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NATO jet fighters fly on the Pak Afghan border

Seriously, you believe your western border is fortified enough to withstand a punitive reaction by NATO against downing of one of their planes ?? That belief dude, is what's empty ;).. I mean getting down a drone would be the 1st step to prove it to be otherwise ...

Drones are obviously operating under some mutual understanding, the Western border may not be equipped to withstand a full assault but plans are in place to at least send out a message or two....lest you are ignorant to acknowledge, after the Salala tragedy, how many times did the likes of NATO conducted violations by it's manned aircraft. ??
Drones are obviously operating under some mutual understanding, the Western border may not be equipped to withstand a full assault but plans are in place to at least send out a message or two....lest you are ignorant to acknowledge, after the Salala tragedy, how many times did the likes of NATO conducted violations by it's manned aircraft. ??

There is a documentary by a Pakistani channel which showed in detail the area and the check posts in salala area..
Apperantly nothing has changed. Same stone made posts with Pakistani flag,and same old equipment.
No new weapons,or may be that didnt show any new weapons if there at all.
But saying that,the NATO base is clearly visible from salala and Pakistan can fire and destroy the base with artillary or rockets in minutes...

But the documentary didnt show any change on ground,or new weaponery....
Drones are obviously operating under some mutual understanding, the Western border may not be equipped to withstand a full assault but plans are in place to at least send out a message or two....lest you are ignorant to acknowledge, after the Salala tragedy, how many times did the likes of NATO conducted violations by it's manned aircraft. ??

As many times as needed I guess.. I dont see why your army is fine having American drones kill allegedly innocent civilians in Pakistan but can not tolerate a minor violation (mostly unintended as the report says) by a manned aircraft..

LOL indian trolling in a new style:rofl:

And you got both right again.. Looks like you went and bought a new browser with built in spelling and grammar check ;)
Hmmm...I wonder how effective these so called 'warning shots' from a rifle are seeing that the aircraft would be flying at about 200 knots in CAS. At this speed, the pilots can neither see the rounds being fired nor would they be able to hear them! The only thing that'll work here is firing some flares from a signal pistol. I wonder if they used that?

if security forces opened warning shots it didn't mean they were firing from rifle ....... we are talking about pakistan army :sniper:
NATO jet fighters flew over the border. Security forces opened warning shots or alert firing to beware the NATO planes to avoid flying into Pakistani sides and to keep them away from the Pakistani border, sources said. The NATO planes reportedly carried out bombardments in the Afghan sides on some suspected hideouts of the militants near the Pak Afghan border. The NATO planes usually slightly enter into Pakistani sides while taking turns on the border, which is hardly considered a violation of the border, however, despite that the security forces fired warning shots in the air to let the NATO planes’ pilots know that they should avoid violating the border, sources said. The border forces are alert to defend the border, sources said. The local people on the border were scared while they noticed the flights of the NATO planes on the border from Torkham side to Loy Shelman, but the planes reportedly avoided flying into Pakistani side.

NATO jet fighters fly on the Pak Afghan border

Don't shoot at something that hasn't violated the border based on what we just read. You just be provoking them to bomb the hell out of you. Pilots don't even know if they are being fired upon or just warning shots because they assumed they just have bad aiming.
That is now to be seen.....Salala was a different ball game.....troops stationed in crudely erected posts equipped with basic weaponry only to monitor and stop militant cross border movements.....troops have since been given fire-power to be able to at least defend themselves against a similar incident.... and since your vessel is empty, one wonders why did they even bother giving warning shots.!!

All ur weaponry is basic weaponry in front of u.s.

Don't shoot at something that hasn't violated the border based on what we just read. You just be provoking them to bomb the hell out of you. Pilots don't even know if they are being fired upon or just warning shots because they assumed they just have bad aiming.

Not completely true but some green pilots might do it. one with exp are generally more aware ....
All ur weaponry is basic weaponry in front of u.s.

Not completely true but some green pilots might do it. one with exp are generally more aware ....

One with experience would request permission to fire back if deemed fired upon. Whether its insurgents or Pakistani military.
Drones are obviously operating under some mutual understanding, the Western border may not be equipped to withstand a full assault but plans are in place to at least send out a message or two....lest you are ignorant to acknowledge, after the Salala tragedy, how many times did the likes of NATO conducted violations by it's manned aircraft. ??

What is the preamble to the constitution of pakistan??

LOL dude its obvious yr as an enemy of pakistan will say that, more over whatever i write i stand for my words, nobody is asking u be a teacher checking papers of exams of their class students just to point out spell mistakes:lol:
Whatever i said was right ie they r our soldiers not yrs who r u to judge them or their acts either right or wrong.
Yr at its best is a citizen of an enemy country thats all nothing else!!!!!
Remember yr place.

Grammer Fail dude... get help
Err.. That's what Military brass is supposed to do.. What if analysis.. that is... If your army soldiers acts without a well thought out analysis done by Army analysts at GHQ, and purely on the basis of bravado, then incidents like Salala are not only possible, but highly probable.. Plus, the USA's assertion that PA was equally to be blamed for that incident also holds a lot of water..

I am sure the families of those 24 soldiers drew a lot of happiness from the incidents of a bunch of louts burning NATO trucks....

What difference does it make they soldiers passed away from this despicable act by USA. burning containers and oil tanker will make USA hurt. cant have it one way two can play game.
Why does Pakistan allow itself to be invaded like this? And especially the Pakistani military that has such freedom to do as it pleases and has crafted an image of being the "guardians of Pakistan". What are they doing when Pakistan is being attacked and invaded daily??
What is the preamble to the constitution of pakistan??

Grammer Fail dude... get help

AHHH u again the Anti Pakistani Indian immigrant in America:rofl: Didnt bothered to reply my post n ran away, now yr back with my reply to that School Master ''karan.1970'':lol:

:welcome: back Dude!!!!

Why does Pakistan allow itself to be invaded like this? And especially the Pakistani military that has such freedom to do as it pleases and has crafted an image of being the "guardians of Pakistan". What are they doing when Pakistan is being attacked and invaded daily??

Atleast they r not afraid to show their real flags in PDF like u!:rofl:
The NATO planes reportedly carried out bombardments in the Afghan sides on some suspected hideouts of the militants near the Pak Afghan border.

The NATO planes usually slightly enter into Pakistani sides while taking turns on the border, which is hardly considered a violation of the border, however, despite that the security forces fired warning shots in the air to let the NATO planes’ pilots know that they should avoid violating the border, sources said.
NATO jet fighters fly on the Pak Afghan border

So we see pages of complaints that NATO doesnt do any thing about taliban bases along the border.

They are bombing said bases and instead of cheers thank you or well done hope there were some ttp under those bombs Pakistan opens fire.

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