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National Shooter becomes victim of love jihad.

LOL.....I have seen his claims. You must be really gullible to believe them :angel:

One thing I know for SURE is that PlanetWarrior is a Muslim, not a Hindu. Same goes for HinduGuy.

I won't be so sure. There has been a subtle hate Hindu campaign for the last couple of decades and a lot of urban Hindus have fallen for it. Given that I personally know at least 4-5 couples where the girl is Hindu and converted to marry a Muslim. Plus read a lot of cases where the guy has converted to marry a Muslim girl.

Just look at Shahid Kapoor or Mahesh Bhat. Classic examples.
I read his post which is mostly nonsense. There is no circumcision among people of other religions in India. May be in case of hypospadias or some such medical irregularity. I do not know if a few Americanized Indians have adopted it under the belief of its supposed hygiene or whatever, but nothing I have seen or heard from anyone and considering how derogatorily it is viewed among the Hindus, it is definitely an improbability.

I suspect mostly given his chosen name @Bombaywalla, he comes from a mixed religious background and would have been circumscribed if his mom is a Muslim. This is only a guess and if true, this is where his misinformation comes from.

Ok, I said the same thing (medical wise, religious practice), but that doesn't seem to be the case, with the information provided by @Bombaywalla.

I know it is abhorred by many Hindu folk, but I want to see the other side of the argument.
Ok, I said the same thing (medical wise), but that doesn't seem to be the case, with the information provided by @Bombaywalla.

I know it is abhorred by many Hindu folk, but I want to see the other side of the argument.

Actually, his statement confounded me and so I looked up for any such news since at least I am not aware of any such cultural adoptions by Hindus. Not a single news source for its growing popularity or otherwise was to be found. In fact the only mention I found to that was a 2005 report which spoke about the govt's reluctance to dispense the doubtful finding of WHO claiming STD prevention benefits of circumcision. They were terrified of the Hindu response. That should tell you it is a definite No-No.
I read his post which is mostly nonsense. There is no circumcision among people of other religions in India. May be in case of hypospadias or some such medical irregularity. I do not know if a few Americanized Indians have adopted it under the belief of its supposed hygiene or whatever, but nothing I have seen or heard from anyone and considering how derogatorily it is viewed among the Hindus, it is definitely an improbability.

I suspect mostly given his chosen name @Bombaywalla, he comes from a mixed religious background and would have been circumscribed if his mom is a Muslim. This is only a guess and if true, this is where his misinformation comes from.

He is known for making inane comments and observations. Anyways, I am supposed to be giving him a wide berth and not indulge in conversation with him.

Piss off, you frustrated old man. :lol:

You deserve zero decency.

Ah thanks for that. I'm intrigued about the custom crossing religious lines.


@waz, first of all, I apologise for calling you a moron. My bad.

Second of all, religious fundamentalist pieces of low life like Indrani trash don't need to be entertained one bit. The sickening fundamentalist in him in clearly enraged by my statement. Circumcision among Hindus isn't a widespread phenomenon, but it is a LOT more common than people think it is. Take my word for it. Cheers

...the term you are looking for is "katlu" :P

I suspect his father is a Bori Muslim and his mom might be a parsi. I have seen offspring's of such marriages before. Definitely a hybrid. Anyway its off topic.

Ha ha ha noob
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@waz, first of all, I apologise for calling you a moron. My bad.

Second of all, religious fundamentalist pieces of low life like Indrani trash don't need to be entertained one bit. The sickening fundamentalist in him in clearly enraged by my statement. Circumcision among Hindus isn't a widespread phenomenon, but it is a LOT more common than people think it is. Take my word for it. Cheers

That's ok my friend, your apology is warmly accepted.

I'll take your word for it, and to be honest it took me by surprise, but we are all learning.
Piss off, you frustrated old man. :lol:

You deserve zero decency.

@waz, first of all, I apologise for calling you a moron. My bad.

Second of all, religious fundamentalist pieces of low life like Indrani trash don't need to be entertained one bit. The sickening fundamentalist in him in clearly enraged by my statement. Circumcision among Hindus isn't a widespread phenomenon, but it is a LOT more common than people think it is. Take my word for it. Cheers

Ha ha ha noob

@waz you opened a can of worms by alerting this guy on a post to me. No matter how much you would like to see Islamic culture spread across the world, there is a thing called Google. Please look for info there before falling for the words of cretins like this guy. You just need to go through his posts to know that he suffers from serious personality disorder.
That's ok my friend, your apology is warmly accepted.

I'll take your word for it, and to be honest it took me by surprise, but we are all learning.


Some people post here only to further their disgusting fundamentalist agenda, also, because nowhere else will their total and complete BS be accepted. Not to mention, getting personal with other members is totally acceptable to the likes of these low lifes.
Ok, I said the same thing (medical wise, religious practice), but that doesn't seem to be the case, with the information provided by @Bombaywalla.

I know it is abhorred by many Hindu folk, but I want to see the other side of the argument.
Circumcision is done for medical reasons if any, when the foreskin has difficulty in coming back. This is quite common amongst men. Children aren't circumcised by birth, if doctors find a problem, they advice it
Circumcision is done for medical reasons if any, when the foreskin has difficulty in coming back. This is quite common amongst men. Children aren't circumcised by birth, if doctors find a problem, they advice it

How common is it among men? Would you say 9/10 men suffer from complications of foreskin not moving back? Because that would be common. Is it even 1/10? There was a Christian friend of mine in USA who actually got circumcised to attract women because they have this belief that circumcised men satisfy women longer or so. The guy regretted like anything later on, said it was as sensitive as his thumb now.
How common is it among men? Would you say 9/10 men suffer from complications of foreskin not moving back? Because that would be common. Is it even 1/10? There was a Christian friend of mine in USA who actually got circumcised to attract women because they have this belief that circumcised men satisfy women longer or so. The guy regretted like anything later on, said it was as sensitive as his thumb now.
3/10-4/10, yes circumcised penis gives added advantageous! Not relevant for discussion here, sensitivity loss is a side-effect
If you remember the medical test we had at school as kids, well this was what they used to check also
Circumcision is done for medical reasons if any, when the foreskin has difficulty in coming back. This is quite common amongst men. Children aren't circumcised by birth, if doctors find a problem, they advice it

Difficulty with Foreskin is called phimosis and occurs in only 1% of the population. now considering Hindus are 85% of India, among urban Indians the % who would go for surgery to correct phimosis can be a maximum of 0.85%.

There are also non surgical treatments for phimosis so the occurrence of surgery would be very rare unless the doctor wants to make a quick buck.
@waz you opened a can of worms by alerting this guy on a post to me. No matter how much you would like to see Islamic culture spread across the world, there is a thing called Google. Please look for info there before falling for the words of cretins like this guy. You just need to go through his posts to know that he suffers from serious personality disorder.

I wouldn't call a difference of opinion an opening of a "can of worms", pandoras box whatever. I don't really understand where you get that I would want to see "Islamic culture" spreading across the world, and plenty of Africans, Jews and many Christian folk would take grave offence at something they hold dear to their heart, i.e. terming it as Islamic culture is plain wrong.

There is something called Google? Since when? I agreed that it isn't such a common practice.
I won't be so sure. There has been a subtle hate Hindu campaign for the last couple of decades and a lot of urban Hindus have fallen for it. Given that I personally know at least 4-5 couples where the girl is Hindu and converted to marry a Muslim. Plus read a lot of cases where the guy has converted to marry a Muslim girl.

Just look at Shahid Kapoor or Mahesh Bhat. Classic examples.

There is nothing subtle about the hate hindu campaign. It has been going on for at least a 1000 years. .... I am sure about the mentioned person beliefs due to my earlier interactions with them.

Ha ha ha noob

You are welcome batliboy.
3/10-4/10, yes circumcised penis gives added advantageous! Not relevant for discussion here, sensitivity loss is a side-effect
If you remember the medical test we had at school as kids, well this was what they used to check also

That claim is laughable. The regular medical test in school is no indication of hypospadias or a tight foreskin. They check for eyesight and hearing too, does it mean that 3-4/10 children in India are born blind and deaf?
3/10-4/10, yes circumcised penis gives added advantageous! Not relevant for discussion here, sensitivity loss is a side-effect
If you remember the medical test we had at school as kids, well this was what they used to check also

LOL...what advantage does a circumcised penis give ? :cheesy: ...its a painful procedure, recovery is painful too and worse your sensitivities drops like a brick making it that much harder to enjoy sex and taking 3-4 times as long. The Only advantage goes to the women as the man is now required to work harder to achieve 'success' :P

There is nothing natural or advantageous about it.
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