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new backbone of india : su-30mki vs rafale vs tejas mk2 ?

which fighter is our new backbone ???

  • Su-30MKI

    Votes: 31 67.4%
  • Rafale

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Tejas mk 2

    Votes: 11 23.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
how dare u say no one is expert here.............here comes he-man:D:omghaha:

Man are u even in ur senses??:omghaha:

tejas mk2 as of now dosen't even exist and rafale is way way better than mki

No, he just asked a simple question, nothing wrong in that.

But @Nexus your question is incomplete, because term India is too general.

Let me try to answer your question, as far as Indian Air Force is considered then Su-30MKI, but as far as when India as nation is considered then Tejas.

1. Su-30MKI - Inducted in large numbers close to 300(year 2015), now a matured platform in terms of operationalization, mission requirements, pool of well trained pilots. Remember we are still to induct Rafale, forget about its large numbers and mission profiles they will be entitled to fulfill, it needs a time of decade or so.
2. Tejas - Home grown, it will replace Mig-21 and will also serve as test bed for new technologies and weapons, which is not the case with Su-30MKI and Rafale (not easy to modify especially when major modification is required, because it was designed by foreign countries and not by us).
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the quote was for laughter only and seems it served its purpose well:nana:

The simplest answer-
its already is the backbone of IAF.
Off topic-
are you new here mate? There was a time where these vs threads used to be a trollfest. Gosh!

su-30mki is no match for rafale man....................simply no

Yes, prince of Eternia, by the Power of Grayskull...:tup:

i am gonna marry tila:smitten:
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its not about which is the better aircraft. Its about which one going to serve as the backbone of IAF. I myself is a way bigger Rafale fan, no doubt it is better aircraft than Sukhoi30mki. But Sukhoi30mki with greater numbers and higher range and payload capacity plus with experience of operating from almost a dacade and counting with already build logistics will serve as the workhorse for IAF in years to come. Rafale will only be enterning into service in 2018 at the earliest, it will take almost 5 to 7 years for pilots to operate it in large no. and also expertise the machine. All taken into accout Sukhoi 30 Mki will be backbone of IAF if it already isn't? Rafale will be mainly for special omnirole operations to wrack havoc on adverseries.
No disrespect intended, just an honest opinion.
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its not about which is the better aircraft. Its about which one going to serve as the backbone of IAF. I myself is a way bigger Rafale fan, no doubt it is better aircraft than Sukhoi30mki. But Sukhoi30mki with greater numbers and higher range and payload capacity plus with experience of operating from almost a dacade and counting with already build logistics will serve as the workhorse for IAF in years to come. Rafale will only be enterning into service in 2018 at the earliest, it will take almost 5 to 7 years for pilots to operate it in large no. and also expertise the machine. All taken into accout Sukhoi 30 Mki will be backbone of IAF if it already isn't? Rafale will be mainly for special omnirole operations to wrack havoc on adverseries.
No disrespect intended, just an honest opinion.

no man u are right.............i was commenting on actual vs scenario.
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its alright bro. I understand. I thought you got my point wrong, so i did all the explaining. Anyways, have a nice evening ahead. Time to play football. Off to playground.
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Sukhoi-30mki got 66percent votes? Rafale got 9percent votes? And LCA 2 got 25 percent votes? Did all chinese and pakistani voted or indians went nuts??? Rafale and sukhoi-30mki had faced each other in friendly dogfight. I request all arm chair wariors to stop insulting IAF. if su-30mki was better than why did india went for Rafale? And come LCA 2 got more votes than Rafale? I think PDF has to improve. I have seen PDF was full of imran khan supporter but sharif won.... IAF knows whats better. Rafale getting less votes showing who fearing dassualt rafale.... Dassualt Rafale is a semi stealth jetfighter. Alot small in size than su-30mki and su-35. Rafale is more stealthy with latest avionics. Its true omni role jet fighter that can do anything with a switch of a button (according to situation). Rafale is deadly beast who even beat F-22 raptor in mock dogfight. Its says alot about Dassualt Rafale. Am glad india choosed it.
Sukhoi-30mki got 66percent votes? Rafale got 9percent votes? And LCA 2 got 25 percent votes? Did all chinese and pakistani voted or indians went nuts??? Rafale and sukhoi-30mki had faced each other in friendly dogfight. I request all arm chair wariors to stop insulting IAF. if su-30mki was better than why did india went for Rafale? And come LCA 2 got more votes than Rafale? I think PDF has to improve. I have seen PDF was full of imran khan supporter but sharif won.... IAF knows whats better. Rafale getting less votes showing who fearing dassualt rafale.... Dassualt Rafale is a semi stealth jetfighter. Alot small in size than su-30mki and su-35. Rafale is more stealthy with latest avionics. Its true omni role jet fighter that can do anything with a switch of a button (according to situation). Rafale is deadly beast who even beat F-22 raptor in mock dogfight. Its says alot about Dassualt Rafale. Am glad india choosed it.

even i am apalled man!!

so much foolish patriotism??and we laugh at pakistanis??
we are just like them:omghaha:

The OP must have made it clear what he meant by backbone-whether by capability or by numbers.

backbone can always be by numbers
after retirement of mig-21 in iaf. i don't know which fighter became new backbone of our air force?like paf(f-16),usaf(f-35),plaaf(j-10b) have. which fighter is our new backbone???vote plz.:angel:

and this is not VS thread.

2 of the 3 platforms are not even inducted. Talk yto us when these platofrms are inducted and one can have a meaningful discussion based on the capabilities(Known ones ) of the platofrm. For instance we dont know what equipment IAF will induct along with Rafale/TejasBl2. I think such threads become meaningless as the information is not there to discuss sanely. However if you just want a flame Fest___ be my guest!!!
2 of the 3 platforms are not even inducted. Talk yto us when these platofrms are inducted and one can have a meaningful discussion based on the capabilities(Known ones ) of the platofrm. For instance we dont know what equipment IAF will induct along with Rafale/TejasBl2. I think such threads become meaningless as the information is not there to discuss sanely. However if you just want a flame Fest___ be my guest!!!

agree here
@isro2222 & @acetophenol
I guess I explained the reasons why most of the members here thinks that Sukhoi30mki will be the backbone of IAF in near future. I guess my argument was not biased.
On LCA mk-II getting votes, i guess indegenious part bought some sentimental votes.:p:
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MKI >> Rafael >> Tejas II

India going for Rafael to get hands on diverse tech, otherwise MKI is much better then Rafael.
2 of the 3 platforms are not even inducted. Talk yto us when these platofrms are inducted and one can have a meaningful discussion based on the capabilities(Known ones ) of the platofrm. For instance we dont know what equipment IAF will induct along with Rafale/TejasBl2. I think such threads become meaningless as the information is not there to discuss sanely. However if you just want a flame Fest___ be my guest!!!
we are talking about iaf's future bro.
@confound thinker post your views here bro u are just liking all posts here.:ashamed:
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