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NATO units set for Lithuania and five other eastern member states

I think 2008 Georgian war was even a reason that Ukraine started to move away from CTSO.
In 2010 Ukrainian Government stated that Ukraine does not plan to become a member of the CSTO and Ukrainian parliament decided to be not part of any military bloc and after the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine episode, Ukrainian Parliament has changed it stand because it cant fight CTSO block alone.

Well it's the fact that the EU and US are so eager to offer membership in the EU and NATO, and to provide (military) support, that puts Ukrainian citizens at such a large risk of (civil) war.

The Ukrainian people have been quite dumb to elect an oligarch as their leader who on top of that fancies the EU and NATO. Welome to your *real* "new way of life" (poroshenko campaign slogan), Ukrainians.
I had no opinion on it at the time, but I do agree with it now.

As i said it countless times,the greatest enemy is within.You have no ideea how much i'm sickened by your kind.

Where do you think you live hippie ? In your little fantasy bubble ofcourse there's no need for tanks,ofc "there's need for the West to share military technology with Russia,China" (as you've once stated) but what your kind doesn't understand,what your tiny mind can't grasp is that it it weren't for those "tanks","exclusive military technologies",your kind,you morons enjoying democracy wouldn't be here.Your way of life wouldn't exist.You're like a cancer eating the organism from within,at the end you won't survive either because you tools would be quickly dispatched after you've served the purpose of destroying the very culture you live in.

Get this through your head...You can't have peace by being a moron and a tree hugger,you will have peace when you have a bigger gun so the other guy stays away.
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Yes, there was really no reason for NATO to remain and NATO really forced Russia to move into Crimea....? I mean, Russia remained the largest country in the world; its European portion made it the largest country in Europe, whereas its Asian portion made it the largest country in Asia. Ukraine on the other hand is only the largest country wholly in Europe.
2014–15 Russian military intervention in Ukraine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of countries and dependencies by area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Countries (plural)?

With due respect, Ukraine was a problem created by CIA and other western intelligence as a means to secure Black Sea to forward NATO. The script itself is so obvious: Yanukovych decides to not choose EU; then there are 'popular protests' (don't know how are there such protests against an elected leader); suddenly there are riots across the streets and in the city and magically an opposition leader emerges to take over the country. Then US intelligence and assets fly in to ensure that Ukraine doesn't get 'invaded' by 'big bad' Russia, who has commercial and military interests in Black Sea which has been a part of Russian geography.

And then Russia gets blamed for invading.

Buddy, NATO wanted the control of Black Sea. Russia's lightning move into Crimea and making it Russian territory just spoilt all the plans.
Buddy, NATO wanted the control of Black Sea. Russia's lightning move into Crimea and making it Russian territory just spoilt all the plans.

Well, yes..but you should note that NATO isn't a monolithic block..

Also, I'm not so sure that Crimea spoils those plans ..you see, while unexpected, that move put Russia in an impossible position towards Ukraine. Basically they lost Ukraine for a couple of generations and ignited a civil war that they can't win,(or can win, but would be more costly than it's worth)

Most importantly, and this is the crucial point, the Ukraine war obliterated the relations that Russia had with EU members ( France/Germany basically). IMHO, that's the big win for the USA: isolating Russia from the..let's say sympathetic...EU partners and reviving NATO.

It's a bear trap in the full sens of the word, and they jumped right in....
I had no opinion on it at the time, but I do agree with it now.

:) hardly, i believe a capped capitalist system is best (in which a person should not hold more than an X ammount of wealth).

my proposal for more modest EU and NATO borders stems not from a commie-loving nature, it stems from a peace loving nature..

The perhaps a Closet commie
The perhaps a Closet commie

think I asked him something similar a day or 2 ago :P

he's right though, the current conflict in Ukraine is the west's doing and it isn't about capitalism vs socialism.

think I asked him something similar a day or 2 ago :P

he's right though, the current conflict in Ukraine is the west's doing and it isn't about capitalism vs socialism.

I agree with that point also,but what i found a little crazy about his post was that he wanted everything East of Poland to be handed over to Moscow :woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot:
Ukrainian Parliament has voted to be part of EU , What about it ?
what about foreign intelligence agencies and NGOs orchestrating the illegal maidan coup ?

this is what Obama, Kerry and the state department call peaceful protests:


I agree with that point also,but what i found a little crazy about his post was that he wanted everything East of Poland to be handed over to Moscow :woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot:
I agree with the 'handed over' bit as far as not letting those guys enter into a military "alliance" with NATO, but they should be free to trade with anyone they want.

The Russians say the terms of the EU association agreement would severely impact already long standing commercial agreements. very simply put.. cheap gas, don't hook up with NATO, which is fair enough.

Even if there was no conflict, their ascension to the EU wouldn't have been smooth like it was for the Poles or the Baltic states. The IMF "bailouts" are just contracts to whore everything the nation state of Ukraine holds, and it would only get worse for the common man under strict austerity while a few oligarchs got richer yet.

but it's all gone horribly wrong and the recent rebel advance is making it increasingly unfeasible for the EU to grab Ukraine like they imagined they would, that's why everyone's panicking now.

hey, at least NATO have a reason to exist again :P
what about foreign intelligence agencies and NGOs orchestrating the illegal maidan coup ?

this is what Obama, Kerry and the state department call peaceful protests:


I agree with the 'handed over' bit as far as not letting those guys enter into a military "alliance" with NATO, but they should be free to trade with anyone they want.

The Russians say the terms of the EU association agreement would severely impact already long standing commercial agreements. very simply put.. cheap gas, don't hook up with NATO, which is fair enough.

Even if there was no conflict, their ascension to the EU wouldn't have been smooth like it was for the Poles or the Baltic states. The IMF "bailouts" are just contracts to whore everything the nation state of Ukraine holds, and it would only get worse for the common man under strict austerity while a few oligarchs got richer yet.

but it's all gone horribly wrong and the recent rebel advance is making it increasingly unfeasible for the EU to grab Ukraine like they imagined they would, that's why everyone's panicking now.

hey, at least NATO have a reason to exist again :P

Agreed with the gas part,if you want it cheap don't sleep with our enemies
& yes sadly for the Ordinary Ukrainians life is going to be a lot tougher now
With due respect, Ukraine was a problem created by CIA and other western intelligence as a means to secure Black Sea to forward NATO. The script itself is so obvious: Yanukovych decides to not choose EU; then there are 'popular protests' (don't know how are there such protests against an elected leader); suddenly there are riots across the streets and in the city and magically an opposition leader emerges to take over the country. Then US intelligence and assets fly in to ensure that Ukraine doesn't get 'invaded' by 'big bad' Russia, who has commercial and military interests in Black Sea which has been a part of Russian geography.

And then Russia gets blamed for invading.

Buddy, NATO wanted the control of Black Sea. Russia's lightning move into Crimea and making it Russian territory just spoilt all the plans.
Mmmm, so basically you are saying Ukrainians have no will of their own.....

Its a little more complex I'm afraid
Russia–Ukraine relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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As i said it countless times,the greatest enemy is within.You have no ideea how much i'm sickened by your kind.

Where do you think you live hippie ? In your little fantasy bubble ofcourse there's no need for tanks,ofc "there's need for the West to share military technology with Russia,China" (as you've once stated) but what your kind doesn't understand,what your tiny mind can't grasp is that it it weren't for those "tanks","exclusive military technologies",your kind,you morons enjoying democracy wouldn't be here.Your way of life wouldn't exist.You're like a cancer eating the organism from within,at the end you won't survive either because you tools would be quickly dispatched after you've served the purpose of destroying the very culture you live in.

Get this through your head...You can't have peace by being a moron and a tree hugger,you will have peace when you have a bigger gun so the other guy stays away.

Tell it to the countless people who died or severely suffered due to the "rivalry" that your tanks and "exclusive military technologies" and associated attitudes have brought.

The perhaps a Closet commie

Whatever doesnt agree with western propaganda lines, you claim to be "commie". If it wasn't so stupid, i'd laugh about it.

Ukrainian Parliament has voted to be part of EU , What about it ?

The Ukrainian people will pay a high price for electing an oligarch whose in love with the EU and NATO.
Well it's the fact that the EU and US are so eager to offer membership in the EU and NATO, and to provide (military) support, that puts Ukrainian citizens at such a large risk of (civil) war.

The Ukrainian people have been quite dumb to elect an oligarch as their leader who on top of that fancies the EU and NATO. Welome to your *real* "new way of life" (poroshenko campaign slogan), Ukrainians.

Ukrainian establisment signed co operation agreement with EU way back in 2008 months after the invasion of Georgia which was mainly to cope up with the gas crisis and even to uplift its economy. The situation was becoming worst because of the Black sea port of Sevastapol agreement. I think Russian federation and Ukraine agreed that Ukraine will join EU and will have some sort of solution for the Sevastapol port and in 2010 April Kharkiv pact was signed and the next month in May 2010 , Ukraine left CTSO and was trying to be neutral.

Belarus has even signed co operation agreement with EU which let the border controls and travelling of Belarussians inside EU and even Ukrainians did the same agreements but Ukrainians choosed by themselves to join EU where as Belarussians sticked to Russian Federation.

The reason for Ukraine to move towards NATO is quite simple that Belarus started to host Russian troops and Air defenses on Belarussian soil. Russian fighter aircraft to Baranovichi in 2004.

Ukrainian establisment signed co operation agreement with EU way back in 2008 months after the invasion of Georgia which was mainly to cope up with the gas crisis and even to uplift its economy. The situation was becoming worst because of the Black sea port of Sevastapol agreement. I think Russian federation and Ukraine agreed that Ukraine will join EU and will have some sort of solution for the Sevastapol port and in 2010 April Kharkiv pact was signed and the next month in May 2010 , Ukraine left CTSO and was trying to be neutral.

Belarus has even signed co operation agreement with EU which let the border controls and travelling of Belarussians inside EU and even Ukrainians did the same agreements but Ukrainians choosed by themselves to join EU where as Belarussians sticked to Russian Federation.

The reason for Ukraine to move towards NATO is quite simple that Belarus started to host Russian troops and Air defenses on Belarussian soil. Russian fighter aircraft to Baranovichi in 2004.

Well i don't know the nitty-gritty of the choices of the Ukranian people. I have read however, that Poreshenko was elected primarily because people who are pro-Russian in the east of the Ukraine didnt go to the polls at all. And now they pay the price for that in blood.

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