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(NAZI) Army of youth being formed to deal with traitors in India: BJP MLA Raja Singh

What could be the reason, for not allowing them to live within the village? What else is discrimination? And I have not mentioned untouchability in my posts; though this physical segregation implies untouchability. Again read your and mine posts, and tell me where have I misstated or even exaggerated any thing.
If someone is involved in butchering of animals and skinning them, it is not very decent to allow such shops in the towns. So, these shops are kept away. Since people in the past had no difference between homes and shops, people having shops in their homes, they were staying outside. Nevertheless, their children would still go outside searching for jobs or trading and they wouldn't be untouchables
If someone is involved in butchering of animals and skinning them, it is not very decent to allow such shops in the towns. So, these shops are kept away. Since people in the past had no difference between homes and shops, people having shops in their homes, they were staying outside. Nevertheless, their children would still go outside searching for jobs or trading and they wouldn't be untouchables

Why don't you understand difference between fixed currency and floating currency? Today's currency is floating and hence the old concept of fixed currency doesn't work

Nevertheless, imagine a near-future economic system where most basic needs ( education, medical system, water etc ) are free and the remainder depends on one's "Social Credits".

Add to that a political system which Direct Democracy system like what existed in the Libyan Jamahiriya and what was being implemented in Venezuela before the NATO-backed coup plotters began destroying that country.

And Elon Musk considers Direct Democracy to be the sensible political system for near-future Mars settlement.

No country is absolutely harmonious. Do you think Pakistan is harmonious? Do you think Egypt is harmonious? Do you think Turkey is harmonious? (I am not including oil states here as there is other factors in oil states)

I agree, the countries you mentioned are not harmonious, but Socialist countries like Cuba or the former Libyan Jamahiriya did try to get close to being harmonious. We should add countries like those with a more evolved form of Socialism to get harmonious societies.
Nevertheless, imagine a near-future economic system where most basic needs ( education, medical system, water etc ) are free and the remainder depends on one's "Social Credits".

Add to that a political system which Direct Democracy system like what existed in the Libyan Jamahiriya and what was being implemented in Venezuela before the NATO-backed coup plotters began destroying that country.

And Elon Musk considers Direct Democracy to be the sensible political system for near-future Mars settlement.
There can't be free food as even that requires one tow work. The countries which give free food are natural resource rich countries that sell resources to other countries (like Libyan oil) and import food. This is then distributed to people. This is not practical everywhere as not everyone has such resource abundance

I agree, the countries you mentioned are not harmonious, but Socialist countries like Cuba or the former Libyan Jamahiriya did try to get close to being harmonious. We should add countries like those with a more evolved form of Socialism to get harmonious societies.
Cuba had its share of problems. It is not exactly free food society. Cuba is also too small to be used as benchmark and it had lot of assistance from USSR & Venezuela due to its strategic location.

Other countries are all oil rich countries which I have clearly asked to exclude as the oil is a special commodity and doesn't warrant being included in normal countries' activity.

Socialism doesn't mean free food. It only means that those who have fallen into trouble because of external circumstances and not due to his own foolishness be helped.
There can't be free food as even that requires one tow work.

I too meant subsidised food, with care taken that no one goes hungry. I will give the slogan that Marx popularised - "By each according to ability, to each according to need". Every citizen must contribute.

The countries which give free food are natural resource rich countries that sell resources to other countries (like Libyan oil) and import food. This is then distributed to people. This is not practical everywhere as not everyone has such resource abundance

Well, India has agricultural produce and minerals. But even so, as far as I know, the USSR mostly used its resources internally to be self-sufficient.

Socialism doesn't mean free food. It only means that those who have fallen into trouble because of external circumstances and not due to his own foolishness be helped.

Yes, you are generally correct.

Cuba had its share of problems. It is not exactly free food society. Cuba is also too small to be used as benchmark and it had lot of assistance from USSR & Venezuela due to its strategic location.

But in Cuba, like I said earlier, basic necessities like medical system, are free.
I too meant subsidised food, with care taken that no one goes hungry. I will give the slogan that Marx popularised - "By each according to ability, to each according to need". Every citizen must contribute
India gives subsidized food in PDS. But it is incorrect to give everything for extreme subsidy.

Well, India has agricultural produce and minerals. But even so, as far as I know, the USSR mostly used its resources internally to be self-sufficient.
USSR has industrial minerals whereas India has very little industrial minerals. USSR had the largest oil and gas reserves of any country (even now Russia has the largest oil & gas). One can't compare USSR with India on resources.

But in Cuba, like I said earlier, basic necessities like medical system, are free.
In cuba, they got free medicine from USSR. Cuba has no medicine manufacturing. Even in India, there is free or extemely cheap medical treatment for poor for most ailments. Go to district hospital and you will get that. But it is mostly restricted to Indian made medicine as imports are too expensive to be given free. Even then, India makes most of the important medicine and hence majority of the ailments get treated for free.
Cuba has no medicine manufacturing.

I found this article that I haven't fully read. It is about medicine manufacturing in Cuba.

even now Russia has the largest oil & gas

Not so. This article gives the listing of countries with the largest oil reserves ( in millions of barrels ) :
1 Venezuela 300,878
2 Saudi Arabia 266,455
3 Canada 169,709
4 Iran 158,400
5 Iraq 142,503
6 Kuwait 101,500
7 United Arab Emirates 97,800
8 Russia 80,000
9 Libya 48,363
10 United States 39,230
11 Nigeria 37,062
12 Kazakhstan 30,000
13 China 25,620
14 Qatar 25,244
15 Brazil 12,999
16 Algeria 12,200
17 Angola 8,273
18 Ecuador 8,273
19 Mexico 7,640
20 Azerbaijan 7,000
I found this article that I haven't fully read. It is about medicine manufacturing in Cuba.
This is half truth. Cuba exports medical services to many countries and even serves as destination for cheap medical tourism. Cuba supplies doctors, nurses etc to Venezuela in return for payment in oil. This causes Cuba to have surplus trade in medical services. But medicine manufacturing is limited. Cuban health system suffered severely when USSR collapsed in 1990-91, for example, sitting how dependent Cuba was in medicine imports

Not so. This article gives the listing of countries with the largest oil reserves ( in millions of barrels ) :
It is again fake news. The oil reserves of KSA & other ME countries has been same since 1980s which is impractical. This means real oil reserves of KSA & ME as of now is quite low. Venezuela and Canada don't have oil but have tar sands. This is like asphalt and needs heating to melt and mixing with naphtha diluents before being able to be shipped or refined.
They have disguised it as the corona fighting force deployed with the police using state sponsored mass surveillance techniques to locate and cleanse the minorities.

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