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Nawaz desires high speed train in Pakistan

To quote a dialogue from that famous old PTV drama "LaaWaaris":

"Oye master! Jey saadey kammi kameen parh likh jaan, tey fer saadi chilam kaun bharey gaa?"

The worst bit is that our population believes Mian sahaab can pull this off and this tenure will bring about some sort of Renaissance. I hold the sheepish awaam responsible for the mess we're in. We never ask questions and we blindly follow self-appointed leaders to hell.

A part of me says that we deserve all this. For our silence brought this upon us.
The worst bit is that our population believes Mian sahaab can pull this off and this tenure will bring about some sort of Renaissance. I hold the sheepish awaam responsible for the mess we're in. We never ask questions and we blindly follow self-appointed leaders to hell.

A part of me says that we deserve all this. For our silence brought this upon us.

To quote another famous saying: "People get the government they deserve". So you are correct.
What do you expect of a government that spends more money building walls to hide the slums of Islamabad, where the servants of the high and mighty live in squalor, rather than actually helping them with something more useful?

i always thought nobody had bothered stepping over that wall in F7, one one side you have these mighty elite living in, you have high end shops and restaurants and on the other side you have a slum like place
i always thought nobody had bothered stepping over that wall in F7, one one side you have these mighty elite living in, you have high end shops and restaurants and on the other side you have a slum like place

The irony is that the people who live on the other side of the wall made to hide them, enter the homes of the high and mighty every day to to cook, clean and serve, and that is considered okay.
i still wonder how is he going to tackle the security situation in the country, one blast and their goes the million dollar track and infra structure....he is talking about building a pipeline from gawadar to china, he can't even secure his gas pipeline in sui how is he going to protect theirs.
if he thinks economic revival is the solution to every single problem out their than he is wrong. economy is just a part. education and environment is the next phase
Who needs educated kids? Let them build skyscrapers in Dubbaaye.

You mean "Let them become slaves" in Dooobhaii?

actually no single sane person care about pti crying babies...
You cry when they sign 1000mv electricity from india
you cry when they announce budget
you cry when they announce gawadar - kashghar road and rail road.
you cry when they announce huge investment in hydral and nuclear enery
you cry when they goto IMF for bailout when we were about to default
you guyz have this habit and no one care about you or you ilzam khan...
Nawaz desires high speed train in Pakistan

And people in hell desire ice cold water

Ok, settle down - can the railways make money from this?

Make money? :astagh: -- Railways are not for making money, it's for the Awaam, so they make losses - but Nawaz needs prestige projects (legacy)
I think Pakistan Should Try to Upgrade it's Existing Railway Infra ten think about Investing in Goli Trains as some people say
& the capability to build Rail Engines In the country it self

& I will quote My self on this from a thread on Bullet train in Pakistan

Agar Apki 180 million logo ki country ke liye apke pass 80 se bhi kam Locomotive hai aur sapne aap Bullet Train ke Dekh rahe ho
Toh Railway ke station pe bheta Bikhari bhi Kahega 'Aap Chutiya Hai'
actually no single sane person care about pti crying babies...
You cry when they sign 1000mv electricity from india
you cry when they announce budget
you cry when they announce gawadar - kashghar road and rail road.
you cry when they announce huge investment in hydral and nuclear enery
you cry when they goto IMF for bailout when we were about to default
you guyz have this habit and no one care about you or you ilzam khan...

after reading comments of PTIans on this forum I've come to the conclusion most are mentally ill patients who found a escape route from their mental asylum

Dear IK hasn't done sh*t in his province and yet they complain about NS whether he does anything good or bad
I think Pakistan Should Try to Upgrade it's Existing Railway Infra ten think about Investing in Goli Trains as some people say
& the capability to build Rail Engines In the country it self

& I will quote My self on this from a thread on Bullet train in Pakistan

Agar Apki 180 million logo ki country ke liye apke pass 80 se bhi kam Locomotive hai aur sapne aap Bullet Train ke Dekh rahe ho
Toh Railway ke station pe bheta Bikhari bhi Kahega 'Aap Chutiya Hai'

Basic problem is something else - basic problem is that there is no respect for managing things in order to make make profits or at least not make losses -- And this says a lot about how essentially "Indian" the Pakistan are.
Sort out priorities Nawaz Dumbo Sharif Sahib.

1. First Priority Produce Electricity

2. Second Priority END of Terrorism

3. Third Priority FIX THE ECONOMY.

4. Fourth Priority Health and Education

5. Fifth Priority clean water and Air

Now you can start acting like rich countries and buy all the expensive toys.

The main reason your priorities are so screwed up Mr. Nawaz Sharif is that your personal TOP PRIORITY IS CHAI /PANI.

And through these fancy Projects you Siphon off CHAI / PANI MONEY.
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