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Yes I know! I have said this before....Zia era was best for overseas and international level! Did he do mistakes, most likely everyone does...But who are they to dump the blame?! COZ SERIOUSLY! unless someone was missing BOTH his eyes when they became PM/ PRESIDENT AFTER Zia, didnt they see Pakistan taking a dip? If they did, then why didnt they pull the reins during their regime?! Why balme a man who has been dead for what? 20+ years?!

It is easier to pass the blame then to man up and say yes we saw it take a dip and we let it coz we were busy filling OUR OWN POCKETS!

It is because the Pakistani awam is a nakami awam which is always looking for something or someone to blame or some easy way out.
See but the problem is you guys always bash zia and list his mistakes but never off up any realistic solutions. Now while I got no love for Zia I do not think he is at the center of Pakistan's problems because all that he did was actually accepted by many Pakistanis of the time and so if current generation have a problem they should try to make changes instead of bitching about it all the time. :cheesy:

Trust me , mate , whilst you are safely outside the country , enjoying life at the moment in the United States , we the people are suffering from the mistakes and blunders he made without realizing the long term effects . This is as simple , as I can make it for you . Doesn't even concern you , you see , since it wont affect you there . The radicalization of the masses was the worst thing to happen to Pakistan , simple point again , he's not responsible for every problem but the most worst ones of terrorism and extremism , importing a whole intolerant ideology and tarnishing the fabric of moderate Pakistani society . Yes it was , I will not deny that , because the godless infidels had landed in Afghanistan and the myth of ' warm waters ' was exaggerated to hell .
Trust me , mate , whilst you are safely outside the country , enjoying life at the moment in the United States , we the people are suffering from the mistakes and blunders he made without realizing the long term effects . This is as simple , as I can make it for you . Doesn't even concern you , you see , since it wont affect you there . The radicalization of the masses was the worst thing to happen to Pakistan , simple point again , he's not responsible for every problem but the most worst ones of terrorism and extremism , importing a whole intolerant ideology and tarnishing the fabric of moderate Pakistani society . Yes it was , I will not deny that , because the godless infidels had landed in Afghanistan and the myth of ' warm waters ' was exaggerated to hell .

I have always acknowledged that what happens in Pakistan has little effect on me. Yes I agree you are suffering but honestly speaking what have you, your neighbor, or anyone does to change the course Pakistan is currently on? What did zia import pray tell me that was not already in Pakistan? The deobandis were against the creation of Pakistan yet they were allowed to travel over when Pakistan was created. Zia only empowered a group that was already present. The Taliban are deobandis today and were yesterday as well. So then shouldn't Muhammad Ali Jinnah be blamed for being lenient on the people who opposed his brain child? :pop:
Unfortunate that he had to deal with the numbnuts. But trying to do repetitive arguments with them is like convincing a dog he is a cat.. wait.. you might pull that off with a dog.

Oh he can handle it.

Btw what's more complex to manufacture, a low bypass engine or a high bypass one? Could one technically build a high bypass one easily if one has succeeded in building the other?
And guess what? I got completely drained..... You say A, they say Z.... you say Y they say B........ what's the point anyways? In real life, I have a habit of not engaging a person for the second time, and here I tried 30 times at least..... I think it's kind of waste of efforts......

Unfortunate that he had to deal with the numbnuts. But trying to do repetitive arguments with them is like convincing a dog he is a cat.. wait.. you might pull that off with a dog.
I want you to re read your own childish post of ' insulting other's mothers ' , see what you wrote again without any reason :azn:


Stop provoking him...its like those 12 yr olds who laugh and snort at others and when they get punched cry to mummy! Sorry to say but thats what this sounds like! You wanna be punched then make sure you man up and dont let him get banned for abiding to your demands of wanting a punch otherwise zip it! :rofl: :rofl: Man I sound rude :ashamed:
A classmate just finished his FRCS in maxillofacial surgery........ poor thing studied continuously for the past 20 years..... at last he gets to live his life.... :D

I needed 2 minor surgeries from that team ...Mind you the team was observing me like I was their new lab rat coz they had not seen such a condition...idiots! No idea why they study soo much then again cant blame them for weird symptoms! :ashamed:
Oh he can handle it.

Btw what's more complex to manufacture, a low bypass engine or a high bypass one? Could one technically build a high bypass one easily if one has succeeded in building the other?

Oh bhai mujhe kyun marna chahta hai.. My head is already going crazy with referecing for dissertation and paraphrasing along with coming up with a concluson.

Ill give you an off forum link to another place where a very knowledgeable poster and an excellent post on this exists.. search his posts, there is no better in-depth and yet easy to get stuff on engines than him.

Is the Turbojet dead ?|F-16|Forum :: F-16.net

Nothing is easier or more difficult to produce as such.. as each today are quite advanced and have their own particular designs that have different cost structures.
And guess what? I got completely drained..... You say A, they say Z.... you say Y they say B........ what's the point anyways? In real life, I have a habit of not engaging a person for the second time, and here I tried 30 times at least..... I think it's kind of waste of efforts......

Keep adding their names to the "those who shall swing" list. :)

That OR go in and have a civil war- seriously the latter would please me greatly.:agree:
@Armstrong gayab kahaan ho gaya?
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