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Nehru snooped upon key Bose family members : Declassified IB files

You have to question Subhas Chandra Bose's judgement in allying with Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan
Both of them were brutal powers. If either of them had occupied India they would have slaughtered Indians on a scale unimaginable.

You really think that the Allied forces were any better? Please! UK, France, USSR and USA have known to slaughter thousands and lakhs of people in their own favour. Whether it was the brutal European colonial atrocities or the killing of Red Indians by settlers or the massacring of own Russians by Stalin, the Allied powers were as bad as Nazis, Imperial Japan and Mussolini.

The morality that Netaji followed was that he was willing to shake hands with the demon to get rid of the devil. Sadly what happened was Allies won and their level of propaganda just spread higher in decibels, making people think that they were some kind of peaceful Buddhist monks who were forced to fight a monster called AXIS powers and were forced to abandon their peaceful way of life to defend the truth.

History was written by the victor.

Please do check the atrocities done by US soldiers in Japan post-surrender, the USSR atrocities against German women and kids (who had no role in supporting Hitler's campaigns but were just common people), the centuries of brutality of British and French colonial powers (French were far more peaceful compared to British) etc.

Oh and BTW contrary the lies of Allied slaves Gandhi and Nehru, now it turns out that the two British pets also spied on Bhagat Singh's family. What greater shame is there than that? How much lower could the secular-facist faggots of Centre-Left sink?

Now if you are a rational by-stander, you'll think about Netaji's decision to side with one bad and destroy the evil India was burdened with.
New details emerged of spying - uk and mi5 were Co conspirators :D

Yes, Indian intelligence agencies and British Mi5 intensely cooperated for 20 long years AFTER the independence of India to spy on the family members of one of India's greatest freedom fighters, just imagine!

It has been also clarified already that there was no plane crash in Taiwan on that fateful day of Netaji's death(?), there is certainly more in the story, something that might raise serious doubts about conducts of some of our tallest leaders of that time. Who knows if the real story has enough material to change the looks of our currency notes!

"A leader is more known by his habits than his words. Upon his ailing health due to exhausting work load, when doctors prescribed Netaji to have an egg a day, he replied he will take it only when he will be able feed every INA soldier the same. While, Nehru spent his days in Raj Bhaban, his daily menu included two boiled eggs, bread with honey and butter and coffee, soup, four fish fries dipped in egg and lemon juice and chicken royal, spicy keema of a chicken stuffed into a bigger chicken which was fried in butter. Heck, how did he manage to digest all these!!"

Courtesy: @scorpionx

Jawaharlal Nehru spied on Subhas Chandra Bose's family for 20 years
Yes, Indian intelligence agencies and British Mi5 intensely cooperated for 20 long years AFTER the independence of India to spy on the family members of one of India's greatest freedom fighters, just imagine!

It has been also clarified already that there was no plane crash in Taiwan on that fateful day of Netaji's death(?), there is certainly more in the story, something that might raise serious doubts about conducts of some of our tallest leaders of that time. Who knows if the real story has enough material to change the looks of our currency notes!

There's something fishy for sure that i agree but what concerns me is that Congress has been in power for so long, i don't take them for fools - don't you think they must've done something with the actual files if there's anything in it that could tamper their glorified history?
There's something fishy for sure that i agree but what concerns me is that Congress has been in power for so long, i don't take them for fools - don't you think they must've done something with the actual files if there's anything in it that could tamper their glorified history?

Yes, it is also believed that Congress has destroyed some very important files, but what is left is still explosive, plus there are files in British, American, Russian, and Japanese archives that Indian government doesn't want to be released.
Taiwan government has already confirmed that there was no plane crash, neither any record of any third degree burn victim in any hospital in Taiwan one week prior or after 18th August, 1945. It was also supported by the American intelligence reports.
There's something fishy for sure that i agree but what concerns me is that Congress has been in power for so long, i don't take them for fools - don't you think they must've done something with the actual files if there's anything in it that could tamper their glorified history?
What is more fishy is that even in the post Nehruvian period, especially during late 70's when Indian politics was dominated by non-congress parties, sensitive files remained under deep secrecy; If congress bears most of the blame to white wash the blots on Nehru's sacred legacies, other parties including BJP can not avoid the same. At least the Congress had a reason to conceal, others did not.
What is more fishy is that even in the post Nehruvian period, especially during late 70's when Indian politics was dominated by non-congress parties, sensitive files remained under deep secrecy; If congress bears most of the blame to white wash the blots on Nehru's sacred legacies, other parties including BJP can not avoid the same. At least the Congress had a reason to conceal, others did not.

Say, if the papers show that Netaji was alive, and Nehru, and maybe Gandhiji were aware of it, and probably cooperated with British government to keep Netaji in a Russian jail, or might caused his execution at some point after Gandhiji's death, then its impact will go beyond the fate of one political party.
Say, if the papers show that Netaji was alive, and Nehru, and maybe Gandhiji were aware of it, and probably cooperated with British government to keep Netaji in a Russian jail, or might caused his execution at some point after Gandhiji's death, then its impact will go beyond the fate of one political party.
Quite possible. But India, immediately after Independence was not in very good terms with Britain and Russia, nor the two allies were best friends in those days (cold war was about to begin) and Stalin had very little reason to keep Netaji in Siberia, let alone execute him just for the fact that he was 'technically' an war criminal. There are so many missing links those are yet to fill that a specific solution is impossible to reach without having all the files.

Yes, it is also believed that Congress has destroyed some very important files, but what is left is still explosive, plus there are files in British, American, Russian, and Japanese archives that Indian government doesn't want to be released.
Taiwan government has already confirmed that there was no plane crash, neither any record of any third degree burn victim in any hospital in Taiwan one week prior or after 18th August, 1945. It was also supported by the American intelligence reports.
Habibur Rehman and the two Japanese doctors had changed their versions so many times that the entire medical report looks ridiculous.
What is more fishy is that even in the post Nehruvian period, especially during late 70's when Indian politics was dominated by non-congress parties, sensitive files remained under deep secrecy; If congress bears most of the blame to white wash the blots on Nehru's sacred legacies, other parties including BJP can not avoid the same. At least the Congress had a reason to conceal, others did not.

I think we need to stop looking at it from a party perspective, and focus on the main players. Non Congress parties in the 70's have very little to do with the national parties in play now whereas Congress has not changed since its inception.

List of Prime Ministers of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take a look who was in power in the 70's! Moraji whose record of stupidity is open to us all and Charan Singh who was PM for a mere 170 days till Congress pulled the plug! Given the timeline, the events, small term at office, other pressing priorities.....its not hard to imagine why such issue were overlooked. Congress purposefully avoided disclosing these files. Don't forget Indira Gandhi was the PM before and after these NON CONGRESS PARTIES in the 70's.

Trust me....very few of us Indians are going to blame the other parties. Our attention is all on CON-gress, Nehru, Indira, etc. There is a record of REPEAT corruption that is damn obvious. And there is no room for it anymore, in our NEW INDIA. Sonia, Rahul and the rest of the gang are going to get a rude awakening.
I think we need to stop looking at it from a party perspective, and focus on the main players. Non Congress parties in the 70's have very little to do with the national parties in play now whereas Congress has not changed since its inception.

List of Prime Ministers of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take a look who was in power in the 70's! Moraji whose record of stupidity is open to us all and Charan Singh who was PM for a mere 170 days till Congress pulled the plug! Given the timeline, the events, small term at office, other pressing priorities.....its not hard to imagine why such issue were overlooked. Congress purposefully avoided disclosing these files. Don't forget Indira Gandhi was the PM before and after these NON CONGRESS PARTIES in the 70's.

Trust me....very few of us Indians are going to blame the other parties. Our attention is all on CON-gress, Nehru, Indira, etc. There is a record of REPEAT corruption that is damn obvious. And there is no room for it anymore, in our NEW INDIA. Sonia, Rahul and the rest of the gang are going to get a rude awakening.
Sound explanation .But BJP too with clear majority is hesitant to release the files today, isn't?
Quite possible. But India, immediately after Independence was not in very good terms with Britain and Russia, nor the two allies were best friends in those days (cold war was about to begin) and Stalin had very little reason to keep Netaji in Siberia, let alone execute him just for the fact that he was 'technically' an war criminal. There are so many missing links those are yet to fill that a specific solution is impossible to reach without having all the files.

Habibur Rehman and the two Japanese doctors had changed their versions so many times that the entire medical report looks ridiculous.

The British were in completely good terms with key players in the Indian govt, the various royal families, ministers, officials, etc. The feelings of common Indian did nothing to stop what went on in the upper levels of government.

Russia had all the reason to keep Netaji around. For Stalin, this was a great opportunity to bring India into his corner. War criminal? Yea ok like that would stop anything. I think what you and are others are missing is how this all comes down to the art of statecraft. India was nothing in front of Independent nations that had more than enough time to learn.

Sound explanation .But BJP too with clear majority is hesitant to release the files today, isn't?

I agree. I brought that point up earlier. The reason being given for not releasing the files make little or no sense. Our relations with other countries will not be harmed. Indians' anger will towards our own politicans and parties.

As for the hesitation, we have a very new gov't at the helm. Perhaps more time is needed, since there is so much to get done correctly. Something as explosive as this, can definitely rock the boat and sink our ability to address so many shortcomings from the past 60 yrs of misgoverance under Congress.

The fact that such files were mistakenly released LMAO.....is a tale of more to com perhaps?

The other issue I think may be a more corrupt politicans in various parties who may have known but turned a blind eye as they were bribed? I dunno I am fishing here....but it doesn't bother me.....I dont give a fuk about any party....I only like MODI>

Check this about Moraji! The fukker was part of Congress for a long time......

In opposition to his alleged Gandhian thoughts, Desai ordered police to fire on demonstrators of the Mumbai-unit of Samyukta Maharashtra Samiti at Flora Fountain who had gathered there to demonstrate against government. The protesters were led by Senapati Bapat. Desai ordered firing which killed 105 protesters including an eleven year old girl during the incident. This escalated the issue and is believed to have forced the Federal Government to agree to two separate states based on language. After the formation of the present State of Maharashtra, Bombay, now Mumbai became its state capital. Flora Fountain was renamed "Hutatma Chowk" ("Martyrs' Square" in Marathi) to honour the 105 people killed in the firing. Later Desai moved to Delhi when he was inducted as Home Minister in the cabinet of Prime Minister Nehru.
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WHy is Modi protecting these documents from leaking? Our relations with Russia will not be harmed.

I think it is Britain and Japan with whom our relations could get sour with release of documents.

Without Japanese connivance and British lechery, an assasination could not have had been orchestrated.

Also Bose was dye in red marxist. If rumors of his internment in Soviet camp were true, he would have been sent back to India by Stalin after 1950 to establish Soviet Socialist Republic of India ( SSRI).

Anyway Guys imagine the reaction if KGB files related to Lal Bahadur Shashtri's assasination are made public some day.

@axisofevil @Rain Man @Tshering22 @thesolar65 @SarthakGanguly @Zebra @magudi @SrNair
There's something fishy for sure that i agree but what concerns me is that Congress has been in power for so long, i don't take them for fools - don't you think they must've done something with the actual files if there's anything in it that could tamper their glorified history?

Every evil gets complacent some time or another my friend. They are also humans no matter how selfish, sell-out or anti-national they were.

And that is where they committed a mistake.

I think it is Britain and Japan with whom our relations could get sour with release of documents.

Without Japanese connivance and British lechery, an assasination could not have had been orchestrated.

Also Bose was dye in red marxist. If rumors of his internment in Soviet camp were true, he would have been sent back to India by Stalin after 1950 to establish Soviet Socialist Republic of India ( SSRI).

Anyway Guys imagine the reaction if KGB files related to Lal Bahadur Shashtri's assasination are made public some day.

@axisofevil @Rain Man @Tshering22 @thesolar65 @SarthakGanguly @Zebra @magudi @SrNair

Netaji died before WW2 officially ended, bringing an end to the INA's fight and therefore surrender of many of the soldiers. Japan was still dead against Britain; though they had no love for Netaji by the ending since both started having divergent views after their campaign in Burma and the Battle of Kohima, Netaji was still a convenient option compared to the British.

So technically it wasn't possible for the Japanese to pass his details to the British, as much as it was possible that Nehru-Gandhi duo to get him snuffed out for the sake of their colonial masters the British.

I hope that the files highlighting the death of PM Shastri ji is also given clearance to be released to the public.

Justice has to be served for those who died in service of our country.
I hope that the files highlighting the death of PM Shastri ji is also given clearance to be released to the public.

Justice has to be served for those who died in service of our country.

I don't think we have any files on Shastri. It was a KGB's assassination to put their lackey on throne.

KGB must have kept a file on him to blackmail Gandhis, though there is very little chance that they would release it.
I think it is Britain and Japan with whom our relations could get sour with release of documents.

Without Japanese connivance and British lechery, an assasination could not have had been orchestrated.

Also Bose was dye in red marxist. If rumors of his internment in Soviet camp were true, he would have been sent back to India by Stalin after 1950 to establish Soviet Socialist Republic of India ( SSRI).

Anyway Guys imagine the reaction if KGB files related to Lal Bahadur Shashtri's assasination are made public some day.

@axisofevil @Rain Man @Tshering22 @thesolar65 @SarthakGanguly @Zebra @magudi @SrNair

I dont think we should hide any of these files anymore. India and Indians need to have a debate on how to guide our nation forward. The problem there is a huge number of ppl who are pacifist, secular, etc. All traits that are excellenet for wonderful utopia but we dont live in that world.

No matter what happens our mindset has to security oriented 24-7 regardless of which politican or govt comes into power.

I hate the way we suck up to the Brits. We need to get our self respect! Build our nation lie never before. Whatever flaws or weakeness they and others point out and use to bring us down, should be the Energy and the reason we use to correct it and make it better. India and Indians have this great ability, but we lack great leadership and governace till recently. Why would ever accept democracy from the West but never make any attempt at tweaking it to fit India perfectly. Why cannot we train, adapt and push ourselves to be the best? Stop settling to simply develop, develop to be the best? There are some great things to learn from China which is tough to say from a guy who does not trust China at all.

I cannot get mad nor blame Japan. They did a lot for Bose. If they did aid in getting Bose killed, they weren't in a great position to do anything else. Japan lost WW2 after being attacked by nuclear bombs not once but twice.

Bringing up Shastri is a great point! I also want to bring up Homi's death on Air India in the Alps!

This is why I stated earlier, we need to revamp India like never before in our entire history of 5000 yrs! ALl weaknesses in our society in every sphere involving even religion shoul dbe transformed and changed with national and security pov/approach..
I don't think we have any files on Shastri. It was a KGB's assassination to put their lackey on throne.

KGB must have kept a file on him to blackmail Gandhis, though there is very little chance that they would release it.

We could incentivize Russia to release them. After all, it was an old Soviet tactic and won't damage our relations with current modern Russia.

Maybe a really really difficult task but convincing Putin could actually yield results.

Because more than putting Moscow in wrong light it would simply highlight what lackeys our 'founding ruling family' was to foreign power just for political throne; first the British then the Soviets.

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