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Lol! :lol:

I agree with your right to defend all members of your family from any sort of personal attack or comments that may be deemed offensive, it is after all; the honorable thing to do.

By the way, it won't be easy to leave Apple's ecosystem once you have gotten used to it. Repurchasing, finding equivalent application substitutes on Android, & getting used to another OS will be slightly stressful, even though changing platforms is a lot easier than it used to be. The same applies to those switching from other operating systems too. Just make sure that the next device you purchase has all of the necessary stuff to suit your needs. For instance; if you value one handed operation than the Xperia Z Ultra isn't a good choice & if you want great battery life then the Note 3 might be worth considering. In tablets, there are some pretty good Android offerings these days, but iOS still has more tablet optimized applications.
What are you talking about to whome?
What personal attack?
What is it to you?
What are you talking about to whome?
What personal attack?
What is it to you?

I am talking to the user I quoted. Inappropriate comments even if meant as a joke about people's family members aren't appropriate, & even those reading them provided they have self-respect would be annoyed by that.
I am talking to the user I quoted. Inappropriate comments even if meant as a joke about people's family members aren't appropriate, & even those reading them would be annoyed by that.
If there was a problem,the mods would have handled it or not?
What are you the moral officer of the forum?
If there was a problem,the mods would have handled it or not?
What are you the moral officer of the forum?

Lol! No, I am not the moral officer of this forum, but your responses to my comment proves that you realize that your comments were inappropriate. There is really no way around this. The moderators have no need to handle it, because those posts were jokes, but inappropriate jokes & comments nevertheless made towards a woman's family. Even I have had arguments with members here, but I wouldn't make a comment regarding their family members unless they were to comment on mine. In real life, no one with a shred of dignity would allow their family to be targeted. It is as simple as that.
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Lol! :lol:

I agree with your right to defend all members of your family from any sort of personal attack or comments that may be deemed offensive, it is after all; the honorable thing to do.

Moving on to the gif images issue again, the decision to switch from Apple is up to you, but it won't be easy to leave Apple's ecosystem once you have gotten used to it. Repurchasing, finding equivalent application substitutes on Android, & getting used to another OS will be slightly stressful, even though changing platforms is a lot easier than it used to be. The same applies to those switching from other operating systems too. Just make sure that the next device you purchase has all of the necessary stuff to suit your needs. For instance; if you value one handed operation than the Xperia Z Ultra isn't a good choice & if you want great battery life then the Note 3 might be worth considering. In tablets, there are some pretty good Android offerings these days, but iOS still has more tablet optimized applications.

By the way, I hope you aren't switching simply because you can't post gif images. :woot:

No dont worry I still have some of my brain cells working.So I wont switch just because my gif images aren't working.8-)
But you are right I wont be able to quit the apple "ecosystem" at home so easily...I am using everything except the ipods.Its like nicotine,just that I dont smoke it.:drag:
My hubby has already switched to note-3 and its a good device.It too allows the users to have one handed operation.And you are right about tab nothing comes close to iPad.
But why is it that I see a lot of ppl switching to Lumia????Almost everyone is holding a colourful lumia.Is it its price or its features???

If there was a problem,the mods would have handled it or not?
What are you the moral officer of the forum?
Lol! No, I am not the moral officer of this forum, but your responses to my comment proves that you realize that your comments were inappropriate. There is really no way around this. The moderators have no need to handle it, because those posts were jokes, but inappropriate jokes & comments nevertheless made towards a woman's family. In real life, no one with a shred of dignity would allow their family to be targeted. It is as simple as that.

Ok guys.....I dont want this to escalate.
@T-123456 and @p(-)0ENiX teacher wants you guys to shake hands now.
And yes I might be harsher if a stranger (on the forum or in real life) comments on my family members.
But then @T-123456 is a friend....
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No dont worry I still have some of my brain cells working.So I wont switch just because my gif images aren't working.8-)
But you are right I wont be able to quit the apple "ecosystem" at home so easily...I am using everything except the ipods.Its like nicotine,just that I dont smoke it.:drag:
My hubby has already switched to note-3 and its a good device.It too allows the users to have one handed operation.And you are right about tab nothing comes close to iPad.
But why is it that I see a lot of ppl switching to Lumia????Almost everyone is holding a colourful lumia.Is it its price or its features???

Yeah, the Note 3's attempt at allowing one handed operation is interesting & well implemented. To the Lumia? I really don't know why, but I guess it's a combination of price & features. The Lumia is a good device, it's just that I am not a big fan of Windows Phone. Although, I should add that I don't have enough experience with it. I don't like how the interface is based solely on live tiles, it gets boring.

Ok guys.....I dont want this to escalate.
@T-123456 and @p(-)0ENiX teacher wants you guys to shake hands now.
And yes I might be harsher if a stranger (on the forum or in real life) comments on my family members.
But then @T-123456 is a friend....

Remember back when we had our arguments? Did I target family members even as a joke? Nope. I don't mind seeing anyone on this forum verbally fight or argue because that is somewhat natural & could lead to good debates, but there need to be limits. Insulting family members is an example of breaking those limits. That's just common decency. Other than that, they may verbally insult each other or argue online all they want, & I wouldn't interfere. I never interfere in any fight or argument on this forum unless it gets extremely out of hand, & even then the best way to handle the situation is to diffuse it. Of course, out of hand here implies insults hurled at family members, religion, etc. Personally, even when I have had arguments excluding this one on the forum, it has almost always been because I found a post aimed at me offensive or in some cases, I overreacted to some posts & later apologized. If any guy were to make inappropriate comments about my parents or about my wife (in the future, whenever I get married of course), it would lead to a hell of a fight. In any case, I know those posts were jokes, & that they don't really concern the rest of us too much on an online forum, that is why my initial comment regarding that was made directly towards you. Besides, my initial post telling you that you had the right to defend your family wasn't offensive, neither was it a lie, nor was it backbiting or slandering anyone because you yourself noted that those comments could be deemed offensive. It was for the most part simply a general statement trying to inform you of your right to defend yourself in case you had been offended. I guess I should have worded it a little better, & the whole world knows jokes about families or relatives could easily be considered rude. Whenever I do discuss or even insult specific people, I make sure that those individuals have been mentioned in my posts so that they are aware of it. Of course there is no need to mention anyone right now because all of concerned parties are aware of the situation.

Besides, I didn't interfere in this discussion either. I thought you were offended & even you agreed these comments could be considered offensive because they involve family members. People can make as many jokes as they like with others here & it's a non-issue. Hypothetically, if two people were arguing & insulting family members back & forth online, I might try to diffuse the situation in cases where a female forum member is involved. The whole point of the initial post was to let you know, that you should defend yourself & this goes for everyone on this forum. Other than that different people tolerate different kinds of jokes, & if two members can tolerate offensive jokes among themselves, I of course do not have a right to interfere. The initial comment was made not only to inform people of their rights, but to also because it seemed from your posts that the comments made regarding your family had offended you. In the past, there was another member insulting someone's race with words that shouldn't be mentioned in a family friendly environment. Back then I told the member receiving the insults to ignore them, simply because it is right to stand up for someone when they are being abused. In any case, yeah this explanation has become way too lengthy, but I had to clarify myself. Anyway, jokes made to each other in a friendly manner are perfectly acceptable, even offensive jokes may be acceptable if the response from the receiving party indicates that they aren't offended. Initiating a fight is a different story, & I don't care about people fighting or being rude to each other at all. So in conclusion, I repeat, my purpose of the initial post aimed at you was to inform you that you have the right to defend yourself & it's the right thing to do. Anyway, now that I think about it, the member that I had an argument with right now was the same person that made a "hahaha" comment back when I was offended by one of your posts. I didn't reply to his post back then in spite of how offensive it was because I considered it a waste of time. So I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but even thinking about that comment of his now is infuriating.
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actually i asked @Dillinger to just reply on the email that he has of me......& guess what....i was banned just for using the word EMAIL over a PM :D
honestly? was that realy the reason webby mentioned? :undecided:
coz i even exchanged phone numbers.
maybe the rules are stricter for people who have a history
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@ExtraOdinary bhai anyway of contacting you? don't share your email by pm you will be banned :P

Add me on gtalk/facebook? Wait I see you have a twitter account, will create one for myself and PM you there. PS: I don't wanna get banned right now, BD section mein kaafi fun ho rha hai :sarcastic:
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