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(NAZI) Army of youth being formed to deal with traitors in India: BJP MLA Raja Singh

None of the hindus who live in Arab land have citizenship and are temporary workers. They will leave when their work contract ends. Secondly, Indians work in middle east as a means of remittance to India which in turn is Arab policy of funding India to tolerate Islam. If Indians aren't funded, then why would India allow Muslims to stay? Indians in Arab states are a guarantee to Arabs that India will not expel Muslim from India and not something India is begging from Arabs.

Muslims in India are invaders who didn't leave. There is hardly anything Indigenous about that. So, they too don't deserve any citizenship.

No Shit. No one said anything about citizenship.

You rats are okay with genociding Muslims in India but flock to Arab lands for money.

The only word that fully describes Indians is Hypocrite.

And the rest of your nonsense is just that, nonsense.
None of the hindus who live in Arab land have citizenship and are temporary workers. They will leave when their work contract ends. Secondly, Indians work in middle east as a means of remittance to India which in turn is Arab policy of funding India to tolerate Islam. If Indians aren't funded, then why would India allow Muslims to stay? Indians in Arab states are a guarantee to Arabs that India will not expel Muslim from India and not something India is begging from Arabs.

Muslims in India are invaders who didn't leave. There is hardly anything Indigenous about that. So, they too don't deserve any citizenship.

You're really one sick minded jerk. You just trolling or are you being serious? Are all Indian Muslims "invaders" ? You do realise that a substantial number of Indian Muslims are former Hindus who reverted to Islam ?
You're really one sick minded jerk. You just trolling or are you being serious? Are all Indian Muslims "invaders" ? You do realise that a substantial number of Indian Muslims are former Hindus who reverted to Islam ?
What do you mean by reverted to Islam? There was no Islam before 600AD. Even Muhammad himself was Pagan of Qureshi tribe. So, every muslim is a convert. So, it is not correct to simply call Muslims as Indigenous just because of genetical traits. For all practical purpose, if they could convert to Ialam, they could even reconvert. So, not choosing to reconvert is their choice which makes them an enemy.

No Shit. No one said anything about citizenship.

You rats are okay with genociding Muslims in India but flock to Arab lands for money.

The only word that fully describes Indians is Hypocrite.

And the rest of your nonsense is just that, nonsense.
No it makes Indians dealers/Baniya. Indians are trading one for another. There is no hypocrisy. It is pure trade.
What do you mean by reverted to Islam? There was no Islam before 600AD. Even Muhammad himself was Pagan of Qureshi tribe. So, every muslim is a convert. So, it is not correct to simply call Muslims as Indigenous just because of genetical traits. For all practical purpose, if they could convert to Ialam, they could even reconvert. So, not choosing to reconvert is their choice which makes them an enemy.

No it makes Indians dealers/Baniya. Indians are trading one for another. There is no hypocrisy. It is pure trade.
Sure, what ever allows you to sleep at night.

You toilet cleaners sold yourself into slavery to Arabs for money, but when you get back to India you act like big shots.

You people are just like roaches. Individually you are easy to deal with, problem is that there is a billion of you.
Sure, what ever allows you to sleep at night.

You toilet cleaners sold yourself into slavery to Arabs for money, but when you get back to India you act like big shots.

You people are just like roaches. Individually you are easy to deal with, problem is that there is a billion of you.
Anyone is easy go deal with as an individual. An individual can't survive on his own without food and other amenities provided by others. That is why we have civilisations
Or similar to Islamic Arabia in 630 or Islamic Persia in 650. Nazism is a retarded concept based on narrow birth based and hereditary German nationalism without any principles. Dharma is a civilisation and people can join it by choice. There is a difference. Comparing Nazism to Dharma is just intellectual bankruptcy and mimicking Western propaganda blindly of Calling anyone they hate as Nazis

Its the muzzling of dissenting voices and having difference of opinion, India is mimicking the Nazi Germany. Those who don't agree are labelled as traitors and anti-nationals.
Its the muzzling of dissenting voices and having difference of opinion, India is mimicking the Nazi Germany. Those who don't agree are labelled as traitors and anti-nationals.
There are plenty of dissenting voices in India.
What was Muhammadan population? Muhammad was one single man. So, if one single man can take on few thousands of Bedouin, then expecting 1.2 billion dharmics of India+Nepal to take on Muslims isn't much.
Prohet Muhammad SAW wasn't a single man but when Non-muslims were expelled then majority of Arabs were muslims.

Pakistan expelled over 15% of its Hindu-Sikhs in 1947
Not expelled but migrated. still in 1947 weapons avaliable to public was swords, and bows.

Why do you think only Muslims are not afraid of death but others are cowards?
because reality cant remain hidden.

The population of Dharmics in India is 1.15 billion and with Nepal, Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand and Bangladesh Hindus etc form 1.4 billion strength. Moreover, Indians have much higher standards of technology and education because of which advanced form of warfare can be waged. The advantage posed by having technology like satellite surveillance, guaranteed jamproof communications which can't be via satellites, Indigenous defence technology makes for a very powerful country. Large population of muslims will only mean that Muslims will need large amount of food & water which is a big liability in war. People don't stand any chance when confronted with technology.
What technology? Failed moon mission ? Failed Tejas or downed Bison and MKI? You indians are so deluded.

Muslims never voted for Modi and will never vote for Modi. Uprising by Muslims will only result in mass expulsion. It is hardly a choice. It is like saying that hindus in Pakistan should revolt against Muslims. This is impractical as there isn't enough strength to do that.
Yup, it is a hard choice. I agree but you are making it a compulsion by forcing your Dharma desh vision. WHen its become a compulsion then choosing between fight back or abandoning your everything will be an easy choice. This is our main point Modi is forcing Muslims to fight back by compulsion. By choice Muslims were living peacefully in India since several decades
People need jobs. Modi needs to create them from the males conceived from sex selection. Male to female ratio is skewed heavily to former.
i agree with what he said!

we need yo train and arm and get ready to cut their small cocks and humiliate them!

At most, they're going to get trained in how to swing a stick.

RSS brigades gang up on helpless civilians.
Jihadis take on empires.

F the media, In the day of social media spread it everywhere. share it with friends and family!

Need to do the same in Pakistan. Every person should be trained a model like Switzerland needs to be adopted. Strange Zaid Hamid had been saying it for a decade. Where are the marxist kanjars now?

It is not far now when the whole of Pakistan will be mobilized and turn into a Mujahideen state like Ghaznavi and Ghouri empires.

There is one thing which we Pakistanis excel at and it is war. Our professional and visionary military is proof of it.

Every Pakistani will be trained to deal massive damage to the enemy in case of total war.

Everyone will do their part for the motherland and for this faith.

Volunteers will come from not only Pakistan, but Arabistan, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Africa, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, etc.

India has no idea the storm it is calling upon itself.
Its the muzzling of dissenting voices and having difference of opinion, India is mimicking the Nazi Germany. Those who don't agree are labelled as traitors and anti-nationals.
There is nothing called dissent. Things don't work on feelings but on calculation. So, when calculating, it becomes absolutely clear as to what is right. So,the dissenters are traitors indeed as they intentionally go against calculation

Yup, it is a hard choice. I agree but you are making it a compulsion by forcing your Dharma desh vision. WHen its become a compulsion then choosing between fight back or abandoning your everything will be an easy choice. This is our main point Modi is forcing Muslims to fight back by compulsion. By choice Muslims were living peacefully in India since several decades
Muslims were never peaceful. So, it hardly matters. Muslims by choosing to fight will only get certain beating and will be expelled enmasse. Sice Muslims aren't peaceful on their own, it hardly hurts to keep Muslims under control by fear.

What technology? Failed moon mission ? Failed Tejas or downed Bison and MKI? You indians are so deluded.
Keep telling that to yourself
Muslims were never peaceful. So, it hardly matters. Muslims by choosing to fight will only get certain beating and will be expelled enmasse. Sice Muslims aren't peaceful on their own, it hardly hurts to keep Muslims under control by fear.

There are zero cases where keeping Muslims 'under control by fear' has ever worked. Particularly for India. So keep at it, until blood boils over and Indian Muslims actually decide fight back. On that day, you'll run out of gods to pray to.

Every Pakistani will be trained to deal massive damage to the enemy in case of total war.

This needs to happen now!
We at least need training facilities for citizens.
Even if we don't make it mandatory, a large number of able male population will volunteer to get trained.
There is nothing called dissent. Things don't work on feelings but on calculation. So, when calculating, it becomes absolutely clear as to what is right. So,the dissenters are traitors indeed as they intentionally go against calculation

In nutshell, its Nazism.

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