagora dar will be back to serve the nation. All criminals on the run will return and take this nation forward while the professional military will salute these criminals. Awesome
Pakistani establishment is compromised from day one, who brought bhutto? Who brought nawaz? Who brought zardari? Who brought diesel? These scum are all illegitimate children of establishment. Pakistani people are naive.
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Punjab whole PTI has revolted into multiple groups leading to voting for hamza shahbez

This is surpring and point towards something more then simply zardrai paying off a few people

It means they have already gotten assurance that they wont be disqualified

So how will this be acheived

The courts will drag their feet till after election and them dismiss the case stating lack of need(since election is over)

Such a co ordinated move of parties, electrol, judicary points towards somwthing sinsister..probabaly someone forcing these parties..so its first clearindication that it is the establsihment indeed

Anyway shouldbt be an issue in punjab since IK really doesnt has grass root support their

Lets see how they break KPK assembly since that is needed to get president impeached

1- new PM punjab
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2- New CM
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3- new president

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4- new CM kpk
Lets see how they break KPK..wont be easy but its not necessary to be honest
Who cares what happens in KPK
It was bombed for decade and noone cared
Now we ll see new session of Rubber shoes and aggressive speeches ... lol
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As I express my inner feelings for PPP,MQM and PML(N) along with their supporters on a white canvas I think there really isn’t much more one can do because the majority of Pakistanis are not going to do anything either.

This will happen, Islamabad elite including political, military,bureaucracy & industrial oligarchs will continue. Their kids will mingle in Kohsar or F-8.. the same for all major cities and talk of their trips or post Instagram selfies. The educated middle class will grind away or run away from this banana republic if they are lucky.
The poor will then just sit by while another round of corruption and gleaning is done and then the “establishment” of that time will suddenly get all patriotic and try to fix things again that will start the next cycle. Many on a PDF of that time will spread anger and hatred at the overall military and deja vu will come to be.

So best I can do is sit on my white canvas(a commode) and expel my thoughts for the aforementioned people.

People are not naive.Who voted for these looters?
Why these looters think they are untouchable?
due to people supporting them.

Jahan har koi be-iman hai
People-est-politicians all are same
Exactly - they are ghatiya but are unwilling to accept this. Pakistanis are collectively a bad nation.. plain and simple
People are not naive.Who voted for these looters?
Why these looters think they are untouchable?
due to people supporting them.

Jahan har koi be-iman hai
People-est-politicians all are same

Pakistan's population is 230 million.
Half of our population is under the age of 21.
Around 45% is under the age of 18.
Around 35% under 12.
And around 10% under 5.

In last General Election, if I remember correctly, the number of registered voters were little over 100 millions and only 52% voted. That means 3/4th of Pakistan didn't even vote, half of which were kids.

And those who voted, they voted according to their own likings. Interestingly, younger ones voted more for IK and oldies mostly voted for their respective families/Biradry/religion/sect/ethnicity etc.

Some(around half of registered voters) still refused to vote like yours truly albeit being in 30's simply because I refused to believe a new party can be any better or worse than the existing ones. At this time, I regret it. And judging by good performance of IK/Pti(comparatively) during the pandemic and economic crisis, I started to have soft spot for them. And I'm not the only one. There are others too. Many others. Especially now due to this NCV crisis.

Anyway, let's hope our newer generation would be better than the previous generations. A lot can improve in future, Inshallah.
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Oh God what have we done so wrong to deserve this?? :sad:

Isn't it obvious?

Believed blindly in the ability of parliamentary democracy to deliver in a country with pathetic literacy rates and quality of education (for those who are literate) and where votes are based on aspects unrelated to competence.

Believed blindly in the superiority of the politicized armed forces and its controversial leaders.

We deserve EXACTLY this because the majority of people still don't give a F. It's not fate or a coincidence that has put Pakistan in the bottom five (globally - this includes war-torn African banana republics) in certain indicators. Just because we have certain first world luxuries here and there, we forget the fundamental state of the social contract and republic.

It's all over.

As I express my inner feelings for PPP,MQM and PML(N) along with their supporters on a white canvas I think there really isn’t much more one can do because the majority of Pakistanis are not going to do anything either.

This will happen, Islamabad elite including political, military,bureaucracy & industrial oligarchs will continue. Their kids will mingle in Kohsar or F-8.. the same for all major cities and talk of their trips or post Instagram selfies. The educated middle class will grind away or run away from this banana republic if they are lucky.
The poor will then just sit by while another round of corruption and gleaning is done and then the “establishment” of that time will suddenly get all patriotic and try to fix things again that will start the next cycle. Many on a PDF of that time will spread anger and hatred at the overall military and deja vu will come to be.

So best I can do is sit on my white canvas(a commode) and expel my thoughts for the aforementioned people.

Exactly - they are ghatiya but are unwilling to accept this. Pakistanis are collectively a bad nation.. plain and simple


It's all over.

The majority of Pakistanis, including elites, are perfectly fine with where Pakistan is. It can remain here and they'll still enjoy their personal access to luxury. Most of the poor have seen their relative wealth (GDP per capita) rise over the past three generations. The guy who couldn't afford a cycle generally now has one; the one on a cycle is on a motorcycle; the guy on a motorcycle now leases a car. They all have smartphones with 4G, complete with TikTok and ****. The Fauj is fine with this as well, as long as they are getting their plots, perks, and privileges. Just don't challenge their power, or you'll be branded a traitor faster than you can blink.

It's only certain people like us (perhaps 0.000001%) who wish for a better social contract and reality. A true meritocracy and higher thresholds of excellence. We are aliens.
Isn't it obvious?

Believed blindly in the ability of parliamentary democracy to deliver in a country with pathetic literacy rates and quality of education (for those who are literate) and where votes are based on aspects unrelated to competence.

Believed blindly in the superiority of the politicized armed forces and its controversial leaders.

We deserve EXACTLY this because the majority of people still don't give a F. It's not fate or a coincidence that has put Pakistan in the bottom five (globally - this includes war-torn African banana republics) in certain indicators. Just because we have certain first world luxuries here and there, we forget the fundamental state of the social contract and republic.
No but the question is the current government is educated one not illiterate.
I think no undergraduate parliamentarian in this government.
Such a government is going to be replaced with typical illerate corrupt thugs, gangsters of N league and PPP.
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