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Nepal reclaims lands from India

the report also shows that pakistan lags behind india in the poverty rating as well
india is placed at 87 th place and pakistan at 100th place...the report is an eyopener for you people.

Did the report mention that Pakistan's poor has a better life style than India's poor?

I have seen your middle class and their life style is similar to a lower middle class family in Pakistan.

Yes we do have lower middle class along with middle class ... India has rich, MC, poor and then very very poor.
yes,only if u consider deep-seated prejudice, gut feelings or ones instinct as valid sources...he has some point there.

I think this is your own description.

Read these below, most of them are actually Indian:

Poverty in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Millions of people in India are unable to meet these basic standards, and according to government estimates, in 2007 there were nearly 220.1 million people living below the poverty line." Quoted from the source below:

Poverty in India.

27.5 percent of Indians live below the national income poverty line
More than 60 percent of women are chronically poor, as are 43 percent of Scheduled Tribes and 36 percent of Scheduled Caste groups
48.6 percent of farmer households are in debt, and only 27 percent access formal credit
296 million people are illiterate and 233 million are undernourished, particularly children younger than age 3
Maternal mortality – an indicator not only of the quality of maternal health care services but also of the general level of empowerment of women – stands at 301 per 100,000 live births, compared to a target of 108 per 100,000

Poverty Estimates for 2004-2005, Government of India; Report of the 11th Plan Working Group on Poverty Alleviation Programmes, Planning Commission, 2006; Report on the conditions and promotion of livelihoods in the unorganized sector, National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector (NCEUS), 2007; Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-2012, Volume 1- Inclusive Growth, Planning Commission, 2008; Human Development Report 2007/2008, United Nations Development Programme, 2007; Maternal Mortality in India, 1997-2003, Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, 2006

To read in detail, please click the following UNDP link:

UNDP India-Poverty Reduction

Get that bloody Akhand Bharat mantra out of your head and understand the hate you have for us in your head so that you can find a cure for your illness!
well i will post the most genuine link possible the links of the country factsheets of the united nations humna development index for both india and pakistan....themost accurate indicator of the per-capita income for both countries...

this is for india(dec2008)
Statistical update 2008/2009 - Country Fact Sheets - India

and this is for pakistan(dec 2008)
Statistical update 2008/2009 - Country Fact Sheets - Pakistan

it has more than the percapita income..it is a thorough study of the hrd in both the countries..india scores in most of the sections(90%)
though i expect you to post somthing usless and derail the thread.

Perhaps you did not go through the links I had posted. These were Indian links and not Pakistani or a pro Pakistani sites links. Do think before you open your mouth.

By the way UN is most genuine and neutral when it comes to calculating poverty and irrelevant when it comes to Kashmir. What a double standard.
why are ppl discussing the poverty of india and pakistan in this thread?
if the original topic has lost the relevance then time for the thread to be closed.
Don't worry you are to some extent new on the forum. You will get used to it.

There are a number of experts on this forum whose only job is to derail the topic and then start the usual BS.
In 90% of cases it is the Indians who derail threads. It seems ironic when an Indian complains of the same thing. LOL ......:bounce:
Did the report mention that Pakistan's poor has a better life style than India's poor?

I have seen your middle class and their life style is similar to a lower middle class family in Pakistan.

Yes we do have lower middle class along with middle class ... India has rich, MC, poor and then very very poor.

You have not proven these assertions! This is totally BS and shows immaturity and inability (and worse unwillingness) to understand the reality.
"regardless whatever" means regardless of facts too :)

What is Greater nepal? why not greater india then??? or greater afghanistan? or iran? or mexico? or tibet?

Simply put, the Nepalese want back the land taken by British, but currently occupied by India.

I know it was not the Indians who caused the problem. It was evil imperial British.

Unfortunately, India inherits territorial problem and has been incapable to address it with any of its neighbors. In addition, India is pretty imperialistic, as it wants to inherit all assets grabbed by evil imperial British.

It has costed India greatly and heavily.

Greater Nepal is a concept referring to the state of Nepal extending beyond present boundaries to include territories ceded to the British East India Company under the Sugauli Treaty that ended the Anglo-Nepalese War in 1814 - 16.[1]

Greater Nepal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BTW, yes, there is a concept of Greater India. Greater India = evil emperial British. (in terms of evilness, but not of powerfulness) :taz:
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Nepal and Bangladesh can claim all they want but India is not going to give them any Land and evantually Nepal will be colonize by India for sure theres an open border.
Nepal will be colonize by India for sure theres an open border.
Indo-Nepal open border is a concept practiced since before independance. India has been an independant country for nearly 62 years and Nepal is still a sovereign nation

Should give you an idea about India's relation with Nepal

Nepalese citizens know better than to hold such beliefs :)
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