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NATO to use Russian rifles

belgium? Israel? Italy? France? uk?

Lets not forget Austria. I think only fanboys would label something as "the best", people with knowledge of firearms would never be shortsighted and bias to label something as the best. There are a lot of countries that manufacture quality firearms, and there is no such thing as "the best", it's all subjective and has more to do with preference or mission.

I for one would love to hear his view point as to why German or American firearms are the best.
belgium? Israel? Italy? France? uk?
I chaired an all US services, Army, Navy, Marines, USAF, and US Coast Guard NATO Task Force in the late 1980s.

Then and now we by NATO agreements among all 28 member nations only use NATO allies weaponry.

And all NATO rifles and pistols use in common size bullets. No likelihood ever we would use Russian weapons.
Are you talking Iraq or Yugoslavia, or Vietnam, Korea, Granada? Or the dozen other countries that have been invaded :lol:

Show me something new, again in case you missed it i was talking mainland Ukraine.

North and South Korea were separated by the Communists at the end of WW II. Russia "bravely" joined in declaring war on Japan less than two weeks before WW II ended, then Russia (USSR) seized Japanese islands, part of Mongolia, and N. Korea.

Granada was invaded by Communist Cuba Army, which was thrown out by Joint Forces of the Caribbean nations, of which the USA was only one partner army.

Vietnam was divided into Communist North and a Republic of South Vietnam after No. Vietnam tried to sieze all of Vietnam when WW II ended. French Colonial government started to reconstitute colonial Indochina but lost a brief war to N. Vietnamese Communists.

Yugoslavia at end of WW II remained united under Marshal Tito. With death of Tito the various parts of Yugoslavia separted ino different, smaller, uneconomical but free nations.

Iraq was created by the old League of Nations after WW I. It has remained a stand alone nation and has a duly elected democratic national government.

You didn't ask but DeGaulle withdrew from their colonial rule over Syria after WWII. Syria more recently became a dictatorship ruled by members of one family, whose government majority are a religious minority for all of Iraq.

So, it sounds like you favor the idiot maniac who murdered his own uncle in N. Korea. Even today's Communist China finds the current regime in N. Korea an abomination. Your taste in governments clearly shows you are no friend of democracy and rule of the people thru a lawful constitution, elected government wherein more than one political party is freely allowed to compete in national elections.
I chaired an all US services, Army, Navy, Marines, USAF, and US Coast Guard NATO Task Force in the late 1980s.

Then and now we by NATO agreements among all 28 member nations only use NATO allies weaponry.

And all NATO rifles and pistols use in common size bullets. No likelihood ever we would use Russian weapons.
With such credentials i am no position to argue sir,
We are living in a world where Russian spec ops uses MultiCam which s the camo designed for NATO forces in Afghanistan
North and South Korea were separated by the Communists at the end of WW II. Russia "bravely" joined in declaring war on Japan less than two weeks before WW II ended, then Russia (USSR) seized Japanese islands, part of Mongolia, and N. Korea.

Granada was invaded by Communist Cuba Army, which was thrown out by Joint Forces of the Caribbean nations, of which the USA was only one partner army.

Vietnam was divided into Communist North and a Republic of South Vietnam after No. Vietnam tried to sieze all of Vietnam when WW II ended. French Colonial government started to reconstitute colonial Indochina but lost a brief war to N. Vietnamese Communists.

Yugoslavia at end of WW II remained united under Marshal Tito. With death of Tito the various parts of Yugoslavia separted ino different, smaller, uneconomical but free nations.

In other words it's okay for the US to attack other nations?

Iraq was created by the old League of Nations after WW I. It has remained a stand alone nation and has a duly elected democratic national government.

Spare everyone, Iraq was invaded 2 times, the last of which was based on a lie that the US president fed to the world. Iraq today is in a state of civil war with Al-Quada battling government forces for control, not to mention suicide bombers killing thousands of innocent people. Ironic how prior to the NATO invasion Iraq never had these problems.

You didn't ask but DeGaulle withdrew from their colonial rule over Syria after WWII. Syria more recently became a dictatorship ruled by members of one family, whose government majority are a religious minority for all of Iraq.

Ah right, so the US stands against dictatorships and even more so against countries with human rights violations. All the while the US is selling weapons to the Saudis and holding hands with the Saudi king, which ironically belongs to one family. :lol:

So, it sounds like you favor the idiot maniac who murdered his own uncle in N. Korea.

Don't put words into my mouth. I never even mentioned North Korea.

Even today's Communist China finds the current regime in N. Korea an abomination.

Cool story bro.

Your taste in governments clearly shows you are no friend of democracy and rule of the people thru a lawful constitution, elected government wherein more than one political party is freely allowed to compete in national elections.

And your taste in government shows you prefer neo Nazis. i am all for democracy, lets take Ukraine as an example. Ukraine had a democratically elected president, he offered the prime minister position to opposition, he offered to give up some of his powers and he agreed to host early elections, he had no obligation to do any of these things. He and EU states signed an agreement, but Maiden which is EU and US backed broke that same agreement.

A puppet government rushed in and started trying to illegally pass laws that were down right discriminatory. Even worse is that members of the Ukrainian government, high ranking members, are known for the pro neo Nazi views and even hanging portraits of Hitler on their headquarters. Even John McCanine and Victoria nuland are seen next to a radical nazi which is now illegally occupies the government.

The Ukrainian presidency has no normal candidates because Miaden, Svoboda and Right Sector have intimidated presidential opponents and even beat one of them up on camera. So now the Ukrainian people are left to chose between voting for a bunch of Neo Nazis or Tymoshenko which was bugged speaking about committing mass genocide against east Ukrainians and Russians.

That is some democracy....
We are living in a world where Russian spec ops uses MultiCam which s the camo designed for NATO forces in Afghanistan

If Russia wants to buy and use US weaponry, and the US is willing to sell such to them so what?
In other words it's okay for the US to attack other nations?

Spare everyone, Iraq was invaded 2 times, the last of which was based on a lie that the US president fed to the world. Iraq today is in a state of civil war with Al-Quada battling government forces for control, not to mention suicide bombers killing thousands of innocent people. Ironic how prior to the NATO invasion Iraq never had these problems.

Ah right, so the US stands against dictatorships and even more so against countries with human rights violations. All the while the US is selling weapons to the Saudis and holding hands with the Saudi king, which ironically belongs to one family. :lol:

I will only answer one repeated misinformed statement by you once again:

"ptldM3 said:
Are you talking Iraq or Yugoslavia, or Vietnam, Korea, Granada? Or the dozen other countries that have been invaded :lol:"

Korea is both North and South Korea as most folks understand.

Show me something new, again in case you missed it i was talking mainland Ukraine.
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Don't put words into my mouth. I never even mentioned North Korea.

Cool story bro.

And your taste in government shows you prefer neo Nazis. i am all for democracy, lets take Ukraine as an example. Ukraine had a democratically elected president, he offered the prime minister position to opposition, he offered to give up some of his powers and he agreed to host early elections, he had no obligation to do any of these things. He and EU states signed an agreement, but Maiden which is EU and US backed broke that same agreement.

A puppet government rushed in and started trying to illegally pass laws that were down right discriminatory. Even worse is that members of the Ukrainian government, high ranking members, are known for the pro neo Nazi views and even hanging portraits of Hitler on their headquarters. Even John McCanine and Victoria nuland are seen next to a radical nazi which is now illegally occupies the government.

The Ukrainian presidency has no normal candidates because Miaden, Svoboda and Right Sector have intimidated presidential opponents and even beat one of them up on camera. So now the Ukrainian people are left to chose between voting for a bunch of Neo Nazis or Tymoshenko which was bugged speaking about committing mass genocide against east Ukrainians and Russians.

That is some democracy....

Lets not forget Austria. I think only fanboys would label something as "the best", people with knowledge of firearms would never be shortsighted and bias to label something as the best. There are a lot of countries that manufacture quality firearms, and there is no such thing as "the best", it's all subjective and has more to do with preference or mission.

I for one would love to hear his view point as to why German or American firearms are the best.

You can buy US. German., Austrian, Chinese, or Russian made cars. Suit yourself. I think the Russian made cars have a very small overseas sales record. Point is the test is in what performs best is what people buy the most.
If Russia wants to buy and use US weaponry, and the US is willing to sell such to them so what?

You can buy US. German., Austrian, Chinese, or Russian made cars. Suit yourself. I think the Russian made cars have a very small overseas sales record. Point is the test is in what performs best is what people buy the most.

So your justification for claiming German and US smaller arms are best is to compare vehicle sales? :lol:
I doubt russians arms can rival the likes of G-36s or HK series..

Not sure what you mean by rival, but unless those manufactures make firearms that shoot lasers or have bullets that can magically turn, it's safe to say they can match them.

I would also take a Vintorez with built in suppressor, superb accuracy, reliability and a superior penetration not to mention breakdown suitcase capability and a far lighter weight over the G36.

Remind me what is special about the G-36?
This topic is laughable. No russian junk is used from NATO countries in significant numbers since it would create a safety problem.
The PKM, Dragonov, and many AK's are used in the Turkish Armed forces (NATO Country)

I have spoken to soldiers from the U.S 82nd Airborne division and they themselves said that they prefer the Ak over the M4. Now the old Ak compared to a weapon like the scar is a different story. The point is that russian guns dont suck rather they are very good weapons. The quality in general may not be as good as weapons produced and designed by NATO countries but thats not what Soviets wanted. They generally preferred cheap, reliable, and effective weapons that were easy to produce. This may change in the future as Russia continues to modernize and increase the quality of its military.
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