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Negative attitudes toward Iran increasing among Turks, survey shows

iran, unlike turks, never needed outsiders to protect them or start alliances. even the ottomans had alliances with europeans, while persians always fought on their own. and now the turks have the nato to protect them, while iran doesnt give a **** about any country. we are going our own way, and if someone has a problem with that, he should act. dont talk, but walk.

still standing after 2700 years:

iran, unlike turks, never needed outsiders to protect them or start alliances. even the ottomans had alliances with europeans, while persians always fought on their own. and now the turks have the nato to protect them, while iran doesnt give a **** about any country. we are going our own way, and if someone has a problem with that, he should act. dont talk, but walk.

still standing after 2700 years:

Trust me it is burning these Turks that we are not their allies. :lol:

They would love nothing more then having us on their side to counter Armenians and Kurds. But we don't like them and have our own plans. So all this anti-Iran stuff you are seeing from them is their bûtthurt reply to us not being their allies. It is like a girl who likes a guy, but the guy doesn't like her back, so she acts mean to him out of jealousy. :rofl:
From what I have read of the Iranian posters in this thread, it gives me the impression that Iran is behind all sorts of provocations between Sunni - Shia tension and even ethnic tensions in the region.

I'd like to think that these guys are just your average trolls and nationalists and that they aren't part of the majority of Iranians. I am basing this conclusion, because I see this among Turkish posters as well. I know that nationalists and trolls are the most vocal of posters (no matter what group they are a part of).
Thank you for putting a smile on face. The whole treads idea was " Turks don't like Iran". You have a fantastic imagination.

Yes I know. I explained why. Is it not true that Turkey was trying to buddy up close to Iran until a couple years back? Basically until we turned away your unwanted attention. I also always see Turks talking about brotherhood. "We have brotherhood with Pakistan", "we are trying to increase brotherhood with Arabs" and so on. I am sure that if Iran was kind to Turkey right now we would be hearing about how "Iran is Turkey's brother" from all you Turks. While Iran has no need for such statements or emotions.
Yes I know. I explained why. Is it not true that Turkey was trying to buddy up close to Iran until a couple years back? Basically until we turned away your unwanted attention. I also always see Turks talking about brotherhood. "We have brotherhood with Pakistan", "we are trying to increase brotherhood with Arabs" and so on. I am sure that if Iran was kind to Turkey right now we would be hearing about how "Iran is Turkey's brother" from all you Turks. While Iran has no need for such statements or emotions.

People have different ideals, I never liked Iran as a nation, But i have plenty of Iranian friends, Your word are empty and almost worthless that no one will take you even serious, The only thing we dont need is another Iranian barking about the obvious.
Yes I know. I explained why. Is it not true that Turkey was trying to buddy up close to Iran until a couple years back? Basically until we turned away your unwanted attention. I also always see Turks talking about brotherhood. "We have brotherhood with Pakistan", "we are trying to increase brotherhood with Arabs" and so on. I am sure that if Iran was kind to Turkey right now we would be hearing about how "Iran is Turkey's brother" from all you Turks. While Iran has no need for such statements or emotions.

I agree with you. Turkey tries to have good relationship with all countries. We extend our hands in peace, some shake and some spit on it.
Well, that is your opinion. In the past few hundred years no government has championed the Iranic people's cause. Whilst much has been done for pan-Arabism and pan-Turkism which have both failed.

As soon as Iran has a strong government which advocates Iranic people's cause then the Middle East, Caucasus and Central Asia will change dramatically.

I wish you all the best in your "genetic unification of Iranic people" project. I also hope that one day an Empire will be established on your dream/ideology. May I know your subject of expertise/specialization/study?

I would request you to kindly brief us about the existence of any Iranic empire in the AD era.
Lmao you think a couple hundred people in a football match is a sign of something? Lets see if pan-Turkism hasn't failed then why are all Central Asian Turks close with Armenia and Russia? Why does Azerbaijani government burn Turkey just to go after her own gains? Words and everything are good, but action is where it is important.

Basically to make a long story short: you always bark, but never bite.

What a load of crap as usual, Not to long ago we established an union with these Central asian turks... thats what we call bitting while you can stay in your corner and bark...
I agree with you. Turkey tries to have good relationship with all countries. We extend our hands in peace, some shake and some spit on it.

Well I don't think that is true. Turkey been a cruel country through its history in my opinion. From the beginning when you invaded and stole other people's lands 1000 years ago, right up to when you killed 2 million Armenians in genocide. To what you are doing today, trying to choke little Armenia to death as well as sending terrorists into Syria. Many other things as well, but I will not go into it.
Yes I know. I explained why. Is it not true that Turkey was trying to buddy up close to Iran until a couple years back? Basically until we turned away your unwanted attention. I also always see Turks talking about brotherhood. "We have brotherhood with Pakistan", "we are trying to increase brotherhood with Arabs" and so on. I am sure that if Iran was kind to Turkey right now we would be hearing about how "Iran is Turkey's brother" from all you Turks. While Iran has no need for such statements or emotions.

You see, relationships between countries and the relationship between you and your retarded friends from the neighbourhood are two different things.
What a load of crap as usual, Not to long ago we established an union with these Central asian turks... thats what we call bitting while you can stay in your corner and bark...

I have nothing against you, in fact I think you are a good guy. These are just my opinions, and until you prove it otherwise (not with symbolic unions, heck even Arabs have a union :lol:) they will remain.

You see, relationships between countries and the relationship between you and your retarded friends from the neighbourhood are two different things.

Sure... I see civilized countries always talking about being brothers. Just yesterday I heard David Cameron saying "France is brother country with UK". :rofl:
Well I don't think that is true. Turkey been a cruel country through its history in my opinion. From the beginning when you invaded and stole other people's lands 1000 years ago, right up to when you killed 2 million Armenians in genocide. To what you are doing today, trying to choke little Armenia to death as well as sending terrorists into Syria. Many other things as well, but I will not go into it.

As you go 1000 years ago. Start to accuse turkish states in your point of view, i think this discussion fell into a bottomless well. We have different point of view but know that turks don't like Iran not Iranians (IMO).
As you go 1000 years ago. Start to accuse turkish states in your point of view, i think this discussion fell into a bottomless well. We have different point of view but know that turks don't like Iran not Iranians (IMO).

1000 years ago was just to give it context. Throughout history there are many examples of Turkish cruelty. A few other examples is occupying the northern half of Cyprus or all the wars and terror Ottomans raged on Europe. Modern day I already explained about how you are sending known terrorists into Syria, chocking Armenia and so on.
1000 years ago was just to give it context. Throughout history there are many examples of Turkish cruelty. A few other examples is occupying the northern half of Cyprus or all the wars and terror Ottomans raged on Europe. Modern day I already explained about how you are sending known terrorists into Syria, chocking Armenia and so on.

As i stated before these are all from your point of view. I have answer for all of your accusations but i don't wanna argue (writing in English = pain in the azz for me).
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