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Yara, I'm on heavy medication... all those posts from that particular day are like a vague memory..... :P

Oye, me to yaha tha.. I was here when we send you to Europe Disneyland with that fractured leg, thanks to your marriage :P
Yara, I'm on heavy medication... all those posts from that particular day are like a vague memory..... :P

What happened?? You know what, I am getting more and more scared about getting married :help:
Nah, don't be. It's an awesome thing. Trust me....... :)

Btw, my wife didn't hurt my leg.... my stupidity did...... there is NO medication for callousness... :P

What happened?? You know what, I am getting more and more scared about getting married :help:
Nah, don't be. It's an awesome thing. Trust me....... :)

Btw, my wife didn't hurt my leg.... my stupidity did...... there is NO medication for callousness... :P

I was kidding mate... I know your wife loves you a lot!! And you being very old, you need some company :whistle:

BTW how was the tour?
So so... sat most of it out.... ate a ton of food..... drank coke over and over and over and over........ the kids haven't returned back, yet..... they'll be here day after tomorrow... atm relaxing and having a star trek marathon..... :D

I was kidding mate... I know your wife loves you a lot!! And you being very old, you need some company :whistle:

BTW how was the tour?
So so... sat most of it out.... ate a ton of food..... drank coke over and over and over and over........ the kids haven't returned back, yet..... they'll be here day after tomorrow... atm relaxing and having a star trek marathon..... :D

Oye.. You didnt had any fasting?? Any plan to visit India?
BTW...anyone checking the parliament session.....BIGGGG FAIL......has anything even passed as of now ?
Majority Indian Hindus are/were strictly vegetarian and meat is used excessively in Pakistan/India by Muslims. Its getting change now as some hindus started eating chicken or fish or even mutton in western countries. I said most of these restaurant owners may label their restaurant/food as Indian because its more marketable and recognisable in western countries but they serve Pakistani meat dishes/kebab/beef/lamb etc

Sir that is wrong information... Indians of Vaishnav sect (Followers of Hindu God Vishnu) are vegans and prefer vegetarian food etc. However, Hindus of Shaivik (Followers of Shiva) are not vegans and actually they use meat even to serve their God. Kashmiri Pundits are majority meat eaters because they follow the shaivik line. Similarly, in South India, there is a nice mix of Shaiviks and Vaishnavs and in general Islam has nothing to do with those eating habits.

Obviously in the modern world, because the non-vegetarian delecacies are so much, it is finding more and more people wanting to trying it. However, at the same time, you have people in the west turbing vegans and what not...

Regarding serving pakistani food in western countries, this is the first time I am hearing it. Would you please elaborate what really is Pakistani food or how is it different from Kashmiri Wazwan or Food in India Punjab (except the use of Beef in Pakistan and Pork in Punjab)
@BDforever How did you end up getting banned, answer when you can. :undecided:

I am back

i was banned as Eid gift for bashing Pakistan but you know i do not start :sarcastic:
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defence geeks, ive posted a lot of threads in the warfare section from top defence sites --- participation from you guys would be nice
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