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Nationalist leader calls for 19th century Russian victory over Turkey to be made national holiday


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Russian Federation
Nationalist leader calls for 19th century Russian victory over Turkey to be made national holiday
Published time: 1 Dec, 2015 11:36Edited time: 1 Dec, 2015 11:47
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Alexey Bogolyubov. "The Battle of Sinop, 1853". Central Naval Museum, St. Petersburg © Yuri Kaplun / Sputnik
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The LDPR leader also commented on the news that Turkish border guards have started detaining Russian ships passing through the Bosporus Straits for extensive checks.

I would like to remind Turkey that when they announced their intention to close the straits in times of the USSR, Soviet Foreign Minister Andrey Gromyko declared that all that the Russian ships would need to get through the straits were a few salvos of missiles that would make two additional exits into the Mediterranean,” Zhirinovsky told MPs.

He noted that after these words, Istanbul had never attempted to threaten Russia with a blockade again. Zhirinovsky proposed that Russia’s Foreign Ministry make a similar statement now.

Zhirinovsky and his party have made various anti-Turkish statements in recent days. Other initiatives included the appeal to Russian citizens to stop buying Turkish food products. “By eating a Turkish tomato you support terror,” the party posted on its website. Last week, Zhirinovsky spoke on Moscow Calling radio and proposed to destroy Istanbul with an artificial tsunami caused by an underwater nuclear explosion.

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Zhirinovsky also recalled that his anti-Turkish sentiments were much older than the current political crisis. On his Twitter account, the politician wrote that he warned Russia against building a nuclear power station in Turkey five years ago. “I said back then that we were raising a monster near our southern borders. And now we raised it,” he wrote.
I'm liking zhirinovsky more everyday. His anti-turkism is quite refreshing
Cant blame the russians. Which nationality in the world does not want one more day off?
In what comes as a surprise to precisely no one, Russians make up an excuse to spend the day getting drunk.
lol Russians are becoming more miserable and pathetic in each passing day.
Zhirinovsky's attempts to project his self as a Russian/Slavic nationalist are completely and utterly pathetic, the man is an oxymoron, he happens to be the son of a Polish Jew which he initially denied then finally admitted yet makes all kinds of anti-Semitic statements, hardcore nationalists consider him a Jewish 5th column. A charlatan not to be taken seriously no doubt. The brave nation of Turkey does not take the rants of such imbeciles with any consideration.Kudos Turkish brothers.
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