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Great!! I haven't been to San Diego but have been to LA, SFO. For Thanksgiving Holiday, I just came back from NYC.

Cool!!! I spent maximum # of days in San Diego. I had posted many pics in 'my photography' thread. Whenever, time and pocket allows you, do visit Captiva Island and SD. You won't repent spending your time and $$$.
Cool!!! I spent maximum # of days in San Diego. I had posted many pics in 'my photography' thread. Whenever, time and pocket allows you, do visit Captiva Island and SD. You won't repent spending your time and $$$.

Sure sure! Thanks for suggesting!! Since I don't login much these days, I've probably missed your photography thread. But I'l check it out. :)
Fine, you get to choke on the snow too and join your brother in Buttsy heaven.:lol:
Told ya keep dreaming even your avatar said so:

Sure sure! Thanks for suggesting!! Since I don't login much these days, I've probably missed your photography thread. But I'l check it out. :)

I didn't post pictures from LA and Cap. Island as I'm yet to upload them on FB.

@Dillinger I know the difference between joke and hitting out on some one. However, people should know the difference between a joke and a derogatery joke. The derogatery joke forced me to hit out.

@Armstrong also cracks jokes at me but they aren't derogatory. I never had problem with it.
I didn't post pictures from LA and Cap. Island as I'm yet to upload them on FB.

@Dillinger I know the difference between joke and hitting out on some one. However, people should know the difference between a joke and a derogatery joke. The derogatery joke forced me to hit out.

@Armstrong also cracks jokes at me but they aren't derogatory. I never had problem with it.

Well Buttsy did call you fat, I am sure he deserves an a$$ whooping too.:angel:

Told ya keep dreaming even your avatar said so:


Hey you butted in, if you absolutely must intervene then you get to share his fate. :taz:

@Armstrong Saw the new supes movie quite late, have been struck by Shannon's portrayal of Dru Zod and Faora Ul. Its easy to screw up the role of genetically engineered super soldiers, where even the psychotic and absent emotion behavior comes off as affected but here the cold and driven cruelty is so genuine.
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Or maybe he does that twice a day so as to not to stain the repute of his ancestors on this particular account :lol:
That is not nice of you,mocking my brother and only because he is a bit overweight(350 kilo,771 pounds).:nono:
He has other qualities(we will find out some day).

Hey @T-123456 , I just noticed one thing, are you a Mod now ?
No never,why you ask?
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