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NDS and RAW involved in quetta attack.

They will keep trying nott damage us but the question is are we prepared? And the answer is NO. We have enemies on both borders trying to harm us and we cant even protect a sensitive institute of a sensitive city of a sensitive province.
This is such a continuous sad story but really getting ridiculous. We are not able to protect our citizens. Terrorist are attacking at will and we just make new and ingenious statements. Indian challenged that they will hurt us where it will feel most and wont let CPEC to go forward. Our response? Hit me Now? Truly pathetic state!!
So if RAW is funding it, what is the solution?
Like they doing to us counter thier operations. seal afghan border put layerd security on that border.
Give agressive responce do not sit quite
It is high time that Pak, India and AF join hands and work against these maggots, our future depends on it.


Direly needed cooperation to wipe this menace from this region but see little chances of happening such even in next decade keeping the widened hostility amongst us in mind....
nothing surprising here, we should not even mention this anymore, we should concentrate on our incompetence..

There was only 1 guard to protect a police academy with capacity of 500 unarmed cadets despite many attacks on Police installations in the past.. Who is responible for this? Will we ever punish responsible?

If our govt have little ghairat they should look how easy targets are Police HQ's even in city like Karachi..
Please stop starting such threads.

RAW did it. NDS did it. Mossad did it. Aliens did it. It doesn't matter --- whose responsibility is it to defend our country against their designs? The only finger-pointing should be toward our own security agencies (civ and mil) that have failed to stop this attack / raise the cost for these foreign agencies (which no doubt are trying to destabilize Pakistan).

RAW did it. Okay. What are we going to do about it?
It was planned from Afghanistan. Okay. What are we going to do about it?

Talk is cheap. We want to see action behind enemy lines in neighboring countries. What are the SSG and ISI's external wing waiting for? Just yesterday I asked someone in the know whether it is a lack of leadership will/courage OR capability. I was assured the capability was there, but it wasn't very comforting because what's the use if it's never used?!

India has nothing to do in this attack. It is LEJ , these cowards attacked us in night , and FC already intercepted links from afghanistan. India is never involved in Suicide attacks. They never do like this . Kurds & Afghans and terrorist from our banned organisations mostly do this.

Fact is it i true that India might want Pakistan to feel the pain when our solders are dying in the hand of terrorist..But that does not mean, that India will be behind such kind of major terrorist attack in your country..Honestly, sometimes, i doubt the capacity of RAW to the extent in PDF, it is claimed to be. You have to remember that RAW is not ISI where it is given free hand by the Gov to operate and kill people in major way...

So it will be waste of our effort to educate the difference between that politically some Indian people expect that Pakistan should feel the pain of loss when they himself go through it..

Now the bigger question is, if India is not there, who else is capable enough to create such kind of havoc in Pakistan and who will be ultimately benefited out of it...Ultimately, some sane mind is needed who can think and put forward his thughts in PDF..
Its not baseless mate its all done by raw as we all know we are enemies
By blindly putting the blame on RAW, you people helping both your incompetent security agencies & terrorists..
For example you people believe that ISI is a super duper world no.1 intelligence agency .. But actually your intelligent agencies are pathetically failing again & again to stop terror attacks..
Next one your army is considered as best in the world by you people, but it miserably fails to totally destroy the TTP, al quaeda, Lashak e janghvi etc..
The base problem lies in your attitudes.. Good terrorists / bad terrorists recognition is the main problem.. By doing that you people give permission to respond anything with terrorism in the name of jihad.. Because your bad terrorists may be other's good terrorist..
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