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Nawaz Sharif Wins; Imran Khan fails. The end of Imran Khan is now official. Nawaz Sharif returning to his original status of ruler of Pakistan.

The man/family that are globally defined as Choor and universities as far a Canada use them as an example of corruption is clearly a winner.

He may never make it to Pakistan if Allah wills
It’s clear the establishment wants a tacit agreement from Imran Khan for NRO2 for the political ilk, then most likely elections will be announced.

In current scenario, elections are a big no, as Imran Khan would win (if not 2/3rd majority) and the accountability axe will fall on the Sharifs, Zardaris and then the Establishment might be next.

Real accountability means end of mafia in the long run. And we all know who the mafias are.
So Tikka Khan, Yahya we’re not Punjabis even though they hailed from Punjab, or are you saying that they were not true punjabis as they ancestors may have migrated to Punjab.

So to wash your sins you say they were not punjabis by ethnicity, at least you cleared that up.
Both, Pakhtoons and Punjabi Leaders are equally guilty for the mess in this forced concept of Pakistan.

Pakhtoons simply are too dumb to come out of ‘nahi afghani mera khandan hai, usko anay do’ wali soch such that it had introduced TTP and you were the first ones to face your own stupidity while all other Pakistan faced it.

Leaders from anywhere (prominently punjab) are nothing but paise ke bhookay nangay with no honor and fear of accountability from the One above all.

So yeah, keep fighting and nothing will change.

Iqbal shouldn’t have dreamt about this mess at all. I have realized after a lot of contemplation. Look how much all of us have changed over the past 1 year when it comes to our views pertaining to our dear beloved motherland, Our Military, Our system and all above, Pakistan.

But yeah, Keep fighting and blaming as you always have been.

Per IK Bajwa wanted him to focus on the economy not corruption. If that's the case it leads one to believe the top brass have corruption within them so changing of the guard wouldn't do much. A systemic change is required.
Don’t know the reason but Whatever the motives of Bajwa, I would agree on this one.

Imran Khan spent too much time in talking about his competitors and chor chor such that Pakistan went downhill from 2018. Look where we are now. It wasn’t until he was kicked out that we were all totally against IK but kicking him out gained him sympathy from the lot like us once again due to chors coming back
You are giving yourself too much importance, Punjabis have gained relevance in the last 75 years and in the time of their Great Leader Ranjit Singh, otherwise they always have been irrelevant, nothing to show.
And let me guess, you lot were there making spaceships and using internet along with the gangus in the vedic era

Why would you whine when you are 65% population, where the military is yours, you exploit and steal resources of minorities, you hang prime ministers, you assassinate political leaders.

You and your racism broke Pak in to 2.

You kill, you make the minorities disappear, so many Missing Baloch, so many pukhtoons dead because you sold their blood for dollars and joined wot.

Like I said our day will come, nothing is forgiven, nothing is forgotten, if not in our life time then in our children’s life time but justice will be served.

Oh yes, the fateful day when all 12 crore of us decided to steal resources of minorities, hang prime ministers, assassinate political leaders, split Pakistan into 2, abduct Balochs, get our dollar checks from USA and jump into WOT. Yeah, that was all of us.
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Punjabis are responsible hence that’s why they are being blamed, not the public their leaders.

Bajwa is a baloch
Zia was a Pukhtoon
Musharrif was an Afghan
General Rani and her house of prostitutes was Iranian.

If it makes you happy we will say they were the above.
and these people were bad due to the virtue of being Punjabi? :crazy:

The point is that PMLN voters vote Sharif because they see him as Punjabi (even if he isn’t). Jag Punjabi jag. Hamara para likha Punjab. Same as PPP voters voting for Bhutto (even though Bhutto may not technically be Sindhi).
as opposed to voting for the chaudaries. of gujrat who are Micronesian?
C'mon, bro.
Who brings these people to power? If it is not the Pakistani people who is it?
This is the main question ? Here people of Pakistan don't want to see these looter corrupt & crimenals mafia as there leaders & people didn't voted & rejacket them all over in Pakistan elections But this is the biggest unfortunate for Pakistan they somehow comeback into power...
It’s clear the establishment wants a tacit agreement from Imran Khan for NRO2 for the political ilk, then most likely elections will be announced.

In current scenario, elections are a big no, as Imran Khan would win (if not 2/3rd majority) and the accountability axe will fall on the Sharifs, Zardaris and then the Establishment might be next.

Real accountability means end of mafia in the long run. And we all know who the mafias are.
I am almost certain he won't but if IK agrees to that for the sake of elections, then fck him. What's the point, then?
If he's not gonna hold these mofos to account, what else can we expect from him. It's not like he has a Aladdin's lamp for the economy that the others don't. It's all about the confidence we have placed in him. And he stands to lose it all if he does.
I am almost certain he won't but if IK agrees to that for the sake of elections, then fck him. What's the point, then?
If he's not gonna hold these mofos to account, what else can we expect from him. It's not like he has a Aladdin's lamp for the economy that the others don't. It's all about the confidence we have placed in him. And he stands to lose it all if he does.
IK probably knows this. Any deal with the establishment or a perception of a deal means a huge chunk of the vote bank wiped out.

IK shouldn’t budge from the accountability drive and every institution submitting itself to the constitution. If he makes a deal and moves from this position then may he be damned.
The Pir Zadda in the video has not faced any accountability for inciting armed rebellion in Pakistan.
Mr Sarmad, are you indicating we are Afghans, if so on what basis do you say that?.

Would you like copies of our NIC cards, or would you like our addresses to see if we are Pakistanis or not?.

Problem are people like you, who shut their eyes and ignore reality, but am afraid reality is very different.

Punjabis are responsible hence that’s why they are being blamed, not the public their leaders.

Bajwa is a baloch
Zia was a Pukhtoon
Musharrif was an Afghan
General Rani and her house of prostitutes was Iranian.

If it makes you happy we will say they were the above.

Mr Sarmad, are you indicating we are Afghans, if so on what basis do you say that?.

Would you like copies of our NIC cards, or would you like our addresses to see if we are Pakistanis or not?.

Problem are people like you, who shut their eyes and ignore reality, but am afraid reality is very different.

Punjabis are responsible hence that’s why they are being blamed, not the public their leaders.

Bajwa is a baloch
Zia was a Pukhtoon
Musharrif was an Afghan
General Rani and her house of prostitutes was Iranian.

If it makes you happy we will say they were the above.
What was Musharraf's ethnicity? (Hint: Muhajir)
What was Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's ethnicity? (Hint: Sindhi)
What is Zardari's ethnicity? (Hint: Sindhi)
What is Bilawal's ethnicity? (Hint: Irani and Sindhi)
What ethnicity was Yahya Khan?
What is Nawaz Sharif's ethnicity? (Hint: Kashmiri Butts)
What is Shahbaz Sharif's ethnicity? (Hint: Kashmiri Butts)
What is General Niazi's ethnicity? (Hint: Pukhtoon, same as Imran Khan)
What is the ethnicity responsible for most terrorist attacks against civilians and military in the country? (Hint: they speak Pashto)

Can you answer these questions
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You and your racism broke Pak in to 2.
Zero irony in your statement?
Pakhtuns so united and prosperous in Azad Afghania?
Everything wrong with country you types jump to using ethnic lens. Punjabis suffer as well in this current corrupt setup. How many Pakhtuns, Baloch etc have migrated to Punjab without issue to setup businesses? Could Punjabis do same in KPK/Sindh without facing ethnic barriers?
Ethnic nationalists like you want to have your cake and eat it, you are cancer and your ideology is completely un-Islamic
and these people were bad due to the virtue of being Punjabi? :crazy:

as opposed to voting for the chaudaries. of gujrat who are Micronesian?
C'mon, bro.
I am saying that Punjabs voting pattern historically is a product of taasub ki politics. Hard to deny frankly. It’s no different from most other parties- exception being PTI and Religious parties.

If the country is 55% Punjabi and the politics of the punjab becomes a simple issue of voting based on ethnic or regional lines, yes this is a vice for the rest of the country. It forces the rest of the country to also vote in that pattern. Also it’s low IQ and frankly jahil type of mentality.
I am saying that Punjabs voting pattern historically is a product of taasub ki politics. Hard to deny frankly. It’s no different from most other parties- exception being PTI and Religious parties.

If the country is 55% Punjabi and the politics of the punjab becomes a simple issue of voting based on ethnic or regional lines, yes this is a vice for the rest of the country. It forces the rest of the country to also vote in that pattern. Also it’s low IQ and frankly jahil type of mentality.

Punjab has the highest literacy rate in the country and understanding of politics for uplifting socioeconomic levels is more mature than any of the other provinces. It is highly unfair to the people of Punjab to be maligned by such rhetoric.

Majority of people of Punjab voted PTi in federal and PMLn in provincial capacity, the reason for this is highlighted in the prior paragraph.

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