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National Shooter becomes victim of love jihad.

@waz this is all you need to know about this guy's kindness. I mean there I was working hard at being reasonable and digging out info to support claims and counter claims, and this is the hard work this guy puts in.

@Bombaywalla keep it calm my friend.

@Indrani I saw what you wrote above and it's not right.

It is as good an explanation as any considering by circumcision within minutes, three feet of veins, arteries and capillaries, 240 feet of nerves and more than 20,000 nerve endings are destroyed; so are all the muscles, glands, epithelial tissue and sexual sensitivity associated with the foreskin. With an insensitive dick, the only alternative they have to enjoy themselves is with small children which is why the bacchabazi in Afghanistan and the abuse of choir boys by the catholic fathers and the high incidences of gays in the West.

Nice try defending your horrible biased statement against Muslims, you fundamentalist c**t of misery.
Okay. It could be unethical practice of one hospital, but not a common phenomenon. Anyways how many kids come in the first place with problems of phimosis. Before you say a lot, remember we have a lot of babies being born every second.

it is a more complicated problem then you think
it is said the retraction problem of foreskin is solved within 6-10 years, but studies have shown that by the age of 16 it is solved by itself
Without there being a defining age that could be relied upon this problem is treated.
The most common treat (all over india) ends up with circumcision (again debatable as there is no proper study) that has been conducted in recent years
@Indrani I saw what you wrote above and it's not right.

Look that is as plausible an explanation as any. I did not give any cultural reasons. Since people are brandishing its medical benefits, I suppose it is alright to look at its other side too.

Nice try defending your horrible biased statement against Muslims, you fundamentalist c**t of misery.

More sweet reasoning from Batliwala. As far as I know all Jews and about 30% of Christian Americans circumcise too and I have nothing against either group.
@Bombaywalla keep it calm my friend.

That awful human being brings out the worst in me. Horrible, envious, insecure people like him (yes, it's a him pretending to be a middle-aged woman) dwell in negativity every second of their miserable, unhappy lives.

More sweet reasoning from Batliwala. As far as I know all Jews and about 30% of Christian Americans circumcise too and I have nothing against either group.

Oh save it. Don't you get tired of being this ugly, negative, miserable piece of trash 24/7?
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That awful human being brings out the worst in me. Horrible, envious, insecure people like him (yes, it's a him pretending to be a middle-aged woman) dwell in negativity every second of their miserable, unhappy lives.

Oh save it. Don't you get tired of being this ugly, negative, miserable piece of trash 24/7?

Hmm, look at you. You are literally frothing at your mouth. So who is the miserable piece of thrash here? I was having a fine day debating, laughing, and fighting for a cause I believe in. Stuff for which I need to do a whole lot of reading (something which I enjoy) and researching. So where is the question of being negative or ugly or whatever?

What is there to you to be envious about? It must be a terrible bore to be your friend considering you cannot talk about any subject on this planet and your humor quotient is 0.

it is a more complicated problem then you think
it is said the retraction problem of foreskin is solved within 6-10 years, but studies have shown that by the age of 16 it is solved by itself
Without there being a defining age that could be relied upon this problem is treated.
The most common treat (all over india) ends up with circumcision (again debatable as there is no proper study) that has been conducted in recent years

Malpractices are not all that uncommon, but it would not bear out statistics wise.
Hmm, look at you. You are literally frothing at your mouth. So who is the miserable piece of thrash here? I was having a fine day debating, laughing, and fighting for a cause I believe in. Stuff for which I need to do a whole lot of reading (something which I enjoy) and researching. So where is the question of being negative or ugly or whatever?

What is there to you to be envious about? It must be a terrible bore to be your friend considering you cannot talk about any subject on this planet and your humor quotient is 0.

LOL I guess not. You've answered my question - continue to dwell in negativity, and let your backward biases lead you through that petty little life of yours. you think you're some kind of researcher just 'cause you take a few minutes of your empty day to google stuff? :lol:

Humour quotient? Where did that come from, you retard? Talking 'bout Muslims indulging in anal sex because they're circumcised is now humour to you? LOL like I've already said, save your BS for someone who actually cares.
LOL I guess not. You've answered my question - continue to dwell in negativity, and let your backward biases lead you through that petty little life of yours. you think you're some kind of researcher just 'cause you take a few minutes of your empty day to google stuff? :lol:

Humour quotient? Where did that come from, you retard? Talking 'bout Muslims indulging in anal sex because they're circumcised is now humour to you? LOL like I've already said, save your BS for someone who actually cares.

Okay. More garbage post from Mr. Batliwala. Empty rhetoric with absolutely no reasoning or comprehension. Just some more frothing and hyperventilation.

How did you get from my post that I was humoring @waz with my hypothesis of the negatives of circumcision? I did not detect any humor nor did Waz. So as usual you go off on a tangent without rhyme or reason. Yawn.
Malpractices are not all that uncommon, but it would not bear out statistics wise.

Apart from Malpractice, detection itself is a problem. Since we live in a shy family system, problems aren't discussed within the family
Most common cases of detection is painful passage of urine

Again we can go on about this, not a right place to discuss. maybe some other thread some other time
Okay. More garbage post from Mr. Batliwala. Empty rhetoric with absolutely no reasoning or comprehension. Just some more frothing and hyperventilation.

LOL judging by your history of abusing other members here on pdf solely because of their beliefs or because they happen to live life differently from your shitty fundamentalist ways, you deserve nothing; zero decency. You can play stupid and act all rosy when it suits you, but we all know the low life we're dealing with.

How did you get from my post that I was humoring @waz with my hypothesis of the negatives of circumcision? I did not detect any humor nor did Waz. So as usual you go off on a tangent without rhyme or reason. Yawn.

yawn. you know exactly what I'm taking about. Stop getting off on me now :lol:
Look that is as plausible an explanation as any. I did not give any cultural reasons. Since people are brandishing its medical benefits, I suppose it is alright to look at its other side too.

The "friction" thing is not correct. The female vagina has an amazing ability to self heal, considering it undergoes child birth and other strains. There is no reason why a man would prefer anal sex with a man because of friction.
The "friction" thing is not correct. The female vagina has an amazing ability to self heal, considering it undergoes child birth and other strains. There is no reason why a man would prefer to anal sex with a man because of "friction".

Who the heck does someone in the bum for the 'friction'.

It's the attraction of breaking a taboo.

It takes convincing even if it's your girlfriend/SO.
Who the heck does someone in the bum for the 'friction'.

It's the attraction of breaking a taboo.

It takes convincing even if it's your girlfriend/SO.

Lol, I was thinking the same thing my man. :agree:
The "friction" thing is not correct. The female vagina has an amazing ability to self heal, considering it undergoes child birth and other strains. There is no reason why a man would prefer anal sex with a man because of friction.

Please. There is a reason why virgins are in such a premium. So half the guys bragging about a tight this or a tight that are actually looking for something tighter.

Who the heck does someone in the bum for the 'friction'.

It's the attraction of breaking a taboo.

It takes convincing even if it's your girlfriend/SO.

Did not say the girlfriends are looking for it.

Also no, the vagina does not get tighter after a childbirth. There is a reason so many women go on pessaries or have stress incontinence having gone through one too many deliveries.
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Well if he married her in Hindu marriage ritual then he himself is Not a Muslim :) so why force her to convert ? when he is questionable himself.

Seems a domestic dispute and now the woman is revenging. I support the WOMAN because torture and abuse can not be neglected
Thats because he tried Taqiyya and marry her and convert her by Deceit, he thought after marriage she would be quiet and will tolerate his whims as a subservient Muslim female will do after marriage. She didn't he got pissed off at her reluctance to conversion to islam.

Domestic dispute is only in the minds of Muslims, even after a case is filed they will try to push this under carpet like they tried Character Assasination of the Meerut Gang rape and Conversion in Madarssa victim..Because They can outrage over Gaza as long as its Kafirs killing muslims but when Muslims do the same not a word of it.
We know the hypocrisy well.
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