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What if Defence.pk members come together and build a nation called Defence.pk, a new nation state? It would the smartest nation on earth.
What if Defence.pk members come together and build a nation called Defence.pk, a new nation state? It would the smartest nation on earth.

It already exists, its called the nation of Naswar, unfortunately for you its a monarchy and you along with that kitten huffing Alpha are the serfs- now get back to the fields.
What if Defence.pk members come together and build a nation called Defence.pk, a new nation state? It would the smartest nation on earth.
NOT realy ;
this place is very much like our planet;
Full of fueds and disunity everywhere ; for example
go to middle east section or Iranian and Arab defence sections ,you can observe Persian Arab rivalry at display;
Anyone can see Indo pak Rivalry here too; here i must mention that by talking and interacting with Indians here and especialy Naswarville MY VIEW About Indians has realy changed and the bias that is usually inbuilt both in Pakistanis and Indians since Childhood (read indoctrinated) is gone
Amen to that.....

Unborn as in foetus?

@Loki my BD brother....bro why this Personal enmity with me.....I respect you a lot but in return I get a BAN again & again......:D

do you belong to Bangladesh or BANgladesh? :D
What if Defence.pk members come together and build a nation called Defence.pk, a new nation state? It would the smartest nation on earth.

Not quite.

@Loki my BD brother....bro why this Personal enmity with me.....I respect you a lot but in return I get a BAN again & again......:D

I don't have enmity with anyone.

do you belong to Bangladesh or BANgladesh? :D

@Loki How goes the rumor mill? Any new RAW conspiracies? Man, you folks should have been happy to have a big brother like us...:yahoo:
eating orios drinking coke .. contemplating a long day of building construction -- my tekaydar threatened to quit and venomized the architect as well.... diplomacy was done today be me... tomorrow i will bring the baton to the battlefield again :D
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