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Nawaz Sharif Wins; Imran Khan fails. The end of Imran Khan is now official. Nawaz Sharif returning to his original status of ruler of Pakistan.

What happened in 2013 general elections?

You can't deny ethnic politics was used by the establishment to achieve their goals of divide and conquer because then why was MQM created? Zardari turned PPP from national party to a Sindhi party. Establishment also used a mix of ethnic parties in Balochistan as well.

Its not hard to create a unified force like Modi did for Indians. I mean bro, IK somehow put 2 political powerhouses Punjab and KPK on the same page and also got Muhajir/Urdu speakers there too. So there was some sort of driving force in the diaspora and at home.

I think there will be a serious divide in the Pakistani society post-PTI.
True leaders are accepted by every segment of society, those who don’t have those qualities are confined to their own society.

Niazi to me is a huge leader, accepted by all, from Kashmir to Gwadar and khyber to Wagah, this man has surpassed Bhutto, maybe even Jinnah.

Great leaders see a bigger picture and they use the strength of diversity, not your usual Jag Punjab jag or wali khan ay zama watana

No comparison here if all was free and fair.
Dear Afghani, You are clueless about your own history and come here trying to teach us ours?

For starters:

You are an Indian in denial, don't be ashamed of it.

Multiple sources say he was born in Herat.


"The fact that numerous sources composed in the ruler’s lifetime consistently connect him in his youth to Herat justifies the stance of Ghubār and others that Aḥmad Shāh was, in fact, born in the Herat region, around the time his father passed away and when the Abdālī leadership still exercised authority over the province."


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You guys (just like other Pashtun supremacists) are so bigoted and racist that you deny historical facts .. You guys hate Punjab so much that you find it insulting for Pashtuns that the founder of Afghanistan aka Ahmed Shah the marauder was Punjab-born :lol:
You guys are so racist that you deny historical facts .. You guys hate Punjab so much that you find it insulting for Pashtuns that the founder of Afghanistan aka Ahmed Shah the marauder was Punjab-born :lol:

No one is hating on Punjab, there's sources that say he was born in Herat lmfao.

Those sources don't come out of thin air.

The area of Malerkotla was made by a Pashtun, but no one denies its "Punjabiness"
Iqbal shouldn’t have dreamt about this mess at all.

[This is] the established way of Allah with those who passed on before; and you will not find in the way of Allah any change. Al-Ahzab 33:62

Even today God shows dream to his people about Pakistan.

Not claiming anything but I must share another observation;

I found that the fire was about to die; but people collected wood, rearranged it and in fact blew and got the fire kindled.

So concerned people are working on it, Pakistan won't default. It'll be back on track.
Faith in Allah is not conditional or specific to a situation. If this is what you wanted to know, I'm saying it from the heart.
No, I wanted to know whether god intends our country to fail and millions of people suffering as a result of it, or is he actually not a good planer contrary to what you have said?
No one is hating on Punjab, there's sources that say he was born in Herat lmfao.

Those sources don't come out of thin air.

Yes, there are neutral sources that say Ahmad Shah was born in Multan

And then there are Pashtun racist sources that vehemently deny this

You obviously accept the latter

Nothing more to discuss here
You guys are so racist that you deny historical facts .. You guys hate Punjab so much that you find it insulting for Pashtuns that the founder of Afghanistan aka Ahmed Shah the marauder was Punjab-born :lol:

We don’t have an issue with that, we says IK is Punjabi as he was born there, raised there and his loyalty should be there.

No one is a racist buddy, that’s harsh, Abdali or properly the Ebadalo (which is Abdali) was born in Herat, you may disagree no problem, we can both agree he was born on earth.

Not an Afghan, please stop calling me that, not an Abdali but a Khilji/Ghilzai
the real struggle is between the elite and the public/poor. Sometimes it is establishment vs civilians, wadera vs hari, chudaray vs kami, industrialist vs mazdoor, govt vs public etc.
Poor everywhere are oppressed. Elites of every province are enjoying.
rest r fighting over caste, language, ethnicity, etc., as it is easier to blame a 'foreigner' or outsider.
I DO have a problem when the establishment behaves in a way to disadvantage people of certain ethnicities. Most notably the sort of policies the establishment of the time pushed against the Bengalis in the 60s/70s
the real struggle is between the elite and the public/poor. Sometimes it is establishment vs civilians, wadera vs hari, chudaray vs kami, industrialist vs mazdoor, govt vs public etc.
Poor everywhere are oppressed. Elites of every province are enjoying.
rest r fighting over caste, language, ethnicity, etc., as it is easier to blame a 'foreigner' or outsider.
I agree with this in general. No doubt there is a strong component of class to establishment.

But you can’t deny that race or ethnicity is not a consideration as far as establishment acts. The evidence of history is that it definitely has played a part. Again vis a vis the Bengalis and the CSS quotas against the Muhajjirs. I am sure that if we reflect on this, we’ll see that Balochis actually are also victims of similar nature.

Anyways, this may fit into your larger argument that the establishment acts like this to foment ethnic and regional tensions that they can exploit.
Again vis a vis the Bengalis and the CSS quotas against the Muhajjirs.

Against Muhajirs??

Liaquat Ali Khan, a Muhajir himself, reserved 15% quota in services for Muhajirs (despite the fact that they hardly made up 2% of the population) declaring that Muhajirs were superior and more educated compared to the locals.

What's with the victim mindset?
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