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New air-launched version of BrahMos supersonic cruise missile would be able to strike targets at 800 kms


Sep 20, 2014
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NEW DELHI: India is developing a new air-launched version of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile which would be able to strike at enemy targets at more than 800 kilometers.
The missile earlier had the capability of hitting targets at around 300 kilometers after being released from a Su-30MKI combat aircraft.

"The range of the BrahMos missile has been increased already and with the advantage of being airborne at high altitudes, the missile can travel a longer distance and can hit targets at 800 kms and beyond," sources told ANI.

The BrahMos missile was recently in the limelight after one of it was misfired due to a technical malfunction from an Indian Air Force unit during a Command Air Staff Inspection (CASI) there.

The missile landed in Pakistani territory causing very less damage to the property and equipment there and no damage to lives there.
After the incident, India sent a letter to the Pakistani authorities deeply regretting the incident and also issued a statement in this regard.
Pakistan is trying to rake up the issue of the misfiring of the BrahMos and trying to question the safety of India's missile arsenal at the international level but sources said the BrahMos was just a tactical missile.
India has enhanced the range of the tactical missile recently and it can go beyond 500 kilometers with just an upgrade in its software.

The Indian Air Force has equipped around 40 of its Su-30 combat aircraft with the BrahMos cruise missiles which can cause heavy destruction in enemy camps.
The Indian Air Force (IAF) had brought these planes to the northern sector from their home base in Thanjavur during the peak of conflict with China.
The IAF also operates a surface to the surface squadron of planes to carry out pin-point attack against enemy vital installations and bases.

I told you guys in order to hide the incompetence, Indian Govt and mil will definitely come up with something (kinda news or article) related to Brahmos though there will be no point of repeating the same shit again and again. This is not even a news or headline but whats the point of creating a vibe on the social media without any new details or substance?

In upcoming elections, Modi will exactly do the same. Take full advantage of this event by ranting…..
“hamnay tu Pakistan pe shupershonik mijjjile b chaladiya tha unke jurat nahi hoi reshpoond karnay ki meray +++++ voteroon shappotrooon”
PS: I have a question to DG ISPr & Pandas sitting in GHQ. Are you guys satisfied with the Indian response?
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Were the launches in the pictures intentional?
Pakistan demands an immediate halt to all weapons testing in India till the Indian government satisfies of fool proof mechanism against rogue elements in chain of her command.

An egotistical tussle between ill reformed colonial institutions in India threaten regional and global peace.
all india talks about is this 80s soviet technology missile ,since they have nothing else
The BrahMos missile was recently in the limelight after one of it was misfired due to a technical malfunction from an Indian Air Force unit during a Command Air Staff Inspection (CASI) there.
How does a misfired missile change its flight direction in the mid-course without anyone's interference?
this will be too naive to take it without pinch of salt.
Missiles have lots of controls and feedback communication between the command center and missile inflight.
someone changed the target coordinate in the middle of its flight or the Indian missiles are dump and dud having no electronics and it can go in any direction erroneously and the officials sitting in the control center were either drunk or bastards to let a misfired missile go in the neighbor country without thinking of its resultant retaliation. and they kept silent for the next two days.
or it may be an act of thorough deliberation and a well-thought act of mischievousness.
The real happening may be one of many
so it needs to be covered, discovered, uncovered, and recovered. while India trying to misguide and disguise shamelessly.
Pakistan demands an immediate halt to all weapons testing in India till the Indian government satisfies of fool proof mechanism against rogue elements in chain of her command.

An egotistical tussle between ill reformed colonial institutions in India threaten regional and global peace.

We are not in any position of demanding anything.
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