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Nearly one in four people worldwide is Muslim

is the pot not calling the kettle black when indian hindu's start talking about muslim birth rates.

i agree they are high, however its not as if the indian hindu's are exactly diminishing.

so to me this family planning nonsense sounds like a way of curbing muslim birth rates in india with the aim of reducing muslim demographics in india, very secular by hindu india.

Firstly, the source mentioned above by me clearly confirms that Muslim birthrates are higher than Hindu's.

Secondly, nobody is talking about "curbing muslim birth rates in India". Stop modifying other people's posts to satisfy your own argument. High Muslim birth rates are observed everywhere, not only India. So.. why bring India or Hindus into all of this? Lame.

Please stick to the topic...
Muslims have a fairly large birth rate - granted.

However, I often visit an Area in London (hackney) that has a high population of Orthodox Jews, and many of their families have at least 5 Kids; having as many as 12 kids is not unusual for them.

There are a group of polygamist Christians in America. They have built for themselves a nice place to live, huge houses etc - each household may have up to 20 kids between 2-4 wives.

So... are you trying to suggest high birth rates are related to religiosity in general, and not just any particular religion? Hmmm.... Now, not all Muslims are orthodox or "polygamists" right?

One must also understand that Islam is also one of the fastest growing religions through conversion rates.


I advise that the Indian members keep their reservations about family planning to themselves unless they want a first class honours in hypocrisy.

Again... please read the source I provided. And my question was about Muslims in general. Why bring India into all of this? India has high birthrates because of illiteracy and lack of awareness. Are you suggesting that illiteracy levels among Muslims in Europe is similar to illiteracy levels among rural Indians?
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Firstly, the source mentioned above by me clearly confirms that Muslim birthrates are higher than Hindu's.

Secondly, nobody is talking about "curbing muslim birth rates in India". Stop modifying other people's posts to satisfy your own argument. High Muslim birth rates are observed everywhere, not only India. So.. why bring India or Hindus into all of this? Lame.

Please stick to the topic...

one only starts talking about muslim birth rates when they are concerned with demographics?

or not?

are hindu birth rates in india an issue? just wondering...
Why every one is not looking at the pace of Islam flourishing in the world. You can Google and find for your self the number of cases People are turning to Islam.

I am not saying that Islam is only spreading with conversions and not birth, but keeping both in the mind.

NO wonder why terrorism is increasing too;)

OK, first I thought that I should ignore you but on the second thought: your statement is flaming and I personally don't like it. Next time you tried to associate Muslim with terror(even humorously) I will deal with you seriously.
I have a question...

Are Muslims proud of this "achievement"? I mean, many would interpret these staggering figures as an achievement for Islam. But frankly, it showcases failure of family planning among Muslim families and most importantly, lack of economic opportunities for Muslim women.

I'm not trying to criticize anything, but was genuinely wondering about the main reason behind the high birth rate. Probably some Muslim friends here might provide valuable insight...

I have a one liner: High Birth Rate is not Muslim specific phenomenon.
jana madam, some researchs say population explosion is the worst threat staring at us...there is no way planet earth can sustain our current growth of population...bigger population is the single biggest cause for global warming beside high consumption,but its all related ...population rise has to be a concern of everyone irrespective of religion.

:) the nature has own ways to balance it.

Secondly the problem is when China has one child policy even then the world has a problem so let the nations decide what they want not what we want.

Global warming has many other reasons too lets address them first.

Why the world should have a problem only with the Muslim population.
I hope you understand resources are finite, we've already changed the earth as per our behaviour, we've got very little time to change. :)

I hope you also understand that an average american teenager takes up more resources than a large family from asia-africa.......should we not control the excess of the teenager rather then put the blame on a large family?
Again... please read the source I provided. And my question was about Muslims in general. Why bring India into all of this? India has high birthrates because of illiteracy and lack of awareness. Are you suggesting that illiteracy levels among Muslims in Europe is similar to illiteracy levels among rural Indians?

Let me give you a quick example......first generation of immigrants into the UK, be they irish,muslim,jewish ect have high birth rates......second generation have less and the third generation end up with 2.5 children like everybody else in the UK.
Just to mention that There are 6m people in the UAE; of whom 1m are Emiratis; 1.75m are Indians; 1.25m are Pakistanis; 0.5m are 'Westerners';
0.5m are from various African countries. I forget where the last
1m were from.
Let me give you a quick example......first generation of immigrants into the UK, be they irish,muslim,jewish ect have high birth rates......second generation have less and the third generation end up with 2.5 children like everybody else in the UK.
Same apply to USA.
I have a question...

Are Muslims proud of this "achievement"? I mean, many would interpret these staggering figures as an achievement for Islam. But frankly, it showcases failure of family planning among Muslim families and most importantly, lack of economic opportunities for Muslim women.

I'm not trying to criticize anything, but was genuinely wondering about the main reason behind the high birth rate. Probably some Muslim friends here might provide valuable insight...

The whole "high growth rate" thing was largely a fabrication brought by Christian fundamentalists, in order to oppose the claim that Islam is the fastest growing religion!

On the contrary, Millions every year convert to Islam, after realizing that it is the true path! You can find thousands of convert stories throughout youtube...

A few years back, it was noted that over 20 000 Americans (United States alone) had converted/reverted to Islam in under one year... That number has since increased!
Project India huh?

Like forcefully converting Hindus to Muslims?

You've got some nerve coming into a Pakistani forum and speaking against our religion like that!

Translated verse:

Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.
( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #256)

Unlike Hinduism, Islam is a religion of peace! And is the only religion to spread by peaceful means!

If Muslims had forcefully converted anyone, then India wouldn't have any Hindus left, let alone being 80% of the population...

On the contrary look at Spain, which eradicated it's Muslim population in the period of a few decades!

Also, Hindus and Sikhs have a long history of persecuting us Muslims... A history we won't forget! Insha Allah!

When Muslims ruled the Sub-continent, there was peace and justice! But once Hindus and Sikhs got some power, they destroyed Mosques, killed too many innocent Muslims, and spread violence, abuse, tyranny, and hatred through the lands!
Translated verse:

Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.
( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #256)

What is the point. Everyone else claim their path is right. I am not going into this but it was not needed to put something like this here that too openly for discussion. :no:

Unlike Hinduism, Islam is a religion of peace! And is the only religion to spread by peaceful means!

Well done mate for this lovely words. Do you mean to say Buddhism, Jainism all are spread by non-peaceful means? (No offences).

If Muslims had forcefully converted anyone, then India wouldn't have any Hindus left, let alone being 80% of the population...

Wait a min, I have seen these words in youtube. Not worthy of response.

Also, Hindus and Sikhs have a long history of persecuting us Muslims... A history we won't forget! Insha Allah!

Nice to meet you. You certainly know too much about Hinduism and Sikhism. :smitten:

When Muslims ruled the Sub-continent, there was peace and justice! But once Hindus and Sikhs got some power, they destroyed Mosques, killed too many innocent Muslims, and spread violence, abuse, tyranny, and hatred through the lands!

Please let us know about his part. I am curious. And do we need to remember Somnath temple etc. Better not to flame. Stick to the topic please.:tdown:
dont worry, once project india is completed we will comfortably be the biggest religion in the world:)

project India eh?
to cause the Hindus of India to suspect and go against their fellow muslims?
a menacing thought eh r3alist?that '3' doesn't make it 'realist'.
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