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Nato caused ‘Rs110bn damage to roads’

American Pakistani

May 30, 2010
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United States
Nato caused ‘Rs110bn damage to roads’

ISLAMABAD: A parliamentary committee asked the ministries of finance, foreign affairs and defence on Saturday to take notice of the damage caused to roads by the heavy Nato vehicles supplying goods and fuel to troops in Afghanistan.

The National Assembly’s Standing Committee on States and Frontier Regions observed that Nato should provide funds for the repair and maintenance of the damaged road infrastructure.

According to the National Highway Authority, the Nato containers weighing 60-70 tons use the N-5 National Highway, from Karachi to Torkham, and N-25, from Karachi to Chaman, for supplying goods to Nato forces in Afghanistan.

They have caused damage of more than Rs110 billion to roads.

The authority informed the ministries of finance and foreign affairs of the situation and demanded compensation but in vain.

The committee said all the relevant ministries and departments, including finance, foreign affairs, communications and railways, should assess the damage and prepare a comprehensive report so that the issue could be taken up with Nato authorities.

The committee also discussed the damage caused by vehicles used for Afghan transit trade.

Uh huh. Yet NATO doesn't drive through Pakistan. The contractors do. And who are the drivers that owns and drives those trucks?
^ True, the contractors drive. But whose equipment is it carrying and who needs it?

But since you're making it sound like the equipment is for Pakistan, maybe it's time for us to keep it.

Not to mention these convoys are bullet magnets
^ That's not what it officially is said to be under. If you're saying that it goes under aid then it's not really aid, it's payment for services provided. So you have to subtract that from the aid that we have received to get the real aid amount (that resulting figure obviously does not account for the other losses we've had due to WoT).
the contracting companies the drivers work for are owned by the Pakistani military. The extremely high prices they charge for transport services are some of the highest in the world. And should be more then enough cover the road rebuilding. the problem is the money is not going back into the roads but into other pockets.
^ True, the contractors drive. But whose equipment is it carrying and who needs it?

But since you're making it sound like the equipment is for Pakistan, maybe it's time for us to keep it.
The transporters are making a business out of this goods movement. So they should be paying taxes. That is how the government gets revenue for infrastructure maintenance all over the world. This line of reasoning that the NATO is responsible is funny. What are the road taxes etc for then? And if the corrupt tax collection system does not work in pakistan then it is nobody's fault but the local government's!
Everyone ? Really ?? :hitwall:

Dont post BS conspiracy theories ... it is precisely this kind of stuff that is dragging Pakistan's credibility in the international arena to the ground.

@ Topic :

The sky-high premiums paid by NATO for the supply convoys should be enough to compensate for damage , if any , apart from the aid.

Common don't act like a baby, India open consulates in huge number in Afghanistan along Pakistan border, this gives a clue. All the weapons seized by Pak military during 2 great operations in 2009 were of Indian origin, this proof is enough.

Can you prove your claim, i don't have any knowledge about NATO paying huge premiums.
The transporters are making a business out of this goods movement. So they should be paying taxes. That is how the government gets revenue for infrastructure maintenance all over the world. This line of reasoning that the NATO is responsible is funny. What are the road taxes etc for then? And if the corrupt tax collection system does not work in pakistan then it is nobody's fault but the local government's!

They are doing very difficult job at an odd price by NATO, even many lost their lives while carrying NATO goods, NATO never bother to pay any compensation as they died serving these NATO personnals.
NATO must be charged heavily by both, the transporter as well as government & reject the aid. Aid gives Pakistan bad name & is of no use because all these aid goes either to corrupt rulers otherwise in security of these convoys. Charging these convoy will help Pakistan get rid of this aid cancer while still getting money.
^ True, the contractors drive. But whose equipment is it carrying and who needs it?

But since you're making it sound like the equipment is for Pakistan, maybe it's time for us to keep it.

Transporters in Pakistan pay road taxes.. dont they.. Arent those taxes supposed to maintain the roads.. after all a truck will cause the same amount of wear and tear whether it carries NATO stuff or domestic Pak stuff.. Isnt it?
ok, not sure why my messages were deleted, but basically I believe that it was pakistans decision to let NATO in . And they hve created this mess for which they have paid some money.
Common don't act like a baby, India open consulates in huge number in Afghanistan along Pakistan border, this gives a clue. All the weapons seized by Pak military during 2 great operations in 2009 were of Indian origin, this proof is enough.

Can you prove your claim, i don't have any knowledge about NATO paying huge premiums.

India does not provide any assistance to BLA and its not difficult to get Indian-make weapons from sitara market. Secondly if india did provide the afghan taliban would be used by isi to kill everyone in the embassy. third india is a peace loving country and doesnt do these type of things. Fourth no one in the intl community believes it
the contracting companies the drivers work for are owned by the Pakistani military. The extremely high prices they charge for transport services are some of the highest in the world. And should be more then enough cover the road rebuilding. the problem is the money is not going back into the roads but into other pockets.

where did you get this shi* claim from?
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