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Nawaz Sharif Wins; Imran Khan fails. The end of Imran Khan is now official. Nawaz Sharif returning to his original status of ruler of Pakistan.

You haven’t quoted the primary source- just an article that makes a point in passing. In legal terms, we would call this prejudicial.

So, according to you, a research paper quoting a referenced PhD dissertation is not an acceptable source in an academic debate? ...

Clearly when someone says that northern India and Bengal formed majority of bureaucracy, they mean Muhajjirs and Bengalis.

Again, you are assuming things on your own. Punjab is essentially Northern India. Ask anyone, or let google be your guide

I don’t have the study at hand that would tell us exactly what numbers they were. .
Then give it a rest, mate. You yourself admit that you have nothing to backup your baseless assertions
So, according to you, a research paper quoting a referenced PhD dissertation is not an acceptable source in an academic debate? ...

Again, you are assuming things on your own. Punjab is essentially Northern India. Ask anyone, or let google be your guide

Then give it a rest, mate. You yourself admit that you have nothing to backup your baseless assertions

Sir Jee: Iss tarha ki behson say perhaiz he karain. Pehlay he bairha gharaq hua parha hae.
Can’t face America don’t be scared leave it to us, can’t liberate Kashmir then why not let us go in, we will do it or die trying.

No good just oh we will do this or we will do that or UN says this or UN says that.

You got to do what you got to do jigga, only a fool lives in hope, Born to Die.

The Budget that the Mil gets, give me half of that and I will stretch borders to Amu Darya, Annex East Punjab, All of j &K and ladakh, even Sistan from Iran, all you need is Balls.

You think like me lol. It’s good to see a fellow based person here.

Ultimately, my allegiance is to the state rather than ethnicity- always.

Even if the state keeps screwing people over, it’s the small changes that individuals make that ultimately cause change in the long term. That is why I believe the reformation of Pakistan is a long-term project
Sir Jee: Iss tarha ki behson say perhaiz he karain. Pehlay he bairha gharaq hua parha hae.

Sir, a lot of lies and propaganda is posted against Punjab and Punjabis here on PDF on regular basis. I avoid getting into such debates but Kiya kerain, kabhi kabhi jawab bhi daina parta .. But you are right.. is waqt we have other much more important issues to deal with
People here made Imran Khan idol which blinded them to see or believe on anyone

Reason for Imran going down he used İslam for his personal agenda and it's proven truth I'm against all chor o chakas but they never used İslam as Imran thought nation he is a khalifa

İnfact Imran would remain in power he would be more corrupt than any one remember he tasted the power of ruling so he will do what ever to get it back a man who believes on ALLAH never does that infact power come running for him
Sir, a lot of lies and propaganda is posted against Punjab and Punjabis here on PDF on regular basis. I avoid getting into such debates but Kiya kerain, kabhi kabhi jawab bhi daina parta .. But you are right.. is waqt we have other much more important issues to deal with

Thanks, Sir Jee.

I have a feeling that there are certain posters, you know them, who have a fetish for initiating such ethnic-based discussions, and drawing, as well, other sane posters into such discussions. May be, some of them are on certain financed agenda. That is why, it is prudent, in my opinion, to avoid such discussions. Another problem with such posters is that no argument, logic or rationale would force them to change their stance; because their narrative is a sort of unwavering faith for them. Mullahs are not restricted to religion, only. Many ideologies have such obstinate and hardened believers.
Moeed Peerzada actually changes his stances according to 'Nazriya-e-Zaroorat', his analysis are intelligent but lacks the brutal truth.

If Imran Khan become politically correct, stops being brutally honest and turns to some degree of hypocrsisy and sycophancy, he can be accepted by the sytem/Establishment, as per his analysis.

And leave the ideology of justice, integrity, ghairatmandi, breaking the shackles of slavery and start sulking to the law of neccessity. As per this thought Imran Khan need to bend, change, accept, dialogue, and stops being the torch bearer of change, and accept the status quo.
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They have fully assimilated culturally and I guess pledge their loyalty to Punjab, I don't know

But even with those slogans it's really just low IQ donkey meat eaters that get excited lmao

Ethnic nationalism within other groups is due to reasons:

- They feel that Punjabis dominate the country and don't give them fair development

- partial racism towards Punjabis - you will notice it in their discourse it's quite common rather than any actual fair criticism apart from the few
I used to debate with a secular Pakhtun nationalist on Facebook, back when I had the time and stamina. It was quite tragic seeing someone drone on about persecution of Pakhtuns, Bengalis by the Pakistani state based on ethnic lines and how Pakhtuns should follow Bengalis in establishing an ethno-state.

It’s simply not possible they don’t get the irony that an ethno-state by definition is racist and exclusionary.

I’m not claiming that ethnic nationalism is not used to manipulate a minority section of Punjabis by politicians. However, it’s sad seeing “Pakistani” members on this thread claiming Punjabi Pakistanis have pride in the Sikh Empire and thinly-veiled accusations that all Punjabis are responsible for extrajudicial killings of Pakhtuns, Baloch etc.
I used to debate with a secular Pakhtun nationalist on Facebook, back when I had the time and stamina. It was quite tragic seeing someone drone on about persecution of Pakhtuns, Bengalis by the Pakistani state based on ethnic lines and how Pakhtuns should follow Bengalis in establishing an ethno-state.

It’s simply not possible they don’t get the irony that an ethno-state by definition is racist and exclusionary.

I’m not claiming that ethnic nationalism is not used to manipulate a minority section of Punjabis by politicians. However, it’s sad seeing “Pakistani” members on this thread claiming Punjabi Pakistanis have pride in the Sikh Empire and thinly-veiled accusations that all Punjabis are responsible for extrajudicial killings of Pakhtuns, Baloch etc.
I disagree with the second part, it's extreme to call it racist, ethno-states generally make more sense if we are being totally and logically honest.

However, it is wrong to blame all Punjabis for those exaggerated claims or to call them ethnic slurs, etc.

The main thing Punjabis should do is to defend themselves staunchly and be more rigid in their culture and unity, they should promote it more between each other and have immense pride in it, don't let anyone insult you for it no matter who they are or from whatever ethnic group.

A lot of Punjabis are just cucks and I don't mean this in any offensive way. If you don't stand up for yourself, respect yourself, and show pride in yourself, then that gives everyone a subconscious invitation to take jabs at you. Be firm in defending yourselves and stop simping over others.

... I am a quantitative person. I like numbers. I can cite you a lot of sources that say that muhajjirs and Bengalis were the majority of the bureaucracy in the new state. Hell, you yourself have said so above. But what study proves that?


After the partition in Aug 1947, out of the 101 Muslims in India's civil service, 95 chose to leave India. A third (33%) of those civil servants were Punjabis

Liaquat Ali Khan introduced quota system in 1948 and restricted the quota of Punjab to 23% (Punjabis made up 28% of the population)

Now please tell us, based on numbers, how exactly could you claim that quota system was introduced to benefit Punjabis at the expense of Muhajirs and Bengalis??

Quite the contrary, If anything, these numbers prove that quota system was specifically designed to curtail Punjabi dominance in the open merit based civil services
I disagree with the second part, it's extreme to call it racist, ethno-states generally make more sense if we are being totally and logically honest.
Ethnic nationalism is by its nature exclusionary to other ethnicities and necessitates discrimination. It only seems to make more sense for nation-states due to humanity’s tribal nature. On a local scale, it may provide stability but has the potential to collapse on itself as subgroups complete for dominance. On a wider scale, it’s practically the anti-thesis to globalisation and a partner to Irredentism; not a recipe for peace among Muslims or Humanity as a whole.

The main thing Punjabis should do is to defend themselves staunchly and be more rigid in their culture and unity, they should promote it more between each other and have immense pride in it, don't let anyone insult you for it no matter who they are or from whatever ethnic group.

A lot of Punjabis are just cucks and I don't mean this in any offensive way. If you don't stand up for yourself, respect yourself, and show pride in yourself, then that gives everyone a subconscious invitation to take jabs at you. Be firm in defending yourselves and stop simping over others.
Agreed but each ethnicity has historic sensitivities towards other groups due to perceived and actual wrongdoings by members of that group. These should not be points of pride or persecution for any ethnic group. Islam is the unifying force of Pakistan as its main founding principle.
After the partition in Aug 1947, out of the 101 Muslims in India's civil service, 95 chose to leave India. A third (33%) of those civil servants were Punjabis

Liaquat Ali Khan introduced quota system in 1948 and restricted the quota of Punjab to 23% (Punjabis made up 28% of the population)

Now please tell us, based on numbers, how exactly could you claim that quota system was introduced to benefit Punjabis at the expense of Muhajirs and Bengalis??

Quite the contrary, If anything, these numbers prove that quota system was specifically designed to curtail Punjabi dominance in the open merit based civil services
Cite your source kind sir.

We are going around in circles it seems. Your reference to the 47% included.
Cite your source kind sir.

We are going around in circles it seems. Your reference to the 47% included.

Source is included, sir. You just need to click on the link (A third, 33%)

We will come to the second part of the argument, that is, how the Muhajirs benefitted immensely from the quota system. But first let's conclude our discussion on the first part. i.e. Punjabis were the victims and not the beneficiaries of the quota system introduced by the Muhajir PM from UP, Khan Liaquat Ali
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