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Need to maintain strong military ties with Pakistan: US General

1st we must need to focus on Russia,China & Turkey & enhance best relationship with them then thought about US because we already lost several things to become a allay of US...:pakistan:
Military ties should only be based on getting new weapons at reasonable costs,all other matters should be secondary to this
Need to maintain strong military ties with Pakistan: US General
The statement comes ahead of Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan's meeting with US President Donald Trump at the White House later this month.
Jul 12, 2019, 10.55 AM IST

WASHINGTON: A top American general has told the country's lawmakers that the United States needs to maintain strong military ties with Pakistan.

The statement comes ahead of Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan's meeting with US President Donald Trump at the White House later this month.

"While we have suspended security assistance and paused major defense dialogues, we need to maintain strong military-to-military ties based on our shared interests," General Mark A Milley, who has been nominated as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said in response to written questions for his confirmation hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

President's South Asia Strategy recognises Pakistan as a key partner in achieving US interests in South Asia, including developing a political settlement in Afghanistan; defeating al-Qa'ida (AQ) and ISIS-Khorasan; providing logistical access for US forces; and enhancing regional stability, he said on Thursday.

"If confirmed as Chairman, my objective would be to preserve the defense relationship between the United States and Pakistan even as we press Pakistan to take action on US requests," he added.

Responding to another question, Milley said Pakistan has made positive contributions in support of Afghan reconciliation.

However, since the suspension of security assistance, Pakistan has also expanded its outreach to other countries, including Russia and China, to meet its security and economic assistance needs, he said.

We will be rather fools to trust America again. Since the 1971 war until today they have led us to nowhere. They have always left us in the mess alone.
That WoT was agreed upon by a rat with humiliating conditions like the word "aid". It should have been paid in advance and also NATO supplies should have been charged heavily. Though the best decision would have been to totally stay away from that War of terror and rather supported Afghanistan.

The US had threatened to "bomb Pakistan back to the stone age" if Pakistan did not co-operate. As per Chief of Army Staff, Commando, President General Pervez Musharraf.
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