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NDS and RAW involved in quetta attack.

IS has claimed the responsibility of that cowardly attack, by blaming RAW you are shamelessly disrespecting martyrs, people forget the sacrifice of some in the midst of raw phobia and blind jingoism.

your are only giving cleanchit to the actual attackers, shame

Not a single statement from Pak Army and their pathetic media starts to feed their people venom.

Sad state of affairs
The timing is too suspect to be a coincidence, also sleeping soldiers of URI vs sleeping cops from Pakistan the message is there for all but the extremely gullible.
RAW, NDS backing terrorists to hit soft targets in Pakistan, US envoy told

ISLAMABAD: Indian and Afghan spy agencies are covertly backing terrorists to hit soft targets in Pakistan, the country’s National Security Adviser told the US ambassador on Wednesday, a day after a deadly attack on a training facility in Quetta killed over 60 police cadets.

Issues concerning the heinous attack on the Police Training College in Quetta, counter terrorism operations, and cross-border attacks came under discussion in a meeting between US Ambassador David Hale and Pakistan NSA Lt Gen (Retd) Nasser Khan Janjua here on Wednesday.

In the meeting, the US ambassador condemned the heinous attack and expressed his deepest regrets, offering all-out help from US.

The National Security Adviser briefed him on the efforts Pakistan was making to improve the security situation by implementing the National Action Plan.

The adviser also emphasised on the need to break the nexus of Afghanistan-based terrorists who were operating under the patronage of Afghanistan's National Directorate of Security (NDS) and top Indian spy agency, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW).

The terrorists were being covertly supported to come and hit the soft targets in Pakistan, he added.

Gen (Retd) Janjua said terrorists who attacked the Police Training College were constantly in touch with their accomplices based in Afghanistan, adding that Pakistan needed US support in the matter.

The National Security Adviser stated that peace in Afghanistan was directly linked to peace in Pakistan and political reconciliation in Afghanistan was inevitable for stability in the region.

The US ambassador also apprised the adviser of the initiatives the US had taken to improve security situation in Afghanistan.



This is a false dichotomy and the two don't aren't mutually exclusive. We have always said that India itself doesn't execute the attacks itself, it provides financial, logistical and planning support to terrorist groups in Pakistan that attack Pakistani civilians.
By blindly putting the blame on RAW, you people helping both your incompetent security agencies & terrorists..
For example you people believe that ISI is a super duper world no.1 intelligence agency .. But actually your intelligent agencies are pathetically failing again & again to stop terror attacks..
Next one your army is considered as best in the world by you people, but it miserably fails to totally destroy the TTP, al quaeda, Lashak e janghvi etc..
The base problem lies in your attitudes.. Good terrorists / bad terrorists recognition is the main problem.. By doing that you people give permission to respond anything with terrorism in the name of jihad.. Because your bad terrorists may be other's good terrorist..
We are fighting against enemy on west and keeping check on enemy in east which is ur country your army cant fight directly thats why sending terrorists in pakistan through afghanistan.

Beside blaming blindly raw what your goverment do blam isi in one minute so dont go there mate as we hate each other will keep blaming each other as enemy oneday both countries will b destroyd

By blindly putting the blame on RAW, you people helping both your incompetent security agencies & terrorists..
For example you people believe that ISI is a super duper world no.1 intelligence agency .. But actually your intelligent agencies are pathetically failing again & again to stop terror attacks..
Next one your army is considered as best in the world by you people, but it miserably fails to totally destroy the TTP, al quaeda, Lashak e janghvi etc..
The base problem lies in your attitudes.. Good terrorists / bad terrorists recognition is the main problem.. By doing that you people give permission to respond anything with terrorism in the name of jihad.. Because your bad terrorists may be other's good terrorist..
So you guys call us terrorist nation by seprating good and bad terrorists same goes to that nation mate so your nation is also terrorists according to your own word our bad terrorists are your good terrorists
By blindly putting the blame on RAW, you people helping both your incompetent security agencies & terrorists..
For example you people believe that ISI is a super duper world no.1 intelligence agency .. But actually your intelligent agencies are pathetically failing again & again to stop terror attacks..
Next one your army is considered as best in the world by you people, but it miserably fails to totally destroy the TTP, al quaeda, Lashak e janghvi etc..
The base problem lies in your attitudes.. Good terrorists / bad terrorists recognition is the main problem.. By doing that you people give permission to respond anything with terrorism in the name of jihad.. Because your bad terrorists may be other's good terrorist..

1. Do you not yourself blindly blame ISI for whatever goes wrong in your country?

2. Not this good terrorist bad terrorist bullshit again. Your state has followed that policy for decades. Mukhti Bahni and LTTE are two well known cases, but TTP, BLA, BRA are living examples of your state's support for terrorism.
You guys have been indulging in spreading terrorism since your birth.
1) 1947 - Sending Terrorist to capture J&K when the King decided to merge with India.
2) 1950 to 1971 - With the support of USA & China , from East Pakistan, you guys fanned, supplied, armed NE Terrorist.
3) 1981 onwards - Khalistani Terrorist - they still live in Pakistan.
4) 1991 onwards - Kashmir

As your country is ruled by army, even now.....as all the key policies made by army, all it can think and do is covert warfare....

When the payback times comes, you guys should accept the cheque. This is the law of Karma.

If you take panga with many size larger and powerful country , it will have consequences. The delay in pay cheque is because india is a democracy and its civil servant are lazy to act......but delay does not mean default by them.

You guys created the army , non state actors etc etc, we just pay them more than what you offered them. They are your own creation, your own people / people you trained.

KASHMIR . This will end when you vacate the Kashmir occupied by you. Give the land which acceded with us. With your country division, you don't have any moral right ( legal you lost with the state accession) over Kashmir. UN resolutions are just the resolutions ...they mean nothing to us.

Yes, we know that one more slice is needed to solve the problem permanently. We are at work.
Innocent people died and many injured and that's great to you ? you F__kn jerk you should be ashamed of your self to be human. Doesn't matter where life is lost a life is a life grow up and get rid of your hate before trying to play behind the screen hero you pathetic jerk.

GO and give this logic to your ISI, PA and Pak government and many others in this forum who are defending Hafiz Saeed, an international declared terrorist who has killed hundreds of innocent lives in Mumbai and many others..
Unfortunately, the reality is harsh and not many understand the pain of others till they feel it on themselves or on their near and dear ones. But point is, how many of these more grusesome incidents Pakistan wants to understand the Frankenstein monster which Pakistan is harboring and nurturing.

Why would Taliban listen to India or Pakistan??? They hate us both for using them as cannon fodder in the past. If you look at the pattern they are targeting Indian soft targets in Afghanistan and doing cross border terror in Pakistan.

We should Nuke Afghanistan first so that India can learn a lesson.

You cannot control your own Taliban proxies in Afghanistan and yet you want to punish entire Afghanistan just to teach India. Do you know why they hate you? It is nothing to do with India.
Unlike the Pakistanis who come into India and kill sleeping soldiers, Indian lives are not that cheap that Doval will send Indians on suicide missions to kill Pakistanis and avenge Uri.

These are your snakes which bit you. And they will continue doing so until you stop keeping "good" snakes which you expect to be sensible enough to judge between an Indian and Pakistani before biting.

because pakistan has nothing to gain from it---otoh india does gain a lots of sympathy.

What use is the sympathy if you cannot bring them back from dead?? What about the families who lost their loved ones?
Can you fill their void? By calling it a false flag, you are trivialising their sacrifice.

As you can tell I am no conspiracy expert.

Such statements do more harm than good. Do something about it other than issuing statements that serve no purpose.
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