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Shutup East Pakistani fish eater. :sniper:

Meh you should see me and @Armstrong get into one of our old exchanges..those used to be fun..page long essays. AND not one twit out of you could have matched the quality me and my brother were putting forth. :angry:

oh yeeah.. those long posts... :lol:
There are two posters whose English I dont understand, one you and other one is marsa.. (dont want to mention here.. lol, )
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How long did it take for you to realize , Brutus ! :D

True , we aren't merely enemies , we are arch nemesis . Something else comes to my mind too ' Neither can live while the other survives ' :rofl:

Indeed if Pakistan must fall hindustan is screwed as well. Even if hindustan has nothing to do with anything going on in Pakistan. :rofl:
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