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Never Ever GIVE UP

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Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom

Right Now many People are Saying Pakistan will be divided and bla bla but the thing is These trials are just to test your mettle, character and fiber to see how much faith you have in Allah (swt). In the crusades, when there was total darkness and crusaders were charging through the Muslim lands and even Jerusalem had fallen to Crusaders, and then Allah send Salahuddin from nowhere. A massive response is coming and it will come from most unexpected quarter InshAllah. That we promise you.

Sabr, have faith and stay strong and do not start crying or cribbing. Americans are NOT god. They were humiliated and defeated in Vietnam and are being destroyed in Afghanistan. We will teach them another lesson in defeat inshAllah.

They can never swallow us! We are Pakistani Muslims! We never say die!

Our treacherous and corrupt rulers have sold us to the snakes and swines literally for free! When we join the illegal and illicit war in Afghanistan, this is what we opt for -- not just the slaughter and rape of the Muslims in the region but also invasion and dismemberment of our lands at the hands of Crusaders! It is a total loss in Dunya and Akhira!

We will resist this act of treason, betrayal and war crime. We will NOT be part of this Zionist crusade against Islam and Pak Sarzameen. Muslims of Pakistan reject this act of treason! Raise your voice do all within your means to resist. Khair inshAllah!



This is our message to the good Christians and Jews in the western world and in US and NATO armed forces.

Stop your sons, daughters and soldiers from war crimes in Muslim lands! Rebel against the Zionist bankers who are using the NATO and US armed forces as hired mercenaries and assassin gangs to expand greed of Capitalism and military industrial complex. More and more war veterans are raising their voices against these criminal wars and resisting the Zionists. Join them and support them.

The guilt of being part of a crime mafia led by the military is now killing the western soldiers from within with thousands throwing back their war medals, thousands committing the suicides over the guilt of war crimes they have already committed. All good human being must resist the Bankers and Zionists. It is a common cause of humanity irrespective of colour, nationalist and religion.

Raise your voice Or one day, you will also commit suicide out of the guilt of killing babies, children, women and old destroying their lives. Wake up and seek pardon from God. You still have time.




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