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It's ok. I understand. All extraordinarily-gorgeous girls have some sort of kinky side to them. :D

But that doesn't mean that I'll leave you alive... :whistle:

you two..

Yea....I would adopt if I end up single by the time I finish my PhD....I mean seriously what is life alone?! Strict on siblings? Yea kinda ...though am the youngest...I tend to get bossy and over protective :ashamed:

Oh please you ending up single even then? Not a chance, i thought we agreed you had killer eyes :D hahaha
actually life alone is the best. I like the idea of that and personally admire that fact that you didn't get married. If you ask me, that's the way to go, but that's just my opinion lol :P
Lmaooooooooooooo but that's good though, shows you care :D my younger sister is 10 and she reminds me of you actually, she's so responsible and does boss me around, but i let her cuz i don't like taking responsibility myself :rofl:
Most of the Pakistani posters here don't want any real trade between India and Pakistan...its not as if trading with each other will hamper us from killing each other if it comes down to it..but even so they believe that we will gobble up their market.

We wouldn't mind trade relations and economic integration at all..in fact we welcome it..every single political fraction does..even the hard liners.

That is not entirely true....theres nothing that you can do to our Market that the Chinese haven't already done & the Power Outages haven't managed to take care of the remainder; whatever is left is resilient enough to compete with the best in the world on an equal footing.....yes I've audited some of them Textile Giants (okay only 2 :ashamed: ) but I've talked to many an Industry expert here & they are very much willing to get access to the Indian Market because in the end they know that their exports are highly competitive.

What we do have an issue with, however are two things :

(i) I've heard first-hand accounts of what your Non-Tariff barriers have done to our exports....the entire produce of a relative of mine went bad because it didn't reach its intended destination in India due to some mind boggling bureaucratic red-tape.....he then switched to China the next time around & hasn't looked back ever since !

So take care of those Non-Tariff barriers otherwise the MFN is little more than a 3 letter word !

(ii) We have serious reservations about India's reluctance on talking about Kashmir or our Issues but shoving your own into our faces with such arrogance that we naturally feel angered. Trade is good but no amount of trade is going to wish away the festering wound between India & Pakistan; sit down & talk about Kashmir otherwise don't misconstrue our reluctance to go the entire distance with the whole trade & cultural exchanges thing, as an irrational reluctance borne out of the Ghosts of the Partition & the resultant acrimony, as most of your self-styled analysts & writers alike have the habit of doing. We do indeed want a closure but we want it on more equitable terms....peace is a solution to the Kashmir Issue not Bollywood films playing in Pakistan & Pakistani Singers singing in India.
Ahemmm. @Secur..you were referring to us. We aren't enemies..we are just going throw a phase of disagreement..granted the phase has lasted almost a century now but what of it. Besides IF we weren't close to KSA we'd still be planning with Iran on how to expand Shia militancy in Pakistan..see we're being nice now. :angel:

How long did it take for you to realize , Brutus ! :D

True , we aren't merely enemies , we are arch nemesis . Something else comes to my mind too ' Neither can live while the other survives ' :rofl:
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Most of the Pakistani posters here don't want any real trade between India and Pakistan...its not as if trading with each other will hamper us from killing each other if it comes down to it..but even so they believe that we will gobble up their market.

We wouldn't mind trade relations and economic integration at all..in fact we welcome it..every single political fraction does..even the hard liners.

It isn't about what Pakistanis in PDF want or what Indians want. You guys must get along with each other. In fact, Indians politicians and Pakistanis often compromise for the sake of both nations.

India is on the rise remember that, and while she is becoming an ascending power she most certainly take its neighbors with her, just think of it like the spread of Capitalism or the domino effect in the 60s.
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