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Nepal ban on Hindi movies, Indian plate vehicles

yes we will be happy as it helps our interest : encircle india with anti india elements. simple bitter truth for you, we really don't care about you in a good way.
I remember when I went to school, I had to say Lord's prayer every hour(after each period) and likewise people from every religion. This just shows the misleading nature of the article - there is a tamil proverb ""Oru paanai sothukku oru soru padham" - meaning one grain of rice is enough to find out whether the pot of rice is cooked or not.

What Sashan said. I studied in a Christian Missionary school. Everyday we would have assembly session and we had to say a prayer. Though it was not a Christian prayer, it was secular. It was addressed to "God", not Jesus, or Allah or Shiva.

We also used to have celebrations for Ramzan, Diwali and Christmas. So no, India is not biased or whatever. Agreed, there maybe some textbooks that are probably biased, there maybe a few schools that might seem like they are forcing people to follow a religion, but this exists everywhere.

Its like in the Us, children are asked to say Christian prayers. This controversy is there too. This doesnt make it "religious bigotry".
What Sashan said. I studied in a Christian Missionary school. Everyday we would have assembly session and we had to say a prayer. Though it was not a Christian prayer, it was secular. It was addressed to "God", not Jesus, or Allah or Shiva.

We also used to have celebrations for Ramzan, Diwali and Christmas. So no, India is not biased or whatever. Agreed, there maybe some textbooks that are probably biased, there maybe a few schools that might seem like they are forcing people to follow a religion, but this exists everywhere.

Its like in the Us, children are asked to say Christian prayers. This controversy is there too. This doesnt make it "religious bigotry".

I didn't write that Sir.

It was written by an Indian writer and he has quoted the NCERT official report. You can make your own judgment call.

As I read this, I feel that it is religious bigotry.
I didn't write that Sir.

It was written by an Indian writer and he has quoted the NCERT official report. You can make your own judgment call.

As I read this, I feel that it is religious bigotry.

First clean yourself........

According to Pakistani professor Tariq Rahman Pakistani textbooks cannot mention Hindus without calling them cunning, scheming, deceptive or something equally insulting. The textbooks ignore the pre-Islamic history of Pakistan except to put the Hindu predecessors in negative light.[10]
Another Pakistani historian Khursheed Kamal Aziz similarly has criticized Pakistani history textbooks. He stated that textbooks were full of historical errors and suggested that mandatory study amounted to teaching "prescribed myths". After examining 66 textbooks used at various levels of study Aziz argued that the textbooks supported military rule in Pakistan, promoted hatred for Hindus, glorified wars and distorted the pre 1947 history of Pakistan.[1]

Pakistani textbooks controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
you may say anything you want to.

The facts of religious bigotry in Indian text books are there for all to see. And these are based on NCERT report.

hmmm - The misunderstanding stems from the fact you were quoting NCERT - I was quoting what happened in my school which is a catholic Anglo Indian school.

As for the NCERT education many of the Indians themselves have concern on what is being taught and what is ignored as part of the history.

Taking one quote from the article - The Indian society during the Sultanate period was divided into two main classes - ruling or Muslim class and ruled or non-Muslims of whom Hindus were the majority" (page 281). Or: "Hindu was merely the payer of taxes. In spite of being conquered in the political field, Hindus did not lose courage. To regain their lost independence, they went on raising their voice from time to time.

- What is wrong in this portion? Do you think Muslim rulers treated people of different religion the same? Here is a quote from Will Durant, an American author of the book - The Story of Civilization: Our Oriental Heritage" (1935)

"The Mohammedan conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. The Islamic historians and scholars have recorded with great glee and pride the slaughter of Hindus, forced conversions, abduction of Hindu women and children to slave markets and the destruction of temples carried out by the warriors of Islam during 800 AD to 1700 AD. Millions of Hindus were converted to Islam by sword during this period"
First clean yourself........

According to Pakistani professor Tariq Rahman Pakistani textbooks cannot mention Hindus without calling them cunning, scheming, deceptive or something equally insulting. The textbooks ignore the pre-Islamic history of Pakistan except to put the Hindu predecessors in negative light.[10]
Another Pakistani historian Khursheed Kamal Aziz similarly has criticized Pakistani history textbooks. He stated that textbooks were full of historical errors and suggested that mandatory study amounted to teaching "prescribed myths". After examining 66 textbooks used at various levels of study Aziz argued that the textbooks supported military rule in Pakistan, promoted hatred for Hindus, glorified wars and distorted the pre 1947 history of Pakistan.[1]

Pakistani textbooks controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I replied to an incorrect statement made by an Indian poster.

You want to counter it by accusing Pakistan. Go ahead.

It won't clean your bigotry by such counter accusations though.
Indian Text Books Raise Communal Hatred

An article written in 2004


Hindu rulers were projected as having been tolerant and enlightened; Muslim rulers as bigoted and as the persecutors of Hindus. Another common bias

any proof?
[course, no historical basis for this.

Children, regardless of their religious background, have to recite the Saraswathi Vandana in the mornings and the Bhojan Mantra before their afternoon meal. Muslim children are often asked to lead the prayers. There are punishments meted out for not praying.


"A separate section entitled 'Connected Account of Muslim Politics from 1920-34' is provided in Class X history book.


Tarun Vijay laments over the loss of the Indus and wonders why it does not flow in Bharat like the other rivers.

hmmm - The misunderstanding stems from the fact you were quoting NCERT - I was quoting what happened in my school which is a catholic Anglo Indian school.

As for the NCERT education many of the Indians themselves have concern on what is being taught and what is ignored as part of the history.

Taking one quote from the article - The Indian society during the Sultanate period was divided into two main classes - ruling or Muslim class and ruled or non-Muslims of whom Hindus were the majority" (page 281). Or: "Hindu was merely the payer of taxes. In spite of being conquered in the political field, Hindus did not lose courage. To regain their lost independence, they went on raising their voice from time to time.

- What is wrong in this portion? Do you think Muslim rulers treated people of different religion the same? Here is a quote from Will Durant, an American author of the book - The Story of Civilization: Our Oriental Heritage" (1935)

"The Mohammedan conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. The Islamic historians and scholars have recorded with great glee and pride the slaughter of Hindus, forced conversions, abduction of Hindu women and children to slave markets and the destruction of temples carried out by the warriors of Islam during 800 AD to 1700 AD. Millions of Hindus were converted to Islam by sword during this period"

Thank you for confirming the religious bigotry.
I didn't write that Sir.

It was written by an Indian writer and he has quoted the NCERT official report. You can make your own judgment call.

As I read this, I feel that it is religious bigotry.

If what is dished out by some Indian writer is the authoritative source, then India would be an evil, dictatorial anti-minority country going by what Arundathi Roy says.
Indian Text Books Raise Communal Hatred

An article written in 2004

Narratives of Religious Nationalism in Text Books « Indology Research Blog

while the communal interpretation of history was delegitimised at the research and college levels by the sheer weight of secular scholarship in mainstream historical writing, it continued to find articulation in school textbooks, right through the years when the Congress was in power, and exert control over the process of education. Most history textbooks, for example, uncritically accepted the periodisation of history, popularised by imperialist historians, into the Hindu, Muslim and British periods. Hindu rulers were projected as having been tolerant and enlightened; Muslim rulers as bigoted and as the persecutors of Hindus. Another common bias, which flew in the face of all evidence, was that the Aryans were the original inhabitants of India.

The first clutch of biases mentioned in the report pertain to the identification of the outsider, or the foreigner, very early in Indian history, and the resistance to them shown by the people of India (obviously Hindus). Thus, the Aryans were the original inhabitants of India, they built the Harappan civilisation, and the achievements of ancient Indian civilisation surpassed all others. (For example, in High School Itihas Bhag 1, one of the sentences changed reads thus: "With the finds of bones of horses, their toys and yagna altars, scholars are beginning to believe that the people of the Harappa and Vedic civilisations were the same," page 43.) There is, of course, no historical basis for this.

the report notes that it is "meant to ignore and to denigrate the cultural development during the medieval period as something un- or anti-Indian, the entire medieval period, in any case, being a period of foreign rule and, hence of struggle for national independence." India's freedom struggle began 2,500 years ago, the textbooks assert, and this "national resistance" had been neglected in history textbooks because of a "Western conspiracy". Those figures in Indian history who fought for their own kingdoms become, in textbooks, fighters for national liberation.

The NCERT report makes the point that the books that were being used before 1992 were also communally biased and factually incorrect. But the changes made in 1992 gave them a "blatantly communal orientation". The period of medieval Indian history, in particular, "abounds in historical falsehoods", says the report, giving several examples from the revised textbooks. (An example of material added in High School Itihas Bhag 1: "The Indian society during the Sultanate period was divided into two main classes - ruling or Muslim class and ruled or non-Muslims of whom Hindus were the majority" (page 281). Or: "Hindu was merely the payer of taxes. In spite of being conquered in the political field, Hindus did not lose courage. To regain their lost independence, they went on raising their voice from time to time.

Children, regardless of their religious background, have to recite the Saraswathi Vandana in the mornings and the Bhojan Mantra before their afternoon meal. Muslim children are often asked to lead the prayers. There are punishments meted out for not praying.

"A separate section entitled 'Connected Account of Muslim Politics from 1920-34' is provided in Class X history book. This is likely to promote a presentation that would treat Muslims as a distinct, homogeneous entity with a distinctively separate role from that of the nationalist movement. It is not even called 'Muslim Communal Politics'. This will encourage the tendency of singling Muslim communalism and ignoring Hindu communalism and other tendencies."

After the May nuclear explosions at Pokhran, school textbooks have been revised to justify the blasts as well as serve the function of indoctrination on the benefits that have allegedly flowed from the event.

Writings of RSS ideologues on subjects ranging from matters of science to ruminations over the loss of the Sindhu (Indus) river to the "other side" have been given substantial importance in school texts.

Tarun Vijay laments over the loss of the Indus and wonders why it does not flow in Bharat like the other rivers.

The 20-page section highlights his belief in "Akhand Bharat" which was all for dissolving the 1947 Partition

"Students carry forward a set of communal biases until the post-graduate stage.

He said that in a Class XI textbook on political parties in India a section on the Akali Dal had recently been modified substantially. Earlier the party had been projected in a poor light, giving it an anti-national image, but after it entered into an alliance with the BJP appropriate deletions were made.

totally fake ,bs and anti india and hindu blog .:cheesy: give neutral source like new york times ,bbc , washington post or any indian news source .i am a class 12th student cbse board .so don't try to oversmart .
Hindi movies are like cocaine in Asia once you are addicted then forget leaving it :lol:

I remember when Taliban banned every type of music/video and defined harsh penalty on it; still many people in Afghanistan managed to watch latest Indian movies with alot of hardships!
totally fake ,bs and anti india and hindu blog .:cheesy: give neutral source like new york times ,bbc , washington or any indian news source .i am a class 12th student cbse board .so don't try to oversmart .

My state board did not have any such thing. Most Indians study in respective state board schools.
If NCERT (national board) text book has bigotry it should be changed, but I am surprised because most educational institutions in India are stronghold of leftists since independence
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