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Naya KPK | News & Updates on the development in KPK.

the relevance is that bcz of the theft the circular debt is increasing !!!!!!!

Theft could be one-face-saving excuse my friend but it is just one reason out of many. Poor planning of PML-N/PPP back in 1990s, no forward thinking about energy crisis in early 2000s, poor infrastructure of electricity distribution in the country, corruption such as not giving fuel to most efficient plants and wasting money by giving the fuel to least efficient plants, theft and so many other reasons all combined to make this circular debt a monster.

We should have been focusing on hydel power projects back in 1980s, 90s and most of them should have been completed by 2000s if we were to reap fruit at this time. If people objected on Kalabagh, we still had so many other dam projects which could be initiated but they rather relied on easy route of buying generators and installing diesel/furnace oil powered plants that cost hefty money and translates into circular debt.

I did read somewhere that Southern KPK does produce some coal. But yeah, KPK is blessed with hydel power sites.

TAx collection, economic upturn through federal, more local and foreign investment, other sources. But money will be a huge problem no doubt.
But that is not much, it could be used in coal-fired plants in Punjab or for other purposes. Use the resources which they have in abundance, green energy and is cheaper.
BTW, just did some research and KPK's electricity needs are around 16% of the whole country.

For simplicity sake, let's put it at 20%, then if Pakistan needs 10000 MW, then KPK needs 2000 MW.

So the current demand in Pakistan is 16000 MW, KPK demand then becomes around 3200 MW. I read a report sometime back that there is water power generation capacity of around 1500 MW in KPK through small run of the river and dam projects, small 200-400 MW power projects.

So if the new government somehow makes those projects worth 1500 MW or so and then tops it up with other power generation sources such as coal based perhaps, then you are looking at around potential 1800 MW energy production capacity.

Add the current supply being given to KPK by Tarbela, Ghazi Brotha and other projects, and KPK could be in good shape electricity wise. THe northern areas provide great run of the river sites due to fast flowing water, ideal for 50 MW projects.

All this needs money though...

What do you folks think? @Leader, @Jazzbot, @Zakii etc...all this is based on pretty basic figures.

from Wapda website:


Lower Palas Valley Hydropower Project---KPK/ Left Tributary of Indus-- 665 MW ----EOIs received and are under evaluation.

Lower Spat Gah Hydropower Project ---KPK/ Left Tributary of Indus-- 496 MW

Matiltan Hydropower Project------- KPK/UShu--------19 MW

Lawi Hydropower Project------KPK/Shishi---- 70 MW


http://www.wapda.gov.pk/pdf/PROJECTS FOR PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP.pdf

All these projects are at their feasibility status. this simply would add up 1000 MW to the system of KPK.. not completing these projects or initiating more such similar projects of 1-10 MW that fulfills the needs of the local community, would be PTI's fault... loud and clear, there can be no excuses that we havn't had money or couldnt attract foreign investment or couldnt get sovereign guarantee from federal in case of loan/foreign investment..
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some more under construction and potential projects here:


I did copy, but got the page stuck in the end, so read out the relevant ones, I am amazed to see the Astore Dam, which can produce upto 7100 MW


anyway these projects needs to be prioritize with accordance to the current and future demand,

almost completed projects(there are 3-4 such) should be priority out of the league and completed.
Theft could be one-face-saving excuse my friend but it is just one reason out of many. Poor planning of PML-N/PPP back in 1990s, no forward thinking about energy crisis in early 2000s, poor infrastructure of electricity distribution in the country, corruption such as not giving fuel to most efficient plants and wasting money by giving the fuel to least efficient plants, theft and so many other reasons all combined to make this circular debt a monster.

We should have been focusing on hydel power projects back in 1980s, 90s and most of them should have been completed by 2000s if we were to reap fruit at this time. If people objected on Kalabagh, we still had so many other dam projects which could be initiated but they rather relied on easy route of buying generators and installing diesel/furnace oil powered plants that cost hefty money and translates into circular debt.

But that is not much, it could be used in coal-fired plants in Punjab or for other purposes. Use the resources which they have in abundance, green energy and is cheaper.

dont blame it on Pmln. Pmln cancelled many contacts with HFO based IPPs. All those 24000 MW that Ppp said was not installed bcz of Nawaz were HFO based

and this theft is a serious issue. 30 % is too much. Sadly outside Punjab the average is above 30%. Karachi, Hyderabad, Quetta, Peshawar companies need to bring it down

Yeah so...? How does it relate to blaming PTI if no power is produced in KPK?

If Pti can bring them down It will help Pakistan in controlling circular debt.
BTW, just did some research and KPK's electricity needs are around 16% of the whole country.

For simplicity sake, let's put it at 20%, then if Pakistan needs 10000 MW, then KPK needs 2000 MW.

So the current demand in Pakistan is 16000 MW, KPK demand then becomes around 3200 MW. I read a report sometime back that there is water power generation capacity of around 1500 MW in KPK through small run of the river and dam projects, small 200-400 MW power projects.

So if the new government somehow makes those projects worth 1500 MW or so and then tops it up with other power generation sources such as coal based perhaps, then you are looking at around potential 1800 MW energy production capacity.

Add the current supply being given to KPK by Tarbela, Ghazi Brotha and other projects, and KPK could be in good shape electricity wise. THe northern areas provide great run of the river sites due to fast flowing water, ideal for 50 MW projects.

All this needs money though...

What do you folks think? @Leader, @Jazzbot, @Zakii etc...all this is based on pretty basic figures.

I don't have much knowledge about what it will take to move to Coal, however KPK has rivers etc so we can build small and medium plants on several points to fulfill KPK needs, that too without altering water flow. Recently Asad Umer also mentioned this in a TV show. So I think they have it in their plans already..
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Five independent MPAs-elect join PTI

PESHAWAR: The five newly elected independent members-elect of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) Assembly on Thursday announced to join the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Geo News reported. According to details, the above MPAs-elect have submitted a written application to Election Commission (EC) KP for joining the PTI. These five MPAs-elect are: Samiullah Alizai (PK-65), Mushtaq Ghani (PK-44), Qalander Lodhi (PK-46), Fareed Khan (PK-42) and Shah Muhammad (PK-72). The five independents&#8217; joining of PTI has brought the total number of the party&#8217;s members in KPK to 43.

Source: Five independent MPAs-elect join PTI | Pakistan - geo.tv


If they had only 6 more independent candidates, they could have simple majority. They are still in very good position so almost no chance of being blackmailed by allies



PTI is getting stronger in KPK with their no. of seats. PK is impressing them all with his wisdom in Politics. PTI has now 43 seats in KPK Assembly plus 14 from both JI and QWP making it 67 in total. Remember they only need 50 to retain their Govt.
PTI MNA-elect vows to rebuild educational institutions in Fata, KP

he newly elected Member National Assembly (MNA) from NA-47 Qaiser Jamal Afridi on Wednesday said that his party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) would approach every quarter including Taliban and security forces to rebuild and reopen the educational institutions in tribal areas and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Speaking to a gathering as chief guest at the Khyber Union Hall of the Islamia College, Peshawar, he said his leadership in the beginning was not even willing to award him party ticket because of his young age but the PTI chief Imran Khan trusted him and the people gave him an unprecedented victory.

&#8220;My party will not let the nation down and will deliver. When I was a student at the historic Islamia College, Peshawar I had made a blood donation club and used to collect blood for the needy patients. I used to donate my blood to those patients I never knew. This was the spirit I had imbibed from this great seat of learning. I shall contribute a considerable amount to the Senior Alumni Association (SAA) annual fund in near future,&#8221; Qaiser Jamal Afridi, the young parliamentarian pledged.

Acting Vice-Chancellor Islamia College University Prof Haider Shah on the occasion said that ICP had produced numerous bright students in all fields offering their services within Pakistan and abroad which he said was a great honour for the institution.

&#8220;We are indeed proud of our talented students who are contributing to the nation and the whole world at large in various capacities. I take great pride in being an old Islamian and now an old faculty member. We must give due honour and respect to this historic institution which has kept enlightening many generations of this province for the last 100 years,&#8221; the vice-chancellor observed.

Prof Abaseen Yousafzai, chief organiser of the students&#8217; societies, called upon the students to actively participate in various events to be held during the current year so that different aspects of the college could be highlighted and students could know about the glorious past, bright present and promising future of their august institution.

Earlier, the students of Islamia College Peshawar and Islamia Collegiate School both male and female participated in an interesting quiz competition and an extempore presentation including speech, poetry recital and poster making reflective of love and dedication of the presenters to the Islamia College, Peshawar.

PTI MNA-elect vows to rebuild educational institutions in Fata, KP - thenews.com.pk
Five independent MPAs-elect join PTI

PESHAWAR: The five newly elected independent members-elect of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) Assembly on Thursday announced to join the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Geo News reported. According to details, the above MPAs-elect have submitted a written application to Election Commission (EC) KP for joining the PTI. These five MPAs-elect are: Samiullah Alizai (PK-65), Mushtaq Ghani (PK-44), Qalander Lodhi (PK-46), Fareed Khan (PK-42) and Shah Muhammad (PK-72). The five independents&#8217; joining of PTI has brought the total number of the party&#8217;s members in KPK to 43.

Source: Five independent MPAs-elect join PTI | Pakistan - geo.tv


If they had only 6 more independent candidates, they could have simple majority. They are still in very good position so almost no chance of being blackmailed by allies

Is this with the reserved seats for women or without?

If those seats come into play, then PTI would get more seats than the rest and might just get simple majority. Or are my calculations wrong?
Is this with the reserved seats for women or without?

If those seats come into play, then PTI would get more seats than the rest and might just get simple majority. Or are my calculations wrong?
Reserved seats are different,

You need 49 seats to show simple majority. PTI has 43 seats out of 99. PTI had won 35 seats with 8 independents joining PTI after the elections. I think there are 6 more independents left and if they had joined PTI, they might have simple majority anyways.
Reserved seats are different,

You need 49 seats to show simple majority. PTI has 43 seats out of 99. PTI had won 35 seats with 8 independents joining PTI after the elections. I think there are 6 more independents left and if they had joined PTI, they might have simple majority anyways.

How many independents are left now? And how many have joined opposing group?

Normally, indep go to the ruling party.

But it would be interesting to see what PTI does, no alliance with any party means that PTI would be without shackles and won't need to carry along any baggage...then JI and islamist tag will go so will the alliance with Sherpao. But it would be very immoral, akhri waqt par akar mun mor diya.
@Astonish Khan with 67 seats, does it mean PTI has 2/3 majority in KPK?
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