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(NAZI) Army of youth being formed to deal with traitors in India: BJP MLA Raja Singh

They were not following Abrahmic religion at all. Prophet Abraham is famous for destroing idols and qureshing were keeping more than 300 idols in Kaaba.

So yes Quresh were decendent of Abraham just like Jews and Christian but were not following his teachings.
I'm not going to reply in this forum anymore regarding this stuff. Give me your FB account. I will be banned.

You are trying to deprive the elite Hindus, and your state apparatus, from their favorite pastime and entertainment.:p::p::p:

Discussion on religion is prohibited on PDF.:-):-):-)

Kindly don't exchange threats on this forum.
I am not aware of such rules. Many users does it btw.
What are the Basic requirement to get recruited in this Programm?
Most ridiculous proposition, to say the least. For a change, read Chapter 9 of Volume 1 of "Al-Biruni's India", which is translation of his works on India, written in circa 1000 AD, prior to attacks by Ghaznavi. He gives a whole list of the people, who were outside the Varna/Caste system of Hinduism, called "Antyaja" in those times. These people were not allowed even to live within the village, but outside of it. These were considered even lower than the "Sudra".

Al biruni was in 1000 Ad and he says that Muslims were treated as worse than Shudras. Even in Indian puranas, these muslims were called as Mlechhas in older times and considered as filth. There was, however, no Dalits mentioned.
I am not aware of such rules. Many users does it btw.

Yes. It is the rule, not to discuss religion on PDF; though you are right that a lot number of posters violate it. At least, you shouldn't. That is all, I wanted to say.
Yes. It is the rule, not to discuss religion on PDF; though you are right that a lot number of posters violate it. At least, you shouldn't. That is all, I wanted to say.
Look, moderators are banning my account too frequent without even notifying me. Please provide me a list of such rules so that I don't get banned anymore.
Al biruni was in 1000 Ad and he says that Muslims were treated as worse than Shudras. Even in Indian puranas, these muslims were called as Mlechhas in older times and considered as filth. There was, however, no Dalits mentioned.

What, I have written in my post, is correct; though they were not called "Dalits" in those days, but "Antyaja". "Malechha" is altogether different term, used for foreigners, who didn't ascribe to Hinduism. The class, today called "Dalits", were very much present in pre-Muslim days and have nothing to do with the entry of Muslims in India.

In any case, I knew that you would divert the discussion and would not accept my contention. So, my post is not particularly for you; but for other posters, who may be misguided by your ill founded and baseless assertions, which are natural consequence of the bigotry, you carry in your heart.
I'm not going to reply in this forum anymore regarding this stuff. Give me your FB account. I will be banned.

I am not aware of such rules. Many users does it btw.
U can quote me in whatever section if u want to understand something i will justify u with evidnece. U can raise all the queries and objections and nobody will band u

If u want to bad name Islam then I am not interesting in debating u
These are not socialists but saboteur. Socialist is one who has long term plan to maintain balance in Economy. What plans do these Kanhaiyya have? These are just destructive actors.

You say that Kanhaiya and Shehla are not really Socialists and you say that the BJP is actually a much misunderstood Socialist movement.

Now we have countless farmers in India who commit suicide because one of the reasons is India's Interest-based economic system. So why doesn't BJP ban Interest-based economics and also ban MBA courses which basically propagate Interest-based economics ??

Again, that is not absolute. I have one of my ancestral roots in Kerala. I don't see it that way. Brahmans didn't have violent much clout in Kerala and wouldn't do such things. If people did it, it is out of their own respect rather than force. Most likely, it is propaganda by leftists to show Hinduism in bad light and then claim superiority of communism

My Malayali colleague in his student days was part of the SFI which is the student wing of the Communist Party of India - Marxist. His knowledge of Kerala's traditional injustices made him part of SFI.
What, I have written in my post, is correct; though they were not called "Dalits" in those days, but "Antyaja". "Malechha" is altogether different term, used for foreigners, who didn't ascribe to Hinduism. The class, today called "Dalits", were very much present in pre-Muslim days and have nothing to do with the entry of Muslims in India.

In any case, I knew that you would divert the discussion and would not accept my contention. So, my post is not particularly for you; but for other posters, who may be misguided by your ill founded and baseless assertions, which are natural consequence of the bigotry, you carry in your heart.
Antyaja means "last born". It means Shudra. I don't see where untouchability is mentioned. Give me exact quote if you know what you are saying. The difference between Shudra and Dalit is in untouchability. As per my research, Untouchability was mentioned only in 12-13 century. All other so called dalits mentioned are only shudras being termed as dalits by the modern historians who have malicious agenda.
Why wouldn't anyone oppose reservation? What purpose will caste based reservation serve at all? If it was reservation on merit like poverty, it is another issue.

In India, poverty is also connected with Caste. The lower caste people in general are poorer.

I will also give one example as to why Reservations has actually failed. A few years ago, there was the report of a low caste male school student who was punished because he dared to touch the plates of the higher caste students during the school's mid-day meal time.
Now we have countless farmers in India who commit suicide because one of the reasons is India's Interest-based economic system. So why doesn't BJP ban Interest-based economics and also ban MBA courses which basically propagate Interest-based economics ??
Why would any sane person have interest free society when the society is run on printed money and not on fixed currency like gold? Since the amount of taxes needed is not necessarily the taxes collected, resulting in fiscal deficit and also because the production keeps growing, the value of printed money keeps decreasing.

Secondly, India is still in globalised world where dollar is the main currency. Until that is the case, courses like MBA will be there with capitalist teaching.

In India, poverty is also connected with Caste. The lower caste people in general are poorer.

I will also give one example as to why Reservations has actually failed. A few years ago, there was the report of a low caste male school student who was punished because he dared to touch the plates of the higher caste students during the school's mid-day meal time.
Many if these stories are exaggerated and most of the times motivated fake complaint.

Caste is related to intermarriage and hence network. This means richness of one will be carried to others by network. But this isn't directly discrimination
Why would any sane person have interest free society

Messenger Jesus and Messenger Muhammad spoke against Interest-based economics and the Islami economic system is essentially Interest-less. It is more than a thousand year old system.

Let us start with this argument.

Many if these stories are exaggerated and most of the times motivated fake complaint.

So you are saying that India is really a harmonious and simple society, free of injustices.
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Antyaja means "last born". It means Shudra. I don't see where untouchability is mentioned. Give me exact quote if you know what you are saying. The difference between Shudra and Dalit is in untouchability. As per my research, Untouchability was mentioned only in 12-13 century. All other so called dalits mentioned are only shudras being termed as dalits by the modern historians who have malicious agenda.

Extend your research. I have already given you the reference: Chapter 9 of Volume 1 of "Al-Biruni's India". Download this book and read it yourself. I have already said my say. "Antyaja" are reported as different than "Shudras" and were not allowed to live within the village, but outside it.

Look, moderators are banning my account too frequent without even notifying me. Please provide me a list of such rules so that I don't get banned anymore.

I think that these rules must be somewhere on this site; but I have never read them myself. As for restriction on discussion on religion, I gathered it from many posts of the moderators; so I personally refrain from it. As for your complaint, about being banned too frequently, you must refer it to some moderator. I am just an ordinary poster like you are.
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Messenger Jesus and Messenger Muhammad spoke against Interest-based economics and the Islami economic system is essentially Interest-less. It is more than a thousand year old system.

Let us start with this argument.
Why don't you understand difference between fixed currency and floating currency? Today's currency is floating and hence the old concept of fixed currency doesn't work

So you are saying that India is really a harmonious and simple society, free of injustices.
No country is absolutely harmonious. Do you think Pakistan is harmonious? Do you think Egypt is harmonious? Do you think Turkey is harmonious? (I am not including oil states here as there is other factors in oil states)

Extend your research. I have already given you the reference: Chapter 9 of Volume 1 of "Al-Biruni's India". Download this book and read it yourself. I have already said my say. "Antyaja" are reported as different than "Shudras" and were not allowed to live within the village, but outside it.
Here is a rough translation -

"After the Śûdra follow the people called Antyaja, who render various kinds of services, who are not reckoned amongst any caste, but only as members of a certain craft or profession. There are eight classes of them, who freely intermarry with each other, except the fuller, shoemaker, and weaver, for no others would condescend to have anything to do with them. These eight guilds are the fuller, shoemaker, juggler, the basket and shield maker, the sailor, fisherman, the hunter of wild animals and of birds, and the weaver. The four castes do not live together with them in one and the same place. These guilds live near the villages and towns of the four castes, but outside them"

I don't see where antyaja is considered as untouchable. Now, amongst the antyaja, shoemaker and few others were said to be separated from the rest. But even the it is only about lack of intermarriage rather than hereditary discrimination. Are you saying that merely because people wouldn't intermarry, there is a discrimination?
Why don't you understand difference between fixed currency and floating currency? Today's currency is floating and hence the old concept of fixed currency doesn't work

No country is absolutely harmonious. Do you think Pakistan is harmonious? Do you think Egypt is harmonious? Do you think Turkey is harmonious? (I am not including oil states here as there is other factors in oil states)

Here is a rough translation -

"After the Śûdra follow the people called Antyaja, who render various kinds of services, who are not reckoned amongst any caste, but only as members of a certain craft or profession. There are eight classes of them, who freely intermarry with each other, except the fuller, shoemaker, and weaver, for no others would condescend to have anything to do with them. These eight guilds are the fuller, shoemaker, juggler, the basket and shield maker, the sailor, fisherman, the hunter of wild animals and of birds, and the weaver. The four castes do not live together with them in one and the same place. These guilds live near the villages and towns of the four castes, but outside them"

I don't see where antyaja is considered as untouchable. Now, amongst the antyaja, shoemaker and few others were said to be separated from the rest. But even the it is only about lack of intermarriage rather than hereditary discrimination. Are you saying that merely because people wouldn't intermarry, there is a discrimination?

What could be the reason, for not allowing them to live within the village? What else is discrimination? And I have not mentioned untouchability in my posts; though this physical segregation implies untouchability. Again read your and mine posts, and tell me where have I misstated or even exaggerated any thing.
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