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PTI talks big but barely any progress shown in KPK... People still living like dogs over there and Imran Khan instead worrying about Karachi... This fools party aka PTI :lol:

So you're saying people in Karachi or in other parts of Pakistan - the average Pakistani - are NOT living like dogs? They are living in, as per Noora League, in Paris??? By the way, Imran Khan is not in the KPK government, its Mr Khattak and his government setup in the province. Imran Khan is free to say or do anything about Karachi or anywhere else; he doesn't sit and run day-to-day operations of KPK like Nawaz Sharif wants to run Pakistan by saying 'yes' and 'no' to every micro-management issue. Nawaz Sharif cannot run anything unless he has his family members running the department or the ministry. That's the difference patwaris like you cannot comprehend. It is beyond your petty understanding.
- The bridge was a project of previous governments, that PTI accelerated
- PTI ensured the the tardy contractor pays Rs. 200 million to the new contractor and completed the project within months
- We have announced that all such projects shall we completed within maximum of a year in KPK, so no government funds are misused through extended timelines

Open for traffic: Mufti Mehmood Flyover finally inaugurated - The Express Tribune
its time to taste of fruits of the police reforms in KPK

Violence round-up: Province witnesses decline in crime
By Our Correspondent
Published: April 15, 2015


PESHAWAR: The first quarter of 2015 has seen a significant decrease in crime in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa as compared with the same period the previous year, stated a handout issued by the provincial police.

It noted a decrease in cases of murder and kidnapping for ransom in the first three months of the year. “At least 518 murder cases have been reported this year as compared with 675 murders reported between January and March 2014,” added the handout which was issued earlier this week.

Similarly, only 16 people were reported kidnapped for ransom in K-P in the first quarter of this year as compared with 34 people who were held for ransom during the same period in 2014. According to the handout, 194 people were abducted in the province in the first three months of the previous year. However, this year, only 175 people have been reportedly taken from K-P.

Theft and extortion

There has been a decline in the number of armed robberies in the province. Only 15 cases were reported during the first quarter of 2015 as compared with 21 cases reported during the same period last year, the handout read.

It went on to state that 104 vehicles were stolen in the province in the first three months of 2015; at least 131 vehicles were stolen during the same period in 2014.

Meanwhile, only 29 cases of theft and two of extortion have been reported between January and March as compared with 314 and 60 cases, respectively, in 2014.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 16th, 2015.

Violence round-up: Province witnesses decline in crime - The Express Tribune

one the other hand we have crime rate rising within the jurisdiction of Islamabad Police

As the number of police stations rises so does crime
By Obaid Abbasi
Published: April 14, 2015

Photo of Islamabad police. PHOTO: AFP

ISLAMABAD: The capital administration has approved setting up three more police stations in the city accepting the request of the top cop.

IG Tahir Alam Khan had written a letter to the chief commissioner requesting him to approve three more police stations citing increasing crime rates in the federal capital.

In the letter, the police chief has admitted that crime rate has increased with the Margalla Police Station registering 955 cases in 2014 against 913 cases in 2013.

Similarly, the Sabzi Mandi police registered 736 cases in 2014 against 625 in 2103.

A police source said that the top cop has also justified his case for more police stations by saying that the population of the capital has increased manifold over the years, necessitating more police stations.

Meanwhile, the chief commissioner has issued a notification for establishing three more police stations at Karachi Company, Shams Colony and Faizabad.

The Karachi Company police station will cover sectors E-9, F-9 and G-8, which now fall under the Margalla police jurisdiction.

The Shams Colony police station will cover H-11, H-12, I-12 and H-13, which fall under the Sabzi Mandi police and the Faizabad station will cover sectors H-8 and I-8, now falling under the limits of the Industrial Area Police Station.

Recently, the interior ministry also expressed his displeasure over the performance of the capital police. Last week, the interior minister had summoned all SHOs to the Punjab House warning them to show results or face the music.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 14th, 2015.

As the number of police stations rises so does crime - The Express Tribune
PTI talks big but barely any progress shown in KPK... People still living like dogs over there and Imran Khan instead worrying about Karachi... This fools party aka PTI :lol:

We been living like that for centuries, but it's getting better since 2013, small but gradual change we see, not big sky scrapers but basic facilities what we really need.
Thanks for what?

My foot .

such mediocre projects of a simple fly over are usually completed in 3 months in punjab. Whereas it took 7 years to complete in Peshawar. That include 2 years of pti. Ridiculous performance.
i m living in lahore wapda town first kindly request ur king nawaz brother khadimi aalaa t o control mosquito not dengue ones.
i am talking about wapda town not lahore and not punjab
kindly leave this thread

shame on u

Patwari got nothing sensible to say. Patwari foaming at the mouth, crying like a baby 'mummy can't sleep at night, thoughts and fear of PTI keep me awake at night'. Immature patwari. Go take a communal patwari bath in a PMLN thread.

VERY entertaining to see a patwari doing a nach here.
salam i have a plane how to make sikandar guy to stop posting over here. i am going to reply him on his every post with this simple message

"shame on u"

i request u all to do so. thax

Go Prove inn Supreme after that come here and tell me that
salam i have a plane how to make sikandar guy to stop posting over here. i am going to reply him on his every post with this simple message

"shame on u"

i request u all to do so. thax

You understand ENGLISH patwari? Its a very normal project BUT it became significant because of the constant delays and corruption of previous governments. So have some decency and honesty to give credit where it is due, that PTI government finally sorted this mess out and made lives of the people of Peshawar who use that route or live in the area, easier.

Posting comments in PTI thread like a kid whose lollipop has been snatched isn't really helping your case here unless you're paid to troll.

Who gave Jhangir Tareen relief? Imran Khan? NO! Jiyalas and patwaris did to save their own skin too under NRO, so now don't b*tch and whine please. Thanks.

My family is educated enough to not vote for thieves, plunderers and murderers. They know Imran Khan's character is worth a thousand Sharifs, Zardaris and come what may. With all his billion dollar wealth, Nawaz Sharif cannot even open and operate a charitable hospital in all of Pakistan - on top of that he uses taxpayers money to run pro-PMLN and anti-PTI commercials on numerous TV channels and print media.

If you or Nawaz Sharif were worried about 'lota' folks, Nawaz would not welcome back people who made PMLQ back in to PMLN. So look in the mirror son, then talk.

NO ONE is saying people in PTI are 'farishta', but we look at Imran Khan and compare him to Nawaz Sharif and Zardari - and in that comparison, I would bet on Imran Khan every single time to be the custodian of my taxes and where the money goes. NOT Nawaz Sharif, NOT Shahbaz Sharif, NOT Zardari.
salam i have a plane how to make sikandar guy to stop posting over here. i am going to reply him on his every post with this simple message

"shame on u"

i request u all to do so. thax

Can you please show me picture of any roads, dams, electricity project, school, university or even hospital started and completed by PTI government in last 2 years?
kindly look back in the thread u will see many of them
sehat ka insaf phase 1
sehat ka ittehad phase 2
ghar aya ustaad
365 small hydro electic power project
legislation bills
green and clean peshawar mega project phase 1 completed and 2 is on......
5 small dams
mofti mehmood fly over recently completed
takht bhai (place name) bhudism and archeological centre
libraries in mardan and bannufor public
swat malam jabba (place name) ressorts(under consturction) and sports local stadiumssssssss.............................
peshawar and nowshehar canal and sewrage system drainage

look back in thread u will find pics and proofs
fly over and b pass road recently completed in my far awa village,
sorry for mega projects like metro , prince oil power projects, we are living in apoor province we don't need that now.

Pathetic condition of Ayub teaching hospital

So you expect the PM and the CM to be here working in this room and leave running the country? I see so much idiotic content on here its sad. The leaders make things happen. The people understand something was built for them and they do the maintenance. If the people don't want to progress, the leaders can bring in everything you can imagine, but it won't make a whole lot of difference to the country.
Expecting the premiers to be in every room, every leaking bathroom or fixing destroyed window is the stupidest thing to wish for. Things like these, go to the court or get highlighted in the media and responsible officer should take charge or get fired. Not sure why a leaking toilet or broken X-ray machine's blame has to go to the PM or people at that level!!!
i m living in lahore wapda town first kindly request ur king nawaz brother khadimi aalaa t o control mosquito not dengue ones.
i am talking about wapda town not lahore and not punjab
kindly leave this thread

shame on u

salam i have a plane how to make sikandar guy to stop posting over here. i am going to reply him on his every post with this simple message

"shame on u"
Here comes yet another immature pti supporter. grow up kids, plz get mature. I know being a ptian , its difficult for you to get mature . but atleast give it a try.

Better use spray for the mosquitoes, i am sure it is due to your dirty and filthy house. My advice keep a massi for cleaning your house and area.
And plz grow up. Thanks
What a nonsense post. The curriculum of gov. Schools are same in a province.

Its actually the pvt. Schools who gave a damn shit to gov. Curriculum and follow agha khan board and Cambridge system.

Same in kpk, where gov. Schools are following sarkari curriculum and pvt school colleges are following Cambridge system.
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