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(NAZI) Army of youth being formed to deal with traitors in India: BJP MLA Raja Singh

And they are declared to be "Urban Naxals", "Seditious" and "Anti-nationals".
and those that label them that are themselves labelled as "bhakts/sanghis/fascists".. it's just trendy terms being thrown around, means nothing.

And let us remember what happened to Narendra Dabholkar, Govind Pansare, M.M.Kalburgi and Gauri Lankesh. Assassinated.
By criminal murderers, and regardless of their ideology, none of those cases were state sanctioned.

they have bigger problems with their "blasphemy" garbage laws across the border.
Imran Khan is correct; India is sliding towards Fascism under extremist Modi Sarkar.

If this trend continue unchecked, this world will witness another chapter of great tragedy. But mankind never learns...

Never underestimate Fascism. If bad guys win in India, be assured that Pakistan is next.

Fascism in Germany led to World War II...

Pakistan must expose Indian Fascists at every forum...
Like Hitler Modi had a miserable childhood and wants to take it out on the world.

these guys have screwed india more then we could ever do...
They are readying the gun fodder for the Azad Kashmir battle which materialise.
@Smarana Mitra , what is Raja Singh's and your Dharmic solution to very Indian problems like 300,000+ farmers having committed suicide just between 1995 and 2015 ?? After you expel the Muslims and the Christians, will India become a paradise with no injustice, greed and criminality ??
The suicides were due to worthless government and due to external pressure of oil supply cut at every move, again by muslims. This restricted policy making power of india. Similarly, greed and criminality is also a result of poor governance due to unnecessary pressure to remain non-violent despite provocation. This causes exasperation and in turn makes people lose trust and resort to criminality

I'm loving this!...............:lol:...........As a Pakistani nationalist, I would love to see indian hindus/sikhs fighting it out with indian Muslims. Let the slaughter begin! Bring it on........:azn:........such a war would only make Pakistan stronger.........:azn:
Pakistan will have to feed refugees
The suicides were due to worthless government and due to external pressure of oil supply cut at every move, again by muslims. This restricted policy making power of india. Similarly, greed and criminality is also a result of poor governance due to unnecessary pressure to remain non-violent despite provocation. This causes exasperation and in turn makes people lose trust and resort to criminality

Pakistan will have to feed refugees

Not our problem. We have 10 million Afghan refugees we have to look after. NO ROOM left. They will obviously have to fight to the death. More problems for you guys........:azn:
The suicides were due to worthless government and due to external pressure of oil supply cut at every move, again by muslims. This restricted policy making power of india. Similarly, greed and criminality is also a result of poor governance due to unnecessary pressure to remain non-violent despite provocation. This causes exasperation and in turn makes people lose trust and resort to criminality

Are you serious, man ??

The farmer suicides happen because of India's Capitalist system which continues despite the Preamble to the Constitution declaring India to be a Socialist republic.

Indian socio-economic culture is very Capitalist.

You say that the farmer suicides happened because of other, non-BJP governments but they happen even now despite BJP being in power. Take Maharashtra for example.

You are being strange in blaming Muslims and oil supply cut-off for farmer suicides in India. Name another country that has farmer suicides, at least to the extent that India has.

The answer to India's every problem is in adopting Socialism.

and those that label them that are themselves labelled as "bhakts/sanghis/fascists".. it's just trendy terms being thrown around, means nothing.

I disagree. Those labels have meaning and connection with current affairs.

Take Kanhaiya Kumar for example. Seems he is still being hounded by the Delhi High Court which is seeking to decide if he should be jailed for "Sedition".

By criminal murderers, and regardless of their ideology, none of those cases were state sanctioned.

But those four assassinations happened in an environment where the assassins were encouraged by the BJP in power and by a general trend in the Hindutva forces seeing a revival after decades.

they have bigger problems with their "blasphemy" garbage laws across the border.

Let us not cast stones at our neighbour so eagerly when our own house is in shambles.
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Are you serious, man ??

The farmer suicides happen because of India's Capitalist system which continues despite the Preamble to the Constitution declaring India to be a Socialist republic.

Indian socio-economic culture is very Capitalist.

You say that the farmer suicides happened because of other, non-BJP governments but they happen even now despite BJP being in power. Take Maharashtra for example.

You are being strange in blaming Muslims and oil supply cut-off for farmer suicides in India. Name another country that has farmer suicides, at least to the extent that India has.

The answer to India's every problem is in adopting Socialism.
Indian capitalist system was forced due to international petrodollar by Muslim-USA alliance. Again,the root cause of capitalism is Indian oil requirement. BJP can't stop it suddenly as that will require changing global equations, not just equations in India
Indian capitalist system was forced due to international petrodollar by Muslim-USA alliance. Again,the root cause of capitalism is Indian oil requirement. BJP can't stop it suddenly as that will require changing global equations, not just equations in India

As I said, India's Capitalist system is because of its regressive / Capitalist background socio-economic culture, whether be it in the cities or in the villages. And this has been there ever since India came to be called India, Bharat, whatever, certainly not via some recent Muslim-USA conspiracy alliance.

What else is the "Hookah-paani bandh" system followed in the villages, or the Khap Panchayats in the villages ??

BJP can't stop it suddenly as that will require changing global equations, not just equations in India

If BJP really wants to help India, it should discard its current Hindutva ideology and adopt Socialism. In which case I personally will support and propagate BJP's new ideology.
As I said, India's Capitalist system is because of its regressive / Capitalist background socio-economic culture, whether be it in the cities or in the villages. And this has been there ever since India came to be called India, Bharat, whatever, certainly not via some recent Muslim-USA conspiracy alliance.

What else is the "Hookah-paani bandh" system followed in the villages, or the Khap Panchayats in the villages ??
Nonsense. Do you even know the meaning of capitalism? India always followed 4 Varna system - Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Shudra. Priority was never on trade. ow is local panchayat capitalism?

If BJP really wants to help India, it should discard its current Hindutva ideology and adopt Socialism. In which case I personally will support and propagate BJP's new ideology.
Dharma is socialist as it seeks to maintain balance. However, I don't see any point in discarding dharma for socialism. Socialism is economy while dharma is purpose of life. Why don't you discard Islam for socialism?
Somewhere in that cow belt region, mass graves are there to be discovered.

Fascism under Guise of Nationalism has been sold to Indians for 70 years.

The religious indoctrination of the youth is akin to what has happened in Iran but Iranians are moderate by nature which cannot be said about Indians
Prohet Muhammad SAW wasn't a single man but when Non-muslims were expelled then majority of Arabs were muslims.

Not expelled but migrated. still in 1947 weapons avaliable to public was swords, and bows.

because reality cant remain hidden.

What technology? Failed moon mission ? Failed Tejas or downed Bison and MKI? You indians are so deluded.

Yup, it is a hard choice. I agree but you are making it a compulsion by forcing your Dharma desh vision. WHen its become a compulsion then choosing between fight back or abandoning your everything will be an easy choice. This is our main point Modi is forcing Muslims to fight back by compulsion. By choice Muslims were living peacefully in India since several decades
How can you then claim Islam as 'religion of peace' when prophet Muhammad expelled non muslims from Arabia as you said.
How can you then claim Islam as 'religion of peace' when prophet Muhammad expelled non muslims from Arabia as you said.
1,400 years back Arabia was a tribal society and only allied tribe can live togather. As there was continous animosity between believer of Allah and non.believers therefore by tribal norms of that socoety it was totally fine as per culturally accepted principal of arabia ...
1,400 years back Arabia was a tribal society and only allied tribe can live togather. As there was continous animosity between believer of Allah and non.believers therefore by tribal norms of that socoety it was totally fine as per culturally accepted principal of arabia ...
As far as I know Islam came to reform the pre muslim arabian society. What is the difference between quraysh and muslims of that time if they too followed the pre muslim arabian culture like this one?
Are chichundar lindu teruku teri baap ravan ke paas sri lanka bhej dete. Koi miya bhai jaenga nahi Pakistan hum Hindusthan ko Islami mulk banenge. Jo ukhadna ukhad le bey. Miya bhai ke saamne baat karka dikha re lindwa teri moo mein bulla ghus jayega samjha kya bey lindu
Who is giving a choice? If you want me to come to you and talk, Give your address and I will not only talk but also show you how it is done.
I disagree. Those labels have meaning and connection with current affairs.
The way the word 'fascist' gets thrown around by the liberals, it literally has no meaning left anywhere in the world.

How many world leaders are "Hitler" ? Trump, Modi, Boris, Duterte, Bolsanaro... make up your mind which one is Hitler :lol:

Take Kanhaiya Kumar for example. Seems he is still being hounded by the Delhi High Court which is seeking to decide if he should be jailed for "Sedition".
It's a matter for the courts, which are separate from the government.

But those four assassinations happened in an environment where the assassins were encouraged by the BJP in power and by a general trend in the Hindutva forces seeing a revival after decades.
Not state sanctioned.

Political assassinations, sadly, are not a new thing here. Previous governments have also witnessed these types of killings. Those weren't state sanctioned either.

Let us not cast stones at our neighbour so eagerly when our own house is in shambles.
Sure, the point I was making was that "blasphemy" laws are a real thing across the border, they result in lynchings and mob violence, and are actually punishable by death as per their law. The government there will kill you for it, ie.. state sanctioned.
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