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Nawaz Sharif Wins; Imran Khan fails. The end of Imran Khan is now official. Nawaz Sharif returning to his original status of ruler of Pakistan.

Unfortunately there are too many village idiots in Punjab. ... So it's going to be the status quo of corrupt incompetent mafias for the rest of Pakistan's miserable existence....
It is quite right. When I watched some idiots mostly from Pakistan, not so much in other parts of Pakistan, people saying to the interviewers that "Sher ayiga, Mian sahab ne bhoot kaam kaye hain", Vote tu sher ka".
When I look at Pakistan , I fail to realise what Kam aur Taraqi these idiots are referring to!!
Pakistan is abysmal in education, health, infrastructure, management, governance, corruption, etc. etc.
Are these people are blinds and fools, or I am living on some other planet, and don't see the countries which have really progressed.
I am saying that Punjabs voting pattern historically is a product of taasub ki politics. Hard to deny frankly. It’s no different from most other parties- exception being PTI and Religious parties.

If the country is 55% Punjabi and the politics of the punjab becomes a simple issue of voting based on ethnic or regional lines, yes this is a vice for the rest of the country. It forces the rest of the country to also vote in that pattern. Also it’s low IQ and frankly jahil type of mentality.
Very fair criticism but pretty sure it's not just Punjab who has this type of mentality, it's practically everyone.

And it's not going to go away because you all hate each other, especially Pashtuns they despise basically everyone 🤣

Whole of Pakistan is jahil, but I would probably put the list like like this -

Least Jahil to most Jahil:

Muhajir (top lads)
Punjabis (accommodating group, don't hate others)
Sindhis (somewhat accommodating but can sometimes hate others)
Pashtuns (Hates everyone, not accommodating, beware for life)
Baloch (don't risk it if in Balochistan)

I think the top 2 groups are least likely to vote according to ethnic affiliations.
To all those, specially @Behram Khilji , who are engaged in ethnic arguments, haven't you heard/read what Prophet Muhammad saw' says about this subject ?
Now let’s be clear, I only raised my voice against their leaders, who happen to be the leaders of Pakistan most of the time since independence.

It never was, is or will be against the people, as they are no different from me.

We have a different view of a nation we would like, Strong, Dominant, Just & equal nation with a pair of balls, we want to dominate everything around us.

Grow balls, Deliver justice and equality and we will fight our own kin and kith to preserve and expand the state our forefathers chose to be with.

We don’t want just peace, we want to dominate, it’s in our blood, my name is the name of my people, we want to see 100 of Alauddin Khiljis.

I am sorry if you think I was spewing ethnic poison, that’s not the case I assure you as we are all brothers, all Pakistanis, we will always have difference of opinion but never hatred.
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Punjab has the highest literacy rate in the country and understanding of politics for uplifting socioeconomic levels is more mature than any of the other provinces. It is highly unfair to the people of Punjab to be maligned by such rhetoric.

Majority of people of Punjab voted PTi in federal and PMLn in provincial capacity, the reason for this is highlighted in the prior paragraph.
Read my blurb again. I am talking about historic voting patterns. A significant portion of punjabis still vote PMLN on the basis of ethnicity.

Also, your assertion on Punjab being the most educated province is true on technicalities. If we include all provinces and territories, it would be Gilgit. If we talk about ethnicity-wise, it would be Muhajjirs.

I have a lot of Punjabi friends. I have a good opinion of Punjabis. Having said that, the voting pattern based on taasub that Pakistan has been victim of, has to be blamed on the largest province that set this pattern.

Very fair criticism but pretty sure it's not just Punjab who has this type of mentality, it's practically everyone.

And it's not going to go away because you all hate each other, especially Pashtuns they despise basically everyone 🤣

Whole of Pakistan is jahil, but I would probably put the list like like this -

Least Jahil to most Jahil:

Muhajir (top lads)
Punjabis (accommodating group, don't hate others)
Sindhis (somewhat accommodating but can sometimes hate others)
Pashtuns (Hates everyone, not accommodating, beware for life)
Baloch (don't risk it if in Balochistan)

I think the top 2 groups are least likely to vote according to ethnic affiliations.
Yeah I agree with this. Everyone has this problem now. But the most critical group that needs to leave this mentality are the Punjabis because they account for over half the country. If they have this mentality, it practically forces everyone else to have it too.
To all those, specially @Behram Khilji , who are engaged in ethnic arguments, haven't you heard/read what Prophet Muhammad saw' says about this subject ?
Can’t face America don’t be scared leave it to us, can’t liberate Kashmir then why not let us go in, we will do it or die trying.

No good just oh we will do this or we will do that or UN says this or UN says that.

You got to do what you got to do jigga, only a fool lives in hope, Born to Die.

The Budget that the Mil gets, give me half of that and I will stretch borders to Amu Darya, Annex East Punjab, All of j &K and ladakh, even Sistan from Iran, all you need is Balls.
Loser Namak Haram Afghanis and few "others" spewing hatred against Punjab and Punjabis (on a totally irrelevant thread) as usual. PDF has become so boring and predictable

When we don't fit your views then we are "Nammak Haram Afghanis".

Desi people man 😭 😭

By that logic, your greatest hero Ahmad Shah Abdali was also a Punjabi as he was born in Multan.

He was born in Herat.

Stop stealing other people's history.
Taliban is getting 40 - 50 million dollars from USA per week. What do you have to say about that?
Are you their accountant?.

When we don't fit your views then we are "Nammak Haram Afghanis".

Desi people man 😭 😭

He was born in Herat.

Stop stealing other people's history.
Abdali was Born in Herat that is correct, Sher Shah I believe was Multan.

We are not desi brother that’s an insult, we are watanis, we don’t have a des we have a Watan.
Both, Pakhtoons and Punjabi Leaders are equally guilty for the mess in this forced concept of Pakistan.

Pakhtoons simply are too dumb to come out of ‘nahi afghani mera khandan hai, usko anay do’ wali soch such that it had introduced TTP and you were the first ones to face your own stupidity while all other Pakistan faced it.

Leaders from anywhere (prominently punjab) are nothing but paise ke bhookay nangay with no honor and fear of accountability from the One above all.

So yeah, keep fighting and nothing will change.

Iqbal shouldn’t have dreamt about this mess at all. I have realized after a lot of contemplation. Look how much all of us have changed over the past 1 year when it comes to our views pertaining to our dear beloved motherland, Our Military, Our system and all above, Pakistan.

But yeah, Keep fighting and blaming as you always have been.

TTP was the result of innocents getting slaughtered in ex-FATA, it was made by Pakistanis lmao

The terrorism in Quetta during that time was done by BLA and Punjab-based sectarian groups like LeJ and LeT.

Pashtuns have tons of problems not denying that, but I can always attest at least my people voted and hoped for genuine change via PTI.

What happens after Imran Khan I have no idea.

We are not desi brother that’s an insult, we are watanis, we don’t have a des we have a Watan.

People east of the Indus are Desi. We share nationality with desi people. Iranics are not desi.
TTP was the result of innocents getting slaughtered in ex-FATA, it was made by Pakistanis lmao

The terrorism in Quetta during that time was done by BLA and Punjab-based sectarian groups like LeJ and LeT.

Pashtuns have tons of problems not denying that, but I can always attest at least my people voted and hoped for genuine change via PTI.

What happens after Imran Khan I have no idea.

People east of the Indus are Desi. We share nationality with desi people. Iranics are not desi.
Pukhtoons and Baloch are responsible for their own problems, Education is the way forward, Education and more Education, get in higher posts.

Iranic yes but for Afghan heritage the word turanic is better, as Afghans are Turco Iranic people.
What is Nawaz Sharif's ethnicity? (Hint: Kashmiri Butts)
What is Shahbaz Sharif's ethnicity? (Hint: Kashmiri Butts)

Kashmiri Butt isn't an ethnicity. That is a Punjabi tribe.

Nawaz Sharif and his fam are Punjabi.

Ethnic nationalists like you want to have your cake and eat it, you are cancer and your ideology is completely un-Islamic

How is he an ethnic nationalist lmfao.
I don’t really care about ethnicity. Everyone can be proud of what they are and have whatever culture they want to have.

I DO have a problem when the establishment behaves in a way to disadvantage people of certain ethnicities. Most notably the sort of policies the establishment of the time pushed against the Bengalis in the 60s/70s.

Also at the same time, the federal laws pushed for quotas that were meant to disadvantage the Bengalis and the Muhajjirs who were dominating the CSS exams too much. Thus restrictive quotas against “urban Sindh” and against the Bengalis to cap them below what their proportion of the population was. So much for Punjab being the most literate province.

I always just assumed, prior to revelations this year, that the Balochis hate the rest of us because they’re just racist. Not anymore. I’m now sure that the establishment has also found royal ways to totally screw them up too.
I don’t really care about ethnicity. Everyone can be proud of what they are and have whatever culture they want to have.

I DO have a problem when the establishment behaves in a way to disadvantage people of certain ethnicities. Most notably the sort of policies the establishment of the time pushed against the Bengalis in the 60s/70s.

Also at the same time, the federal laws pushed for quotas that were meant to disadvantage the Bengalis and the Muhajjirs who were dominating the CSS exams too much. Thus restrictive quotas against “urban Sindh” and against the Bengalis to cap them below what their proportion of the population was. So much for Punjab being the most literate province.

I always just assumed, prior to revelations this year, that the Balochis hate the rest of us because they’re just racist. Not anymore. I’m now sure that the establishment has also found royal ways to totally screw them up too.
I am a Baloch sir, Pukhtoon Baloch to be precise and I can assure that we hate none, don’t buy that propaganda.
I think the top 2 groups are least likely to vote according to ethnic affiliations.

What happened in 2013 general elections?

You can't deny ethnic politics was used by the establishment to achieve their goals of divide and conquer because then why was MQM created? Zardari turned PPP from national party to a Sindhi party. Establishment also used a mix of ethnic parties in Balochistan as well.

Its not hard to create a unified force like Modi did for Indians. I mean bro, IK somehow put 2 political powerhouses Punjab and KPK on the same page and also got Muhajir/Urdu speakers there too. So there was some sort of driving force in the diaspora and at home.

I think there will be a serious divide in the Pakistani society post-PTI.

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