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Naxals killed RSS leader in Chhattisgarh to avenge the abrogation of article 370

Naxalites are also an oppressed people in India.

The elite Brahmin pandit is oppressing everyone. The only victim known as the Indian Muslims have no issue being oppressed by the Brahmin pandit. Shahrukh Khan and Salman Khan are busy selling out their community in Modiland.

Everyone else from Dalits to Naxalites are on a march for freedom.
Incorrect. Article 370 only covers Jammu & Kashmir. Other states in India are covered under Article 371 which is untouched.

But there is some link between 370 and 371 that's why Nagas declared their independence from India.
But there is some link between 370 and 371 that's why Nagas declared their independence from India.

There is no link between Article 370 & Article 371.

Naga people live both in India and Myanmar.

Nagas want an Independent home land comprising lands from both India and Myanmar.

Even if India agrees to Naga's demand, Myanmar (and China) would never agree to an Independent Naga home land on their borders which could be used by the West against them.

Frankly, Greater Nagaland is a bigger headache for China & Myanmar than it is to India.


Everyone else from Dalits

Bro forget the Dalits, they are staunchly Hindu nationalist. They have actually led on some of the most brutal riots and crimes on Muslim settlements.

Naxals killed RSS leader in Chhattisgarh to avenge the abrogation of article 370

Whatever reason it was, my hats off to them. One less RSS piece of $hit around.
Bro forget the Dalits, they are staunchly Hindu nationalist. They have actually led on some of the most brutal riots and crimes on Muslim settlements.

You are correct. Infact, Ambedkar who is the father figure for the Dalits in India strongly opposed including Article 370 in the constitution of India.

BR Ambedkar opposed the special status for J&K. He would have agreed with its abrogation now

From time to time and on various platforms, Ambedkar had opposed the policies of the Nehru government related to Jammu & Kashmir.

Arjun Ram Meghwal |Updated: August 20, 2019 8:00:08 am
Arjun Ram Meghwal is Union Minister of State, Finance and Corporate Affairs


Ambedkar realised that J&K’s special status would create another layer of sovereignty within sovereign India, which can be detrimental to the unity and integrity of the Republic. (Illustration by C R Sasikumar)
On August 6, Article 370 was revoked by the Union government, which provided special status to the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir ( J & K). There have always been scattered opinions in favour of abrogating this provision. At the time of the conception of Article 370 itself, initially brought in as Article 306A, B R Ambedkar had categorically opposed it because it hampered with the unity and integrity of India.

Rajendra Prasad on February 21, 1948, did not contain the provision granting special status to J&K. Jawaharlal Nehru strongly favoured special status as well as Sheikh Abdullah’s prime ministership of the state. During the meeting with Sheikh Abdullah, Ambedkar opposed the provision, which would lead to breaking the fabric of national unity and integrity. He turned down the demand for special status and advised that “You want India to defend Kashmir, feed its people, give Kashmiris equal rights all over India. But you want to deny India and Indians all rights in Kashmir. I am a Law Minister of India, I cannot be a party to such a betrayal of national interests.”

Reacting to Ambedkar’s misgivings, Nehru entrusted his close confidante, N Gopalaswami Ayyangar, Minister without Portfolio in the interim government and former diwan to Maharajah Hari Singh, with the responsibility of preparing a draft for the necessary legislation to grant special status to J&K. On May 27, 1949, Ayyangar introduced a motion which contained an alternative method of selecting the representatives from J&K for the Constituent Assembly. Ayyangar recommended that all four persons from the state be nominated by the ruler on the advice of his prime minister. After a brief debate, the measure was adopted by the members of the Constituent Assembly. The interim government led by Abdullah nominated Mirza Mohammed Afzal Beg, Maulana Mohammed Syed Masoodi and Moti Ram Baigra, in addition to Abdullah himself. Ayyangar came up with the draft of Article 306 A in consultation with these four National Conference leaders.

On October 17, 1949, Nehru was in the US and Ayyangar was entrusted with the motion for the insertion of Article 306A in the constituent assembly. After the introduction of the motion, Maulana Hasrat Mohani tried to oppose the special provision, but he didn’t get much time. The motion was adopted on the same day and Article 306A was renumbered Article 370 at the revision stage. Ambedkar’s opposition to this move is evident from the fact that he had refused even to attend the session that passed the motion.

From time to time and on various platforms, Ambedkar had opposed the policies of the Nehru government related to J&K. In 1951, the election manifesto of the Scheduled Caste Federation, a party formed by Ambedkar stated: “The policies if continued will lead to perpetual enmity between India and Pakistan, and the possibility of war between the two countries.” It was his farsightedness that his words became reality and there have been three wars between India and Pakistan. While criticising the Nehru government on the J&K issue on the floor of the House during the Budget (General) 1952-53 discussion, Ambedkar meticulously made the point confronting the additional Rs 50 crore in the defence budget because of the Kashmir imbroglio. Ayyangar was the defence minister during this time and Ambedkar reminded him that a permanent solution to the Kashmir problem was related to the abrogation of Article 370. Under Nehru’s influence, the government did not pay any heed to this advice. In another instance, during a debate on Article 370, Nehru told the House that it is a temporary provision and its erosion will happen gradually. But Article 370 did not erode. It became stronger, making the lives of common citizens difficult in the erstwhile state of J&K.

Ambedkar realised that J&K’s special status would create another layer of sovereignty within sovereign India, which can be detrimental to the unity and integrity of the Republic. Article 370 led to the creation of a separate flag and separate constitution, which engendered feelings of separatism and regional autonomy, misleading the youths and ultimately gave birth to terrorism, corruption and misgovernance. The state had to face isolation from mainstream development programmes and policies brought in by central governments.

Ambedkar and Syama Prasad Mookerjee were the two non-Congress ministers in the interim government (1947-52) led by Nehru. It is important to note that on the issues related to J&K, the concurrence in the views of both intellectuals is clearly visible. During the first general election (1951-52), the Praja Parishad and Jana Sangh, led by Mookerjee, adopted a stand similar to that of Ambedkar — to bring J&K fully under the Constitution of India by repealing Article 370. In 1964, a few Congress parliamentarians also supported the move to abrogate Article 370.

Now, with the scrapping of Article 370, the country has taken a historic decision and a new era has begun in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. It appears that the measure taken by Narendra Modi to correct a historic blunder is a humble tribute to Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar.

This article first appeared in the August 20 print edition under the title ‘Babasaheb and Article 370’. The writer is Union Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs and Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises


You are correct. Infact, Ambedkar who is the father figure for the Dalits in India strongly opposed including Article 370 in the constitution of India.

BR Ambedkar opposed the special status for J&K. He would have agreed with its abrogation now

From time to time and on various platforms, Ambedkar had opposed the policies of the Nehru government related to Jammu & Kashmir.

Arjun Ram Meghwal |Updated: August 20, 2019 8:00:08 am
Arjun Ram Meghwal is Union Minister of State, Finance and Corporate Affairs


Ambedkar realised that J&K’s special status would create another layer of sovereignty within sovereign India, which can be detrimental to the unity and integrity of the Republic. (Illustration by C R Sasikumar)
On August 6, Article 370 was revoked by the Union government, which provided special status to the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir ( J & K). There have always been scattered opinions in favour of abrogating this provision. At the time of the conception of Article 370 itself, initially brought in as Article 306A, B R Ambedkar had categorically opposed it because it hampered with the unity and integrity of India.

Rajendra Prasad on February 21, 1948, did not contain the provision granting special status to J&K. Jawaharlal Nehru strongly favoured special status as well as Sheikh Abdullah’s prime ministership of the state. During the meeting with Sheikh Abdullah, Ambedkar opposed the provision, which would lead to breaking the fabric of national unity and integrity. He turned down the demand for special status and advised that “You want India to defend Kashmir, feed its people, give Kashmiris equal rights all over India. But you want to deny India and Indians all rights in Kashmir. I am a Law Minister of India, I cannot be a party to such a betrayal of national interests.”

Reacting to Ambedkar’s misgivings, Nehru entrusted his close confidante, N Gopalaswami Ayyangar, Minister without Portfolio in the interim government and former diwan to Maharajah Hari Singh, with the responsibility of preparing a draft for the necessary legislation to grant special status to J&K. On May 27, 1949, Ayyangar introduced a motion which contained an alternative method of selecting the representatives from J&K for the Constituent Assembly. Ayyangar recommended that all four persons from the state be nominated by the ruler on the advice of his prime minister. After a brief debate, the measure was adopted by the members of the Constituent Assembly. The interim government led by Abdullah nominated Mirza Mohammed Afzal Beg, Maulana Mohammed Syed Masoodi and Moti Ram Baigra, in addition to Abdullah himself. Ayyangar came up with the draft of Article 306 A in consultation with these four National Conference leaders.

On October 17, 1949, Nehru was in the US and Ayyangar was entrusted with the motion for the insertion of Article 306A in the constituent assembly. After the introduction of the motion, Maulana Hasrat Mohani tried to oppose the special provision, but he didn’t get much time. The motion was adopted on the same day and Article 306A was renumbered Article 370 at the revision stage. Ambedkar’s opposition to this move is evident from the fact that he had refused even to attend the session that passed the motion.

From time to time and on various platforms, Ambedkar had opposed the policies of the Nehru government related to J&K. In 1951, the election manifesto of the Scheduled Caste Federation, a party formed by Ambedkar stated: “The policies if continued will lead to perpetual enmity between India and Pakistan, and the possibility of war between the two countries.” It was his farsightedness that his words became reality and there have been three wars between India and Pakistan. While criticising the Nehru government on the J&K issue on the floor of the House during the Budget (General) 1952-53 discussion, Ambedkar meticulously made the point confronting the additional Rs 50 crore in the defence budget because of the Kashmir imbroglio. Ayyangar was the defence minister during this time and Ambedkar reminded him that a permanent solution to the Kashmir problem was related to the abrogation of Article 370. Under Nehru’s influence, the government did not pay any heed to this advice. In another instance, during a debate on Article 370, Nehru told the House that it is a temporary provision and its erosion will happen gradually. But Article 370 did not erode. It became stronger, making the lives of common citizens difficult in the erstwhile state of J&K.

Ambedkar realised that J&K’s special status would create another layer of sovereignty within sovereign India, which can be detrimental to the unity and integrity of the Republic. Article 370 led to the creation of a separate flag and separate constitution, which engendered feelings of separatism and regional autonomy, misleading the youths and ultimately gave birth to terrorism, corruption and misgovernance. The state had to face isolation from mainstream development programmes and policies brought in by central governments.

Ambedkar and Syama Prasad Mookerjee were the two non-Congress ministers in the interim government (1947-52) led by Nehru. It is important to note that on the issues related to J&K, the concurrence in the views of both intellectuals is clearly visible. During the first general election (1951-52), the Praja Parishad and Jana Sangh, led by Mookerjee, adopted a stand similar to that of Ambedkar — to bring J&K fully under the Constitution of India by repealing Article 370. In 1964, a few Congress parliamentarians also supported the move to abrogate Article 370.

Now, with the scrapping of Article 370, the country has taken a historic decision and a new era has begun in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. It appears that the measure taken by Narendra Modi to correct a historic blunder is a humble tribute to Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar.

This article first appeared in the August 20 print edition under the title ‘Babasaheb and Article 370’. The writer is Union Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs and Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises


Thanks for the information.

You are correct. Infact, Ambedkar who is the father figure for the Dalits in India strongly opposed including Article 370 in the constitution of India.

BR Ambedkar opposed the special status for J&K. He would have agreed with its abrogation now

From time to time and on various platforms, Ambedkar had opposed the policies of the Nehru government related to Jammu & Kashmir.

Arjun Ram Meghwal |Updated: August 20, 2019 8:00:08 am
Arjun Ram Meghwal is Union Minister of State, Finance and Corporate Affairs


Ambedkar realised that J&K’s special status would create another layer of sovereignty within sovereign India, which can be detrimental to the unity and integrity of the Republic. (Illustration by C R Sasikumar)
On August 6, Article 370 was revoked by the Union government, which provided special status to the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir ( J & K). There have always been scattered opinions in favour of abrogating this provision. At the time of the conception of Article 370 itself, initially brought in as Article 306A, B R Ambedkar had categorically opposed it because it hampered with the unity and integrity of India.

Rajendra Prasad on February 21, 1948, did not contain the provision granting special status to J&K. Jawaharlal Nehru strongly favoured special status as well as Sheikh Abdullah’s prime ministership of the state. During the meeting with Sheikh Abdullah, Ambedkar opposed the provision, which would lead to breaking the fabric of national unity and integrity. He turned down the demand for special status and advised that “You want India to defend Kashmir, feed its people, give Kashmiris equal rights all over India. But you want to deny India and Indians all rights in Kashmir. I am a Law Minister of India, I cannot be a party to such a betrayal of national interests.”

Reacting to Ambedkar’s misgivings, Nehru entrusted his close confidante, N Gopalaswami Ayyangar, Minister without Portfolio in the interim government and former diwan to Maharajah Hari Singh, with the responsibility of preparing a draft for the necessary legislation to grant special status to J&K. On May 27, 1949, Ayyangar introduced a motion which contained an alternative method of selecting the representatives from J&K for the Constituent Assembly. Ayyangar recommended that all four persons from the state be nominated by the ruler on the advice of his prime minister. After a brief debate, the measure was adopted by the members of the Constituent Assembly. The interim government led by Abdullah nominated Mirza Mohammed Afzal Beg, Maulana Mohammed Syed Masoodi and Moti Ram Baigra, in addition to Abdullah himself. Ayyangar came up with the draft of Article 306 A in consultation with these four National Conference leaders.

On October 17, 1949, Nehru was in the US and Ayyangar was entrusted with the motion for the insertion of Article 306A in the constituent assembly. After the introduction of the motion, Maulana Hasrat Mohani tried to oppose the special provision, but he didn’t get much time. The motion was adopted on the same day and Article 306A was renumbered Article 370 at the revision stage. Ambedkar’s opposition to this move is evident from the fact that he had refused even to attend the session that passed the motion.

From time to time and on various platforms, Ambedkar had opposed the policies of the Nehru government related to J&K. In 1951, the election manifesto of the Scheduled Caste Federation, a party formed by Ambedkar stated: “The policies if continued will lead to perpetual enmity between India and Pakistan, and the possibility of war between the two countries.” It was his farsightedness that his words became reality and there have been three wars between India and Pakistan. While criticising the Nehru government on the J&K issue on the floor of the House during the Budget (General) 1952-53 discussion, Ambedkar meticulously made the point confronting the additional Rs 50 crore in the defence budget because of the Kashmir imbroglio. Ayyangar was the defence minister during this time and Ambedkar reminded him that a permanent solution to the Kashmir problem was related to the abrogation of Article 370. Under Nehru’s influence, the government did not pay any heed to this advice. In another instance, during a debate on Article 370, Nehru told the House that it is a temporary provision and its erosion will happen gradually. But Article 370 did not erode. It became stronger, making the lives of common citizens difficult in the erstwhile state of J&K.

Ambedkar realised that J&K’s special status would create another layer of sovereignty within sovereign India, which can be detrimental to the unity and integrity of the Republic. Article 370 led to the creation of a separate flag and separate constitution, which engendered feelings of separatism and regional autonomy, misleading the youths and ultimately gave birth to terrorism, corruption and misgovernance. The state had to face isolation from mainstream development programmes and policies brought in by central governments.

Ambedkar and Syama Prasad Mookerjee were the two non-Congress ministers in the interim government (1947-52) led by Nehru. It is important to note that on the issues related to J&K, the concurrence in the views of both intellectuals is clearly visible. During the first general election (1951-52), the Praja Parishad and Jana Sangh, led by Mookerjee, adopted a stand similar to that of Ambedkar — to bring J&K fully under the Constitution of India by repealing Article 370. In 1964, a few Congress parliamentarians also supported the move to abrogate Article 370.

Now, with the scrapping of Article 370, the country has taken a historic decision and a new era has begun in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. It appears that the measure taken by Narendra Modi to correct a historic blunder is a humble tribute to Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar.

This article first appeared in the August 20 print edition under the title ‘Babasaheb and Article 370’. The writer is Union Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs and Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises


Also the fact that the Aam Aadami Party backed the article removal. Arvind Kejriwal tweeted his support.
Naxals are fighting for the downtrodden.
With world war II weapons apparently with zero support from outside they are doing very impressive job, we must armed them at least with AK-47, RPG etc....

Wana be chupa power seems helpless against very poorly armed naxals....poorly armed but very well armed political ideology.

We must approach them....
Also the fact that the Aam Aadami Party backed the article removal. Arvind Kejriwal tweeted his support.

Arvind Kejriwal's Aam Aadami Party and Mamatha's Trinamool Congress are allies of BJP who act as opposition to cut the votes of the Congress party.

Thanks for the information.

Even the current leader of Dalit's in India, Mayawati of BSP supported Abrogation of Article 370.

Queen of quick flip-flops, how Mayawati is now cosying up to BJP


Mayawati on Article 370

Mayawati has backed Narendra Modi government's decision of abrogating the Article 370, effectively removing the special status of Jammu and Kashmir and dividing the state in two Union territories, saying that Dr BR Ambedkar never supported the idea of divided India.

Posting a series of tweets on Monday, the former UP CM reiterated her support over the scrapping of Article 370 in J&K. She also slammed the decision of Congress and other opposition parties to visit Kashmir to take stock of the ground situation.

No leader from her party was part of the opposition protest at Jantar Mantar in Delhi recently demanding release of former J&K CMs Farooq Abdullah, Omar Abdullah, Mehbooba Mufti and others who are under detention in J&K.

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