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NCM has lost legitimacy.

They were shown the letter, and instead of confirming, when ISPR is asked they say “ask the government”. And today COAS comes out condemning the Ukraine war, something Imran flat out rejected and positioned himself differently. Does that look like to you that the army believes this whole charade?
Again you just dodge my question, you are not questioning the credibility of just IK, but the entire Govt/every Journalist and Army itself, where is your evidence that its a fake letter ? let me see your evidence, and please don't say that just wait and watch, or America deny it because that doesn't count as evidence, but showing it bunch of people who come to nation and acknowledge its existence speaks a lot. Also, Condemning a war or supporting it has to be a nations own decision, just because Russian is the aggressor doesn't mean Pakistan has to condemn it, and if Pakistan is not condemning it then west has no right to call them out for, cause for decades the west ignored Kashmir, Palestine issues, in fact not just that they openly supported the killing of Palestinians and Kashmiri's openly supporting both India and Israel with weapons, propaganda and narrative building. so where were these so called Western countries and where were their threat's like these for the countries like India or Israel ? As for PM, he did not support Russian narrative nor Russia over war, Govt send Aid to Ukraine and even calls for immediate stop of hostilities. This is not about IK going to Russia or IK's not taking Westerns side on the war, we all know why is this happening and if you don't then you are living under a rock, America openly express that they want to make India their man in the region and Pakistan to be under it, America often threat and even show " concerns " over Chinese Investments and close ties, it feels like America has problem with everything Pakistan does, or intends to do and what happen to that rhetoric of just leaving them alone ? America left Afghanistan, Stop all Aid and the relationship is almost dead on a Political side so why is that they are so hell bent against one Person ? Are there any corruption charges on IK ? did he threat Israel with nukes ? Did he threat any country from the NATO ? what exactly did he do to get this threat and on top of all that, they want to bring convicted criminals back to Power in Pakistan why ? will they allow convicted criminals in to their congress or White House ? No...
بنے ہیں اہلِ ہوس مدعی بھی منصف بھی
کسے وکیل کریں کس سے منصفی چاہیں؟

But the we will fight and we will prevail. Right now most important thing is next election. Rally around better set of people and make them stronger.
NCM win or lose doesn't matter at this stage.
The sooner he retires, the better.

Instead of giving 3 options to the elected / selected PM, he being on extension should retire ASAP. He has served more years than an elected PM could lawfully serve the country.

PM failed to condemn / denounce / reject Russian invasion / war in Ukraine, so he is stepping in.

But under what authority / law can he announce such statements?

Isn't the MoFO there , to speak on Pakistan's Behalf, or does civilian supremacy doesn't make sense to the institution?

Russia is still one of the five Permanent members of the Security Council. Invading Ukraine on the pretext of Protecting Russian population, etc etc

If this stance of Russia is illegal, then why Pakistan is fighting India, for Kashmir Muslims ?

Someone who has a stronger spine then him, NEEDS TO REPLACE HIM ASAP. Every day he is in office, means more compromises by the Nation because he couldn't take the pressure from the letter and stayed neutral.
Lol quote me when this joke of a “letter” is actually revealed.

I can’t believe that there sane people out there who think a foreign country, even a hostile one would write a belligerent letter to convey a threat. Lmao

Oh Bhai the letter was from the Pakistani ambassador to the U.S.A back to the Foreign Office and contained minutes of the meeting with U.S Under Secretary of State for South Asia. The letter mentioned threats that were verbally communicated to him by the American official.

The Pakistani Ambassador at the time is a career diplomat and had zero reason to make up the threats.

Moreover, this has been endorsed by the National Security Committee which includes the Services Chiefs as well as all the intelligence Chiefs. The NSC has already condemned the threats and termed it blatant foreign intervention.

Ye Najam Sethi Wala churan Kisi aur ku bhechu.

The sooner he retires, the better.

Instead of giving 3 options to the elected / selected PM, he being on extension should retire ASAP. He has served more years than an elected PM could lawfully serve the country.

PM failed to co

The sooner he retires, the better.

Instead of giving 3 options to the elected / selected PM, he being on extension should retire ASAP. He has served more years than an elected PM could lawfully serve the country.

PM failed to condemn / denounce / reject Russian invasion / war in Ukraine, so he is stepping in.

But under what authority / law can he announce such statements?

Isn't the MoFO there , to speak on Pakistan's Behalf, or does civilian supremacy doesn't make sense to the institution?

Russia is still one of the five Permanent members of the Security Council. Invading Ukraine on the pretext of Protecting Russian population, etc etc

If this stance of Russia is illegal, then why Pakistan is fighting India, for Kashmir Muslims ?

Someone who has a stronger spine then him, NEEDS TO REPLACE HIM ASAP. Every day he is in office, means more compromises by the Nation because he couldn't take the pressure from the letter and stayed neutral.
Until everything he is tasked with is not achieved, he won't let go.
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A petition has been submitted in SC about alleged foreign interference into NC voting, I am sure GOP has every ground to stop the voting correct me if I am wrong until it becames clear which players are involved.
So has our military, IK is still around and Bajwa has already made a foreign policy statement in favour of the US.
Indeed surely since they went public they have enough evidence and as such should pursue cases against the alleged individuals. Unless this is done the legitimacy of IK's allegations will continue to be put under doubt reasonably so.

Side note, to all those loverboys deeply entranced by Imran Khan's wooing such that they think that Pakistan is going to disintegrate or collapse after he goes;
The bloodiest and most traumatic event for our nation-state which was the 1971 civil war shook Pakistan and yet it continued to survive and recover and the questioning for our existence ceased as we proved that we can hold our own and be a proper nation state.
Imran Khan going is the biggest false equivalence to this i have ever seen, the fact that this is being done is depressing to say the least.

We lost half of the country in 1871, Wtf are you on 😂
Article 6 of treason must be initiated against Opposition leaders and the one absconder sitting in London. IK gov must do this ASAP.
Otherwise all your diplomatic protests to US mean zilch.

The incompetent federal prosecution team can't even prove corruption against the Sharifs. You think these incompetents will be able to get a treason conviction?
There is a complete melt down among PDF Noonies that no matter what , we have to deny that US is involved. To them, IK is making everything on their own. They thought their movement against sitting PM was genuine lolz.
Discuss: The NCM clearly is a foreign conspiracy, hatched to bring Pakistan back under control of the Western imperialism. After the NSC statement regarding the ultimatum sent by the US President Joe Biden, the NCM has lost its legitimacy and therefore must be stopped in its tracks by the institutions like the honorable Judiciary.

Discuss, pros, cons and strategies.

Thank you.
NCM is irrelevant, as the gloves are off now. We always knew PDM et al, were/are a thing for sale. Those who know, they know it well that these people have always been in contact with US embassy, even for trivial matters, like conflicts among themselves.
What's new for my generation is that we all thought our establishment has been helpless because of PDM et al and not having genuine political leadership is the handicap making keeping Pakistan on its knees since, probably its inception. However, now its clear, uts not just crisis of leadership, but of establishment.

Those who have not sold out their souls, but are genuinely sharing their fears of dependence of Pakistan on US, really need to reassess their fears logically. IK made efforts, with all his personal flaws, weaknesses of PTI as political party and limitations of state's system, he was on way to improving exports and improving economic indicators. There's no reason Pakistan can not survive with indigenous foreign policy.

We, the Pakistanis are to make a decision whether we would prefer to be ruled by viceroy of US, like Egyptians by Sisi or by indigenous leaders. As for PDM, they not gonna survive for long, due to many reasons, most probably US gonna put some one else in power, we all know who.
There is a complete melt down among PDF Noonies that no matter what , we have to deny that US is involved. To them, IK is making everything on their own. They thought their movement against sitting PM was genuine lolz.

To me Godfather minions are traitors of Pakistan, I mean which Tom, Dick and Harry tries to paint a narrative that some how the security agencies of Pakistan have bogus evidence and the foreigners are right, this is high treason.
Not only NCM has lost its importance or its legitimacy our Armed Forces and Intelligence leadership and the honor of the institutions are at stake now. General Bajwa needs to wake up now because their Army and ISI reputation are stake and PTI guys unlike others won't let it go. All hell will break loose.

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