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Nepal ban on Hindi movies, Indian plate vehicles


Dec 14, 2008
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CPN-Maoist declares nationwide ban on Hindi movies, Indian plate vehicles

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

The Mohan Baidya-led CPN-Maoist has declared a ban on vehicles with Indian number plates and screening of "vulgar Indian movies" all over Nepal.

Issuing a press statement on Wednesday, party spokesperson Pampha Bhusal said the decision to ban the vehicles with Indian number plate, was taken with an aim to promote economic development based on national independence, protection to local employment opportunities, utilisation of Nepali investment and in view of obstruction on the operation of Nepal's transportation means in India. However, the vehicles will be allowed to return India, according to the statement.

"Our party has also decided ban Indian films that defame and disrespect Nepal and Nepalis, promote obscenity and spread cultural pollution," the statement said.

Meanwhile, talking to Nepalnews, spokesperson Bhusal said the party decided to ban Indian plate vehicles as India does not allow vehicles with Nepali number plate in India.

"This is unfair. We should not allow Indian-pate vehicle in Nepal until India allows Nepali vehicles," she said.

The CPN-Maoist has already banned Hindi movies and music in the ten districts of "Tamsaling state."

Local CPN-Maoist leaders reached the cinema halls and FM stations to enforce the ban in various districts under Tamsaling including Chitwan, Makwanpur, Dhading, Rasuwa, Sindhupalchowk and Kavre. Nepalnews.com

CPN-Maoist declares nationwide ban on Hindi movies, Indian plate vehicles
Begane ki shadi main abdulla deewana !:D

There are three faction of Communist party of Nepal .. Prachanda,Bhattarai and Mohan Vaidya 'Kiran'

'Kiran' faction recently broke away from CPN.

So Real authority of CPN is held by Prachanda and Nepal Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai.

'Kiran' is trying to get public support by whipping anti-India sentiments.

So this statement is not by Nepal Government but a party who striving to get some foothold in Nepal Politics.
^^^ you are so mean. You couldn't have let the ignorance carry on for a bit more and let the Bangladeshi's enjoy wallowing in it? Heartless I say just heartless. He was so excited about making up the subject, probably hit all his fellow ditto heads on Facebook( wait do they allow Facebook?) to come check out his new reporting on India. They probably congratulated each other and send each other cyber love. and you go debunk it so fast... pfft. not nice man :cheesy:
Good job nepal. :tup: Even a hindu majority state is getting frustrated of excessive Indian nose-poking.

Plz.... China has supported Moaists with weapons and funding for their own purposes. THis is being systemically done to lessen India;s cultural grip.....
misleading title...mods plz take note!! A party banned whatever mentioned abv not the govt
How come a brokeaway fraction of CPN can ban indian cars and films its the work of gov and nepalese gov will never do that.... nepalese people are already fedup with this people....nepal was once a prosperous and happy country just like Kingdom of Bhutan, beacause of this people nepal is in the list of failed nations now...
Misleading title...MODs ban this guy and currect the title, Nepal is not banning anything a party is trying to impose ban just like shiv senas...
I wish in BD Govt, would ban all the hindi serials.....and stop broadcasting them. I am sick and tired of those.
Easy solution, stop watching them to keep yourself healthy. Or organize a protest or sign a petition to give it to your cable operator to not broadcast Indian channels.

BD govt. is India's boot licker as per your compatriot, so better you guys take action.:enjoy:
I wish in BD Govt, would ban all the hindi serials.....and stop broadcasting them. I am sick and tired of those.

Why do you watch those? I never get sick and tired of those cause I have never watched a soap opera, in any language!!
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